作者kilor (myth)
標題Question from Roger Liu
時間Sun Aug 10 12:43:01 2003
Actually I have a question, I don't know if I told you
last time, but I have been selling shoes online, website
is at www.shoesandtoys.com, still updating a lot of stuff,
my question is, there is a demand for CUSTOM MADE SHOES,
for example, I buy a pair of nike air force or dunk, and
then custom paint it so no one has that color. I am
thinking to paint the shoes with CAMOUFLAGE color, do you
know how to do that? I remember seeing some of the gundams
or tank models with camouflage color and was wondering
if the color can be WASHED OFF or are they permanent, and
if you have any ideas about what is the best way to go
about painting shoes( for example, what tools to use),
the trouble I am having is: it is hard to cover the edges
of shoes, so sometimes when painting them I make mistakes...
Anyways, thanks for helping out~
大家還記得roger嗎? 大約兩年前來的 對鋼彈有興趣的交換學生
沒有的話 我只好掃瞄雜誌再寄給他囉~
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