NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰非洲政治 課程性質︰ 課程教師︰嚴震生 開課學院: 開課系所︰ 考試日期(年月日)︰4/27 考試時限(分鐘):110 是否需發放獎勵金:yes (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : I. Colonial powers of the African countries (20%) 1. Names of five British colonies 2. Names of five French colonies 3. Names of five Portuguese colonies 4. Names of three Belgium colonies 5. Names of one Spanish colony 6. Name of South Africa colony II. Previous name of some African countries (10%) 1. Nyasaland a. Botswana 2. Northern Rhodesia b. Malawi 3. Bechuanaland c. Namibia 4. Southern Rhodesia d. Zambia 5. South West Africa e. Zimbabwe 6. Belgium Congo a. Congo, Republic 7. French Congo b. Congo, Democratic Republic 8. French Guinea c. Equatorial Guinea 9. Portuguese Guinea d. Guinea 10. Spanish Guinea e. Guinea-Bissau III. Countries maintaining diplomatic ties with Taiwan (4%) 1. 2. 3. 4. IV. Capitals of Africa (10%) 1. Algeria a. Abuja 2. Angola b. Accra 3. Congo c. Algeria 4. Cote d'Ivoire d. Cairo 5. Egypt e. Dakar 6. Ghana f. Kinshasa 7. Kenya g. Luanda 8. Nigeria h. Nairobi 9. Senegal i. Pretoria 10. South Africa j. Yamoussoukro V. People of Africa (15%) 1. Botswana (singular & plural) 2. Bukina Faso 3. Comoros 4. Djibouti 5. Gabon 6. Ghana 7. Lesotho (singular & plural) 8. Mozambique 9. Niger 10. Sao Tome and Principe 11. Seychelles 12. Swaziland 13. Togo VI. Three main ethnic groups of Nigeria (3%) 1. 2. 3. VII. Countries with different names (3%) 1. Dahomey -> 2. Upper Volta -> 3. Zaire -> VIII. Important African leaders (10%) 1. Hastings Banda a. Congo (DRC) 2. Felix Houphouet-Boigny b. Cote d'Ivoire 3. Kenneth Kaunda c. Ghana 4. Jommo Kenyatta d. Kenya 5. Nelson Mandela e. Malawi 6. Mobutu Sese Seko f. Nigeria 7. Kwame Nkrumah g. Senegal 8. Julius Nyerere h. South Africa 9. Olusegun Obasanjo i. Tanzania 10. Leopald Sedar Senghor j. Zambia IX. Identification/Matching (10%) 1. _____ refers to the desire to unite a people or territory previously divided or a movement by members of one ethnic gruop to retrive people and their territory across borders. 2. _____ refers to the disire for a region within a state to secede, forming its own (or joining another) sovereign state. 3. _____ refers to a condition where political authority is based on an individual. The state itself and the affairs of the state are the personal interests of the ruler. 4. _____ refers to a political relationship between an individual of higher socio-economic status, who uses his own influence and resources to provide protection or benefits, or both, for a person of lower status who, for their part, reciprocates by offering general support and assistance to this patron. 5. _____ refers to the wage earners within capitalist societies who rely on selling their labor. 6. _____ refers to the ruling class in the capitalist era of history, whose support is based on their ownership of the means of production. 7. _____ refers to any section of the national bourgeoisie which acts as an agent for the international bourgeoisie. 8. _____ refers to a situation where members seek to become part of an ethnic group because it is in their interets to do so. 9. _____ refers to the idea that ethnic affiliations are relatively static and loyalties pre-destined, 'tribes' having been formed in the mist of time. 10. _____ refers to a political movement favoring the wishes and interets of 'ordinary' people'. a. bourgeoisie b. clientelism c. compador d. instrumental ethnicity e. irredentism f. patrimonialism g. populism h. primordial ethnicity i. proletariat j. separatism X. Social Cleavages (5%) 1. Horizontal cleavage a. class 2. Vertical cleavage b. ethnicity c. language d. region e. religion XI. Three types of authority identified by Max Weber (3%) 1. 2. 3. XII. Two reasons for the justification of one-party state in Africa 1. 