作者angled (sleep_deprivated)
標題[試題] 100下 朱偉誠 維多利亞時期英國文學 期中
時間Thu May 10 11:56:12 2012
課程名稱︰ 維多利亞時期英國文學
課程教師︰ 朱偉誠
開課學院: 文學院
開課系所︰ 外文系
是否需發放獎勵金: 是
試題 :
1. Explain the title of Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus and his philosophy
and his philosophy underlying it.(5%)
2. Summarize Mill's main points in On Liberty and his critique of democracy
(10%) and then compare his position on democracy with Carlyle's.(5%)
3. Explain the subtitles of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "To George Sand:A
Desire" and "To George Sand: A Recognition"by relating them to the
respective contents of the two poems.(10%)
4. Explain the feminist significance of Elizabeth Browning's Aurora Leigh,
especially the heroine's rejection of Romney.(10%)
5. Explain "dramatic monologue"by providing concrete illustrations from
Robert Browning's"My Last Duchess,""The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint
Praxed's Church," and Tennyson's "Ulysses.(15%)
6. Describe the story revealed as well as happening in Robert Browning's
"My Last Duchess"and "The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church"
7. Describe what happens to the Lady of Shalott as depicted in Tennyson's poem
of the same name as well as the most coherent version you can have of its
symbolic meaning (be sure to include all the significant elements of the
story in your reading).(10%)
8. Identify and explain the sources used in Tennyson's "The Lotos-Eaters"and
"Ulysses,"his readings of them, as well as how their rather different
perspectives can be reconciled in terms of interpretative framework.(20%)
9. Describe, by following the Norton Anthology introduction, the condition
of the early and mid-Victorian age in general and try to relate that to as
many authors that have been covered in class as posssible.(10%)
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◆ From:
1F:推 Qdream :這果然是標準的偉誠考法(by文讀 05/10 16:34
2F:→ angled :老師這次考的跟98年的一模一樣 9中8 05/10 18:58