作者garychou (天然捲都是好人)
標題[試題] 100下 陳其美 投資學 期末考(是非題)
時間Sat Jun 23 00:55:40 2012
課程名稱︰ 投資學
課程性質︰ 系必修
課程教師︰ 陳其美
開課學院: 管理學院
開課系所︰ 財金系
考試日期(年月日)︰ 2012/6/23
考試時限(分鐘): 20
是否需發放獎勵金: 是 感謝!!
試題 :
Solutions to the Final Exam, June 2012
Instructions. Do not talk to anyone during this exam. Part I is a closed-
book section, and Part II is an open-book section. The TA will announce
when you can start working on Part I, and when you can start working on
Part II. Feel free to use the restrooms after the TA announces that you can
work on Part II. Do not ask questions during this exam. If you feel that a
problem was not stated clearly, then write down your own assumptions on
your solution sheets, and your assumptions will be taken into account when
your solution sheets are graded. We shall announce your scores in the nal
exam around Monday, 6/25, and you should contact TA and x any grading
errors within 24 hours (i.e., by midnight, Tuesday, 6/26). Good luck, folks!
Part I, True-False Questions. You have 20 minutes to nish this closed-
book section. Each question is worth 4 points.
1. ( F ) When a bond is callable, bond market analysts might be more in-
terested in its yield to call rather than yield to maturity. Most callable
bonds are issued with an initial period of call protection, and an im-
plicit form of call protection operates for bonds selling at premiums.
(Chapter 14.)
2. ( T ) Bonds with higher convexity are bonds exhibiting higher curvature
in the price-yield relationship. The convexity of noncallable bonds is
positive. (Chapter 16.)
3. ( F ) If investment bankers noticed a bond selling for less (more) than
the amount at which the sum of its parts could be sold, then they can
benet from engaging in bond reconstitution (bond stripping). (Chap-
ter 15.)
4. ( T ) The simplest theory of the term structure is the expectations
hypothesis, which states that liquidity premiums are zero. (Chapter
5. ( F ) The duration of a level perpetuity increases as the interest rate
increases. (Chapter 16.)
6. ( T ) Options can be used to custom-design new securities or portfolios
with desired patterns of exposure to the price of an underlying secu-
rity. An example of products engineered with options is index-linked
CDs, which guarantee a minimum rate of return should the market fall.
(Chapter 17, ed. 9; Chapter 20, ed. 8.)
7. ( F ) Barrier options, also called binary or "bet" options, have fixed
payoffs that depend on whether a condition is satisfied by the price of
the underlying asset. (Chapter 17, ed. 9; Chapter 20, ed. 8.)
8. ( T ) Delta-neutral strategies can be used to hedge bets on mispriced
options, but they are still subject to volatility risk. (Chapter 18, ed. 9;
Chapter 21, ed. 8.)
9. ( T ) The CBOT and CME merged in 2007 into one combined company,
named the CME Group, and intend to move all electronic trading from
both exchanges onto Globex. Inevitably electronic trading will continue
to displace floor trading. (Chapter 19, ed. 9; Chapter 22, ed. 8.)
10. ( T ) Although credit risk in the swap market certainly is not trivial,
it is not nearly as large as the magnitude of notional principal in these
markets would suggest. When one party reneges on its commitment,
the loss that the other party suffers is only the difference between the
values of the swapped obligations. (Chapter 20, ed. 9; Chapter 23, ed.
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※ 編輯: garychou 來自: (06/23 00:56)