2. XIII. Important Kenyan leaders (5%) 1. Jomo Kenyatta 2. Uhuru Kenyatta 3. Mwai Kibaki 4. Daniel arap Moi 5. Raida Odinga a. Founding father of the country, this nationalist had been prisoned before becoming the president of independent Kenya. b. This chairman of the Kenya Africa National Union (KANU) was forced to resign as Finance Minister earlier this year when he was accused by the International Criminal Court (ICC) of committing crimes against humanity in relation to the violent aftermath of the 2007 election. c. The Kenyan politician served as president for more than two decades (1978-2002) by turning the country into one-party state first and by eventually allowing multipartyy elections. d. This first non-KANU president in Kenya history was elected in 2002 and won a controversial re-election bid in 2007 marred by violence and vote rigging. e. This challenger of the controversial 2007 presidential election was made Prime Minister through a constitutional amendment to avoid further conflict and violence. XIV. Multiple Choices (10%) 1. The Tuarag minority can be found in all the following countries except a. Burkina Faso b. Mali c. Mauritania d. Niger 2. Which one of the following African countries witnessed the death of a president and the contitutional successio of vice president in April 2012. a. Malawi b. Niger c. Senegal d. Zambia 3. Which one of the following Afican countries is not truly an island nation? a. Cape Verde b. Comoros c. Equatorial Guinea d. Srychelles 4. All of the following African countries are current ono-permanent members of the UN Security Council except a. Morocco b. Nigeria c. South Africa d. Togo 5. Which one of the following is not a major religion in Africa? a. Animism b. Buddhis c. Christianity d. Islam 6. Which of the following is not an official language used in African regional organization? a. English b. French c. German d. Portugese 7. Which one of the following African countries has a sizable South Asian Indian population? a. Angola b. Botswana c. Congo d. South Africa 8. Which one of the following Nigerian leader is the current president of this most populous country in Africa? a. Muhammadu Buhari b. Goodluck Jonathan c. Olusegun Obasanjo d. Alhaji Umaru Yar'Adua 9. Which one of the following African countries did not experience constitutional amendment for change of president terms in the 2000s? a. Burkina Faso b. Chad c. Djibouti d. Nigeria 10. All of the following African countries have moved their capitals to the interior of the country except a. Cote d'Ivoire b. Ghana c. Nigeria d. Tazania XV. True and False (10%) 1. Mode of production refers to the materials needed to produce human subsistence and economic surplus (land, machinery, etc.). 2. The D & D of the post-conflict scenario refers to decolonization and democratization of African states. 3. Imperialism, introduced by Lenin, was intended to explain why Marxism failed to materialize in the most advanced industrial countries in the west. 4. The reason given for the coup in the Mali of March 2012 is the corruption of the civilian government under Amadou Toure. 5. The System of rule that required the use of Africa institutions to rule Africa colonies is called assimilation. 6. In addition to Mali, military coup also took place in Guinea-Bissau in 2012. 7. Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Redemption Army (LRA), has caused havoc in Uganda for the last two decades. 8. According to the textbook, small traders belong to informal sector entrepreneurs instead of petit-bourgeoisie. 9. A society of reinforcing cleavages is more likely to be politically stable. 10. Apartheid refers to the separation of races in Zimbabwe. 終於弄完了QQ 累死我= = -- ckhei:甩毛巾是要用乾毛巾還是用濕的啊?? --
1F:→ achiang40 :乾的也可 甩出咻聲推 02/18 12:46
2F:→ oioioboy :泡酒精後點火,如果能把火甩熄表示有扣到球推 02/18 16:00
3F:→ eric795 :泡酒精的時候手也要泡到 都甩熄才算成功推 02/18 18:20

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