作者tmd (難過是這種感覺吧)
標題湯明哲併購--MBC Questions
時間Fri May 2 21:40:03 2003
老師剛剛才寄 大家加油!
Dear All:
The discussion questions for Metromedia Broadcasting are the following:
1. What are the characteristics of the broadcasting industry?
What are the implications of industry characteristics to a firm's
debt/equity structure?
2. Why did MBC want to change its financial structure from bank loans
to junk bonds?
3. What is the structure of the bond series? Why was it structured in
such a way? What are the characteristics of each bond series?
4. What are the purposes of such a structure?
5. If you were the Eagle Savings and Loans executive, do you want
to buy the bond? Which bond best fits your needs?
Again, this is a monster case, try your best.
Good luck and keep away from SARS.
Professor Tang
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From:
1F:→ truda:真好...老湯都匯寄題目... 推 05/03
2F:→ kanaka:可是這份case看的好痛苦 >< 推 05/03
3F:→ keepon:抓狂了 推 05/03