作者rod24574575 (天然呆)
標題[試題] 100下 林守德 機率 第二次期中考
時間Tue May 15 21:10:53 2012
試題 :
Probability 2012 Midterm2 (Prof. Shou-de Lin)
5/14/12 14:30-17:30pm
Total Points: 120
You can answer in either Chinese or English.
1. A and B are events. For any A and B, can you generate the conditional
probability P(X A | Y B) using the conditional probability distribution
f(x|y)? Explain your answer. (7 pts)
2. You have entered the 'ultimate gamble' with X dollars, the rule is as
● In each round you have to bet all your money. If you win, your money
will be doubled. If you lose, you money will become half. If the total
amount of money reaches X/4, you will be kicked out of the game and
cannot play anymore.
Please write a pseudo code that outputs the following probability value:
● Assuming the winning percentage is p, what is the probability that you
will be kicked out before your money become n*X? (7 pts)
3. If X1, ... , Xn are identically independent distributed Poisson(λ),
define Y = X1 + ... + Xn, what is E[X1 | Y=y]? (6 pts)
4. Let X~N(μ,σ^2), a lognormal distribution is Y:log(Y)~X. What is the mean
and variance of Y? (8 pts)
5. Let X have a logistic distribution with pdf f(x) = exp(-x)/(1+exp(-x))^2,
x can be any real number. What is the distribution of Y = 1/(1+exp(-X))
(7 pts)
6. Y follows Bernoulli distribution where p=0.5, and X follows a normal
distribution with mean equals y and variance 1. What is the pdf of X?
Please draw it. (6 pts)
7. There are two kinds of bulbs in the world, type A and B. Let A-bulb and
B-bulb represent type A bulb and type B bulb respectively. The life time of
A-bulb is N(2,16) and B-bulb is N(4,16). John designs a device that will
automatically turn on the next bulb when the previous bulb burnt out. That
is, it will turn on the 2nd bulb when 1st bulb burnt out, turn on the 3rd
bulb when 2nd bulb burnt out, and so on. Now, he put x A-bulbs and y B-bulbs
on that device. After doing that, he found 95% confidence interval of the
lighten time of that device is 88 ± 203.84. What are x and y?
(Z(2.5%)=1.96) (10 pts)
8. In a modified Monty Hall Problem, assuming there are 5 doors and behind 4
of them there is a goat, while the remaining one is a car. The participant
is allowed to pick two doors, and he/she will win the car if any of the
door indicates a car. (12 pts)
● After CCF picks two door, the host (who knows where the car is)
intentionally opens another door (among the remaining doors) with a goat.
CCF is given a choice of swap his two doors with the remaining unopened
doors. Unfortunately, he is too dumb to know what to do, can you tell
him if he should swap? Explain your answer.
● After CCF picks two door, the host (who knows where the car is)
intentionally opens one of his chosen door with a goat. He then offered
two choices as below. Which should he choose? Justify your answer.
1. keep the other chosen door, and pick one from the remaining three
2. don't keep the other chosen door, and pick two from the remaining
three doors.
9. The owner of a property that is for sale is willing to accept the maximum
of four independent bids (in $100,000 units), which have a common p.d.f.
f(x) = 2x, 0 < x < 1. What is the expected value of the highest bid?
(10 pts)
10. Let Xi be a distribution with mean u and variance d^2,
Y = 1/n*(X1+X2+...+Xn). Prove that P(|Y-u| ≧ d) ≦ 1/(n^2) (8 pts)
11. Companyl announces a disease (occur rate= 20%) testing product T1. The
performance looks like: (9 pts)
● P(T1=positive | Disease=true) = 0.7
● P(T1=negative | Disease=false) = 0.7
Company2 also announces a testing product T2 for the same disease. The
performance looks like:
● P(T2=positive | Disease=true) = 0.9
● P(T2=negative | Disease=false) = 0.6
Q1: A careless doctor performed a test on a patient and found that the
result is positive. However, this doctor forgot which testing product
was chosen. Can you tell this doctor which product is more likely to
be the one used given positive result? (5 pts)
Q2: If a patient has been tested positive on both products, what is the
probability that he/she really has the disease (assuming that the test
results are conditionally independent given disease)? (5 pts)
12. CCF repeatedly roll a fair die. If it comes up 6, he instantly win (and
stop playing); if it comes up k, for any k between 1 and 5, he waits for k
minutes and then roll again. What is the expected elapsed time from when
he start rolling until he wins?
(Note: If I win on my 1st roll, the elapsed time is zero.) (7 pts)
13. n follows Poisson with mean 25. What is the upper bound and lower bound of
p(n>40)? (5 pts)
14. Let X and Y denote the values of two stocks at the end of a five-year
period. X is uniformly distributed on the interval (0,12). Given X = x, Y
is uniformly distributed on the interval (0,x). Determine Cov(X,Y)
according to this model. (8 pts)
15. Let X, Y, Z be independent and uniformly distributed over (0,1)
● Q1: what is the joint pdf of x,y,z f(x,y,z)? (3 points)
● Q2: what is the probability P(X>YZ)? (6 points)
Poisson Distribution
λ^x * e^(-λ)
f(x) = ─────── , μ = λ, σ^2 = λ, Mx(t) = exp(λ(e^t - 1))
Normal Distribution
1 -(1/2)[(x-μ)/σ]^2
f(x;μ,σ^2) = ───── * e
Mx(t) = exp(μt + (1/2)*(σ^2)(t^2))
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※ 編輯: rod24574575 來自: (05/15 21:12)