作者yufen (我恨電腦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
標題[公告] 好消息…博士班獎學金
時間Tue Aug 17 14:49:15 2004
徵 博士班研究生
Dear Professors,
How are you doing? I have been working in National University of Singapore
for almost 6 months. Things started quite slow but the situation is improving. I
am holding a joint appointment between Oncology Research Institute and
Department of Biochemistry. Both of the institutes had building renovation in
the past three months and only until last week I have just settled down with the
new place. I might have a PhD scholarship (stating from Jan 2005) provided by
Oncology Research Institute and wondering whether you know any juniors
might be interested in. Since the time is quite limited, the applicants need to
have TOFEL and GRE results in order to be considered by the University. The
Scholarship will pay for the tuition fees and provide stipend (around NT$
30,000 per month). If anyone is interested in, please ask them to email me.
Our director will review the qualification of the applicants and arrange
interviews if necessary. Thanks for your help.
Best regards
Deng Lih Wen, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
National University of Singapore
MD7, Level 2, Room 2,
8 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597
Tel: 6874 1239
Fax: 6779 1453
[email protected]
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