作者bebebirdy (哦)
標題[試題] 98下 鄭原忠 物理化學二 第二次期中考
時間Fri May 18 10:01:23 2012
試題 :
Refer to the last page for formulas of frequently used intergrals.
1.Consider a molecule rotating in a two-dimensional space described by the
Hamiltonian H=L^2/2m, where Lz=-ihd/2pidφ and φ is the angular orientation
(a)(5%)Show that φ+=A+exp(imφ) and φ-=A-exp(-imφ) are the two independent
solutions to the time-independent Schrodinger equation. Determine the
normalization constants A+ and A-.
(b)(5%)Is it possible to simultaneously measure the angular orientation and
angular momentum of rotating in a two-dimensional space? Explain your
answer by evaluationg the commutator {φ, Lz}.
2.Use the following commutators for angular momentum operators to answer this
problem:{Lx,Ly}=ihLz/2pi, {Ly,Lz}=ihLx/2pi, {Lz, Lx}=ihLy/2pi.
(a)(5%)Calculate the commutators {L^2y, Lx} and {L^2z, Lx}.
(b)(5%)Use the results to show that {L^2, Lx}=0.
3.The Schrodinger equation ofr rotation in three dimensions is
(a)(5%)Show that the rotational wavefunction φ(x,φ)=(5/16pu)^1/2*
(3cos^2x-1) is an eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian. What is the energy
(b)(5%)Is φ(x.φ) an eigenfunction of Lz? If the answer is yes, give the l
and m quantum numbers for the spherical harmonic function Y(x,φ)=
4. (10%)The 2s radial function for a hydrogen-like atom is
R2s(r)=1/1.414(z/a)^3/2(1-Zr/2a)exp(-Zr/2a) Calculate <r> for an electron
in the 2s orbital.
5. On the right are figures of four hydrogen atomic orbitals including a
contour plot in the x-y plane, the radial function, and the radial
probability distribution function.
(a)(5%)Give the principle quantum number and angular momentum quantum
number for each of the orbitals. Use the s,p,d,f...symbols in your answer.
(b)(5%)Sort the orbitals from low energy to high energy.
(c)(5%)List all allowed optical absorptions for electronic transitions
between these levels. Given that the Rydberg constant is 13.6 eV,
determine the transition energy for each of the allowed optical
4.Evaluate these intergrals without explicitly carrying out the integration.
Explain your results.
5.(8%)Consider the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian:H=-h^2d^2/8pi^2mdx^2+
(1/2)mw^2x^2. Given a gaussian trial wavefunction φ(x)=Nexp(-ax^2)
where N is an normalization constant and a is a positive variational
parameter. Determine the variational ground-state energy using the
variational theorem. Explain what you find.
6.(5%)For rotational spectroscopy the symbol J is often used to denote the
angular momentum quantum number instead of l. The figure on the right is
the energy levels for rigid rotor, Ej=hcBJ(J+1), where B is the
rotational constant. The allowed transitions are shown as red vertical
bars. Explain the selection rule, and then list the three allowed
rotational transitions with lowest transition energies.
energy |
7.Answer true or false for the following statements(3 points each):
(a)Y(0,0) is and eigenfunction of L^2, Lx, Ly, and Lz.
(b)The L^2 eigenvalues are degenerate except for l=0.
(c)Omitting the effects of electron spin, the hydrogen n=2 shell splits into
four energy levels when an external magnetic firlds is applied.
(d)For a hydrogen atom in the 2px state. the possible outcomes of a
measurement of Lz are -h,0 and h/2pi.
(e)The magnitude of the auqular momentum of a hydrogen-like atom is
proportional to l(l+1).
8.Bonus question(10 points):
On the right is a rotational spectrum og a diatomic molecule measured
through absorption of microwave radiation at room temperature. Explain the
appearance of the spectrum including the energy spacing between the peaks
and why the lowest energy transition does not have the strongest intensity.
What do you expect to see when the temperature is lowered?
| l l
| l l
| l l l l
absorbance | l l l l
| l l l l
| l l l l l
| l l l l l l
| l l l l l l l
| l l l l l l l l
|l l l l l l l l l l
Frequently used integral formulas:(skip)
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