作者jell0727 (咻咻咻咻咻)
標題[試題] 100下 林 和 流體力學 期中考
時間Tue Apr 17 17:07:35 2012
課程名稱︰ 流體力學
課程性質︰ 大氣系必修
課程教師︰ 林和
開課學院: 理學院
開課系所︰ 大氣系
考試日期(年月日)︰ 4/9/2012
考試時限(分鐘): 三節課
是否需發放獎勵金: 是
試題 :
Part 1 : With chart, equation and verbal description(all three are needed),
try to explain the following terms to a freshman in the College of
A. Advection term in Eulerian coordinate (10%)
B. Pressure and pressure gradient force (10%)
C. Hydrostatic balance and buoyancy force (10%)
D. Divergence and flux in the conservationof mass law (10%)
E. Incompressibility and continuity equation(10%)
Part 2 : Within thermodynamics context, develop logic trees of following
string. Again, you can think you are explaining the meaning and
linkage to a freshman in the College of Science;
F. State -- equation of state -- ideal gas law -- empirical law of state
based on Taylor series expansion (15%)
G. Internal energy -- temperature -- heat -- work -- the zero and the
first law of thermodynamics -- potential temperature (20%)
H. Entropy (15%)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: jell0727 來自: (04/17 17:08)