作者viscious ()
標題Re: [請益] 旅台加拿大同好的尋物清單
時間Tue Jul 21 14:53:25 2009
※ 引述《sPz101 (學好戰技殺共匪)》之銘言:
: 1/12th scale 1930 Bentley 4.5L car
: (this old kit was made by Airfix and by MPC),
: The Verlinden 1/48 B-17G interior detail set.
: Any old Tamiya 1/6 scale Motorcycle kits.
: 下官代他詢問各位大大:
: 上開三項,在台北市還有得找乎?
: (那位老兄住在嘉義 @.@)
: ------
: 另,他還問說台灣有沒有可以互通有無的模型同好會。
: 需要幫NTUMRC打廣告乎?
: (他會問這個問題的原因之一是他不會說中文,可能也看不懂@.@)
Don't come to me,just cause you're lonely tonight
Lonely's only part of your game
Long as you live,you must remeber one thing
Give and take are one in the same
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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