NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰物理化學二 課程性質︰必修 課程教師︰戴子安 開課學院:工學院 開課系所︰化工系 考試日期(年月日)︰ 考試時限(分鐘): 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 1. (20%) For the galvanic cell H (1bar)∣HCl(ai)|Cl (1bar), 2 2 δE the standard electromotive force at 298K is 1.3604V and (------) = -1.247E-3. δT P (a) for the cell reaction, what are the values of Δ G゚,Δ H゚,Δ S゚? r r r - _ (b) For Cl (ao), what are the values of Δ G゚,Δ H゚,and S゚? f f _ _ (S゚(H )=130 J/K‧mol and S゚(Cl )=130 J/K‧mol) 2 2 - 2.(10%) Calculate for the half cell OH ∣H |Pt at 25°C using the value 2 of the ion product for water, which is 1.006E-14. 3.(10%) Use the following data (from Appendix C.2 of Silbey’s) to calculate - _ the standard electrode potential for Cl ∣AgCl(s)|Ag at 90°C if Δ C = 0. r p - (Δ G゚(Cl (ao))=-131.228 (kJ/mol) ,Δ G゚(AgCl(s))=-109.789 (kJ/mol) , f f - Δ H゚(Cl (ao) )=-167.159 (kJ/mol) and Δ H゚(AgCl(s))=-127.068 (kJ/mol)) f f 4.(10%) When a hydrogen electrode and a normal calomel electrode are immersed in a solution at 25°C a potential of 0.664V is obtained. Calculate (a) the pH and (b) the hydrogen-ion activity. + 5.(10%) A membrane permeable only by Na is used to separate the following two solutions: α 0.1 mol/kg NaCl 0.05 mol/kg KCl β 0.05 mol/kg NaCl 0.1 mol/kg NaCl What is the membrane potential at 25°C and which solution has the highest positive potential? 6. (10%) Consider a collection of gas particles confined to translate in two dimensions (for example, a gas molecule on a surface). Derive the Maxwell speed distribution for such a gas. 7.(10%) (a) Calculate the collision frequency for a nitrogen molecule in nitrogen at 1bar pressure and 25°C. (b) What is the collision density? What is the effect on the collision density of (c) doubling the absolute temperature at constant pressure and (d) doubling the pressure at constant temperature? 8.(10%) Imagine designing an experiment in which the presence of a gas is determined by simply listening to the gas with your ear. The human ear can detect pressures as low as 2E-5 N/m^2. Assuming that the eardrum has an area of roughly ,what is the minimum collisional rate that can be detected by ear? Assume that the gas of interest is N at 298K. 2 9.(10%) A standard rotary pump is capable of producing a vacuum on the order of 1E-3 torr. What is the single-particle collision frequency and mean free path for N at this pressure and 298K? 2 10.(10%) Based on the Fick’s first law of diffusion, derive the approximate expression for the diffusion coefficient in terms of the collision diameter of a gas. --

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