作者nihility7893 (千本櫻)
標題[試題] 100上 顏嗣鈞 計算理論 期末考
時間Sun Jan 15 15:39:36 2012
考試時限(分鐘):9:10 ~ 12:00
試題 :
Theory of Computtaion
Final Exam,January 9, 2012
1.(20 pts) True or false? No explanations needed.
Score=max{0,Right-1/2 Wrong}
If L⊆0^* , then L is always recursive.
If L <=_m {0^n 1^n | n>= 0},then L is recursive.
{0^n 0^2n 0^3n |n >= 0} is context-free but not regular.
{xωx^R|x,ω∈{0,1}^+} is context-free but not regular.
{ωa^n a^n ω^R |ω∈{a,b}^* ,n>0} is context-free but not regular.
{a^n b^(n^2)|n >= 0} is not context-free.
u is a subsequence of v if u can be obtained by dropping symbols from u ,
where u,v ∈Σ^* . For example 11,011 are sequences of 1002.If A is
context-free,then SUBSEQ(A) = {u | ∃u∈A such that u is a subsequence of v}
is also context-free.
The language {< G > |G is context-free grammar and G is ambiguous} is
recursively enumerable(r.e.).
The language {< M ,ω> | M is a linear bounded automaton and M accepts ω}
is not recursive.
The language L = {< G,D > | G is a context-free grammar,D is a regular grammar}
, and L(G)⊆L(D)} is recursive.
(20 pts) For the following languages , determine whether the language is
(A) recursive , (B) recursively enumerable but not recursive,
(C)not recursively enumerable. No explanations needed.No penalty for wrong
L_1 = {< M > | M is a TM and there exists an input on which M halts in less
than |< M >| steps}
L_2 = {< M > | M is a TM that accepts all even numbers}.
L_3 = {< M > | M is a TM and L(M) is finite}.
L_4 = {< M > |M is a TM and L(M) is infinite}.
L_5 = {< M > | M is a TM and L(M) is an uncountably infinite set}.
L_6 = {<M_1,M_2> |M_1,M_2 are TMs and ε∈L(M_1)∪L(M_2)}.
L_7 = {<M_1,M_2> | M_1,M_2 are TMs and ε∈L(M_1)∩L(M_2)}.
L_8 = {< M_1 ,M_2 >}M_1 , M_2 are TMs and ε∈L(M_1)-L(M_2)}.
L_9 = {< M > |M is a TM, and there exists an input whose length is less than
100 on which M halts}
L_10 = {< M >| M is a TM and M is the only TM that accepts L(M)}
3.(10 pts)Consider the following grammar:
S → AB|BC A → AB|a B → CC|b C →BA|b
Apply the CYK algorithm to determine whether the string ababa is generated
by the grammar. Yoy need to draw the CYK table to show the computation.
4.(10 pts)For a language L⊆Σ^* , define reflect (L) = {ωω^R | ∃ω∈ L}
where ω^R donotes the reverse of the string ω.
(4 pts) Consider L_0 = {0^i 1^i | i >= 0} and L_1 = 0^* 1^*.
What are reflect (L_0) and reflect (L_1)?
(6 pts) Is the class of context-free languages closed under reflect ?
Justify your answer.
(10 pts) Prove that the language L = {a^i b^j c^k |j<i , j<k} is NOT
(10 pts)For any language L⊆Σ^* , and any u∈Σ^* , let u/L =
{v∈Σ^* | un∈L}. Prove that if L is context-free , then u/L is also
contexr-free for every u∈Σ^*.
(Hint: let u=a_1 ...a_k , for some k , and let M = (Q,Σ,Γ,δ,q_0,Z_0,F)
be a PDA accepting L.Construct a PDA M' to accept u/L.)
(4 pts) Define context-sensitive grammars.
8.(10 pts) Let A , B ⊆ {0,1}^* be r.e. languages such that A∪B={0,1}^*
and A∩B≠Φ. Prove that A <=_m (A∩B),where <=_m denotes the many-one
(Hint: Let M_1 be a TM accepting A and M_2 be a TM accepting B.
Further , since we know that A∩B ≠Φ , we know that some string y will be
accepted by both M_1 and M_2. Construct a mapping f that witnesses <=_m,
i.e., x∈ A ⇔ A∩B.)
(6 pts) Suppose A is recursively enumerable and A<=_m A .
Prove that A is recursive.
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