NTUJapan05 板


不好意思在系板做這種事 請原諒我....~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~ alchemist又臨時決定給唐至綺當了(唐至綺你不可以拒絕唷) --------------------------以下開始----------------------------- ACT1 Alchemist: No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn't know it. Shepherd: Good-bye. Voice-over: Just as the boy went away, the alchemist suddenly began to laugh in his sleeve, making an evil chuckling as if he had already planned something to come. Alchemist: ??????…that idiot shepherd! Doesn't he know that this is all but a set-up? Who cares about the treasure? All I want is his fianc?e---Fatima! ????! (Door bell rings: ding-dong!) Mom: Who's this? Alchemist: Hi, nice to meet you, is Fatima there? Mom: Who are you…wait a minute, I know you! You are the one who played Mama's boy on last semester's presentation! Alchemist: (angrily) NO I AM NOT! I AM THE ALCHEMIST! Fatima: (from back behind) who is it, mom? Mom: Oh, it's just Mama's boy. He wants to see you. Alchemist: (out loud) I AM NOT MAMA'S BOY I AM THE ALCHEMSIT! Fatima: What do you want? Alchemist: Ooh, my dear Fatima, at last, since the first time we met I've fell in love with you! Now that idiot shepherd is gone, we can finally be with each other forever! I wish I knew how to quit you~(flying kisses) Fatima: (laughs) what are you talking about? That's stupid! Mom: Yeah! You really crack me up! Well, I'm sorry, Mama's boy, but I can't let you take Fatima away like this. Alchemist: What about this? (Takes out gold) Mom: Oh my god---Holy cow! Is that gold--- (turns to Fatima) I'm sorry my dear, but I think you'd better listen to what he said. Fatima: WHAT?! I'm not gonna marry with a geezer! Mom: (angrily) don't you ever say that to Mr. Alchemist! Fatima: NO WAY! (Runs away) Alchemist: I'm afraid it's not up to you---(spells) Petrificus Totalus! (Fatima screams and falls down the floor) Fatima: What did you done to me! (to Mom, crying) Mom, I can't feel my leg! Mom: (seriously) Stay put, Fatima! Do you wanna get kidnapped?! (to alchemist, gently) so, what are we gonna do now? Fatima: You bastard! You dumb head! You selfish prig! Alchemist: (carefree and happily) whatever~! Fatima: (pauses and) you Mama's boy! Alchemist: (angrily) What did you call me?! Mom: Well, well, well, let me think how to perfect this wedding… Voice-over: Just as then, suddenly, someone shows up, and that is--- Shepherd: Wait! Fatima: Ooh, my love! Alchemist: No way! Not today! Shepherd: Shame on you! But it's all over now! I am here to save my dear love! Fatima: (cry out loud) hero---? Alchemist: (beefs) you'll receive a whipping if you keep doing that. (Spells, shepherd petrified) Mom: Ooooh yeah! Gold! Fatima: No------- (crying) it's not fair! (Pauses) Give me three days; if I can break your spell you'll have to set us free or I'll marry you immediately! Alchemist: Hmmm, interesting…deal, then. Get ready for our wedding,?????! Voice-over: Fatima is so depressed, so depressed, so depressed that she can't even breathe…No, no! She gotta be brave and strong! Because she's the woman of the desert! Fatima: Because I am the woman of the desert---F-A-T-I-M-A! ACT 2 Voice-over: One day has passed… Fatima: what am I gonna do? I don't want to marry with Mama's boy! Dad: Hey, what's on your mind, my little princess? Fatima: Daddy, I'm so confused…I don't know what to do next… Dad: You really don't like Mama's boy? (Fatima shakes her head) well, then maybe you should go back to the Englishman. Maybe he can help you out. Fatima: That's a good idea, thanks Dad, love ya! Voice-over: Later that day, Fatima arrives at the Englishman's place. Fatima: Hello, is anyone home? Englishman: (dancing) who are you? Fatima: I'm Santiago's fianc?e, Fatima, I need your help! Englishman: What happened? Fatima: If I don't turn Satiago from gold to human in three days I'll have to marry the alchemist! Englishman: No---! He is completely retarded! Fatima: I know! Englishman: That really sucks! …anyway, I don't know how to help you, either! I think you need a sacred crystal to purify the evil spell. You can go the crystal's, ya know, the one of Santiago's friend. He surely owns lots of crystals. ACT 3 Voice-over: On the second day, Fatima finally arrives at the crystal merchant's. (Merchant walking away) Fatima: Hey---wait! Where are you going! I need you! Merchant: Sorry, I am not interested. Fatima: No! Voice-over: So there Fatima told the crystal merchant all the things round and finally the merchant says… Merchant: I'm sorry but you're too late! I already quit! Cause I'm going to Mecca now! Fatima: Damn! Merchant: Well, maybe there's still someone you could count on. Fatima: Who? Merchant: Your heart. Fatima: Don't be silly. It's not funny! Merchant: Seriously! Look! (Clauses×2, Heart appears) Heart: Hello, sweethearts! Did someone just call my name? Merchant: See? Just as what I said. Fatima: No kidding! You mean this stuff is my heart? Heart: Hey, watch your mouth! I'm not "stuff"! Fatima: No way! She's so…….HUGE! Heart: (angrily) you got a problem with that?! Fatima: Nope, just to make sure that we were on the same page! Merchant: We're in trouble here. Heart: I'm listening?? (blinks) Fatima: Tell me where to find the crystal that could recover someone from gold! Heart: What kind of question is that? Merchant: You'd better got hurry, there's only half-a-day left. Fatima: No! Heart: Hey, calm down! I think what you need is not the crystal. Fatima: Then what? Heart: all you need is-this. (Takes out a paper which says "personal legend") See? You don't need anything to make you brave! All the courage you got is already in your heart within yourself! Merchant: She's right. Just as I thought I could never make it to Mecca, now what? I'm already on my way. Fatima: You guys…(with tears in her eyes) OK, I'm ready, let's go! ACT 4 Alchemist: hey, honey sweet, you're back! Remember our wedding? Heart: No, she's no longer Fatima anymore, she's reformed herself and now she is---沙烏地.Sylvia! Fatima: That's enough, anymore is just overkill! (cries out loud and throws "personal legend" heavily to alchemist) Alchemist: Ahhhhhhhhhh--- Fatima: Oh yeah! Shepherd: Oh, I'm back! Mom: No----my gold! My money! My life---! Dad: Honey, Knock it off. Voice-over: And that's how the story ends, everybody live together, ever happily after. Heart: What a lovely story! -the end- --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:→ trapnestRAN:homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~b94107020/Alchemist.doc 06/14 01:46
2F:→ trapnestRAN:同組的要列印原稿的同學或是要修改的請自便唷~ 06/14 01:47
3F:推 anneju:怎麼又是又臭又長的楊雷風啊XD 06/14 14:20
4F:推 afloweret:就是嘛 06/15 22:32
5F:推 trapnestRAN:( ‵□′)───C<─___-)|||既不臭也不長辣(=‵′=) 06/16 20:23

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