NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰生理心理學 課程性質︰必修 課程教師︰賴文崧 開課學院:理學院 開課系所︰心理學系 考試日期(年月日)︰2012/01/09 考試時限(分鐘):180分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 第一大題:Multiple choice(單選題): 每題一分共35分(1 point each, total 35 points) 1. The specialized vascular tissue that produces the cerebrospinal fluid is called the A. circle of Wills. B. choroid plexus. C. corpus callosum. D. meninges. 2. The electrical impulse that stimulates neurotransmitter release, thereby transmitting information to other neurons, arises in the A. dendrites. B. axon hillock. C. axon. D. dendritic spine. 3. Which brain structure receives almost incoming sensory information and sends the information on to the overlying cortex? A. Medulla B. Olfactory C. Thalamus D. Amygdala 4. The concept that different regions of the brain regulate and control different fuctions is called ________. A. mutation B. natural selection C. convergent evolution D. localization of function 5. Two pieces of the human genome are particularly useful in deciphering human history. One is the _______ coms from maternal and the other is the ______ comes from paternal. A. X chromosome; Y chromosome B. X chromosome; mitochondria DNA C. X chromosome; X chromosome D. mitochondria DNA; Y chromosome 6. The so-called "third eye" of birds and reptiles is the _______. A. skin B. pineal gland C. SCN D. hypothalamus 7. Experimental evidence suggests that the biological role of dreaming during REM sleep may be related to the _______. A. consolidation of perceptual learning B. effort to shed bad memories C. processing of intense sexual excitement D. problem-solving activities of the brain 8. The external cue that animals used to synchronize its activity with the environment is called a _______. A. period adjuster B. phase shift C. zeitgeber D. temporizer 9. The Coolidge effect is the _________________. A. resumption of sexual activity by male rats when exposed to a novel female B. enhancement of motor activity by female rats when exposed to a novel male C. spontaneous abortion of pregnancy by female mice exposed to the urine of a strange male D. synchronization of ovulation in many species of primates 10.The vomeronasal organ in the _______ appears to specialize in detecting pheromones in many mammals. A. Main olfactory system B. Accesorry olfactory system C. Brain D. Hippocampus 11.Mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are degenerative brain diseases caused by? A. a retroviral infection B. virus C. prions D. bacteria 12.The atypical neuroleptic clozapine raises problems for the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia because it __________. A. decreases serotonin release B. increase dopamine release C. binds to GABA receptors D. None of the above 13.The possible mechanism of electroconvulsive shock therapy to treat depression is by? A. destroys the abnormality side of brain. B. increases blood flow in whole brain. C. up-regulates dopamine transporter. D. facilitates the releasing of monoamines. 14.Which statement explains the environment factors are also important in schizophrenia? A. There are several schizophrenia candidate genes have been found in linkage studies. B. The concordant of monozygotic twins is less than 50 percent. C. The concordant of biological parents is higher than adopted parents. D. The concordant of monozygotictwins is higher than dizygotic twins. 15.______ is the process in which animals will work to provide electrical stimulation to particular brain sites, because the experience is very rewarding. A. Castration B. medial forbrain bundle C. decorticate rage D. brain self-stimulation 16.Dichotic listening experiments, one of the evidence of "two cerebral hemispheres process emotion differently", have shown a _____-ear advantage for identifying ___________. A. right; spatial cues B. left; the meaning of a brief message C. right; negative emotions D. left; the emotional tone of a voice 17.In humans, diminished cerebrospinal concentrations of serotonin metabolites are correlated with __________. A. positive emotions B. aggression and violence C. profound depression D. diminished aggressive behavior 18.According to current findings, which of the following is NOT directly involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease? A. reeler B. beta-amyloid C. ApoE D. presenilin 19.Song development in canaries and zebra finches depends on _________. A. Maturation of the nervous system B. Lifelong exposure to the sounds of conspecifics C. Exposure to adult birdsong early in life, during a sensitive period D. Copying the songs of females 20.Song learning in developing songbirds is impaired by lesions of the ______, but lesions in this route have no effect in adulthood. A. Direct route B. Indirect route C. Nucleus robustus(RA) D. Hippocampus 21.Because chimpanzees seem to learn a gesture type of language based on American Sign Language, some researchers have concluded that chimps are able to acquire language. Researchers, who disagree, however, offer which of the following criticisms of this conclusion? A. Sign language is simply not a language. B. Chimpanzees do not produce novel sequences of signs. C. Chimpanzees are only imitating the gestures of trainers. D. Chimpanzee cannot really talk as human being does. 22.Which of the following statements is False? A. The gill withdrawal reflex of Aplysia involves neurons within the abdominal ganglion. B. Repeated stimulation of the siphon skin leads to progressively less contraction of the gill withdrawal muscles. C. A brief electrical shock to the head causes sensitization of the gill withdrawal reflex. D. Habituation of the gill withdrawal reflex is associated with a post-synaptic modification. 23.Which of the following factors is not a major difference between LTP (long-term potentiation) and LTD? A. the level of NMDA receptor activation B. Calcium concentration [Ca2+] C. Activation of protein kinase and protein phosphatase D. Types of neuron in the hippocampus 24.Which of the following technique can NOT allow us to study of neurotransmitter? A. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) B. Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) C. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometer (GC-MS) D. Microdialysis 25.Conditioning in which there is a time gap between the CS and the US is called A. Single-trial learning. B. Delay conditioning. C. Trace conditioning. D. Discrimination reversal. 26.In a long run, repeatedly induction of LTP in a CA1 neuron will cause A. Production of new dendritic spines on the stimulated dendrite. B. Decreased axonal outgrowth. C. Production of new dendritic spines on dendrites other than the stimulated one. D. Retraction of dendritic branches. 27.Synaptic plasticity can be demonstrated in relatively simple organisms like the Aplysia. Short-term habituation of the gill-withdrawal reflex to repeated stimulation of the siphon has been connected with A. An increase in the amount of neurotransmitters released at the sensory-motor synapse. B. A retraction of synaptic terminals from the sensory neurons onto the motoneurons. C. An increase in the number of inhibitory synapses. D. A decrease in the amount of neurotransmitter released at the sensory-motor synapse. 28.An individual in which a particular gene has been disabled by experimenters is called _______. A. Conditional knockout organism B. Site-directed mutagenesis C. Transgenic organism D. Knockout organism 29.Which of the following descriptions of mechanism of evolution are TRUE? i .Lamarck proposed that species evolve through the gradual accumulation of characteristics acquired by indivuduals throughout life as they exercise and stretch their bodies. ii .The idea "inheritance of acquired characteristics" proved to compatible with genetic inheritance. iii.Darwin infers that the variations among individuals affect the probability that they will survive, reproduce, and pass on their characteristics. A. i & iii B. ii C. ii & iii D. i & ii & iii 30.The dose at which 50% of the animal die is termed the _______. A. saturated dose B. therapeutic dose C. ED50 D. LD50 31.Which of these kinds of brain damage has NOT been associated with the inability to form declarative memories? A. Bilateral surgical damage to the hippocampus. B. Rupture of the anterior cerebral arteries that damages the basal forebrain regions, including the hippocampus. C. Damage to the anterior cerebral cortex. D. Destruction of tissue in medial temporal lobe by a virus. 32.Which of the following concept is described by the all-or-none law? A. All dendrites must be depolarized before a neuron fires. B. The frequency at which a neuron fires is independent of the intensity of stimulus. C. The size of an action potential does not depend on the stimulus that started it. D. The greater the stimulus, the greater the response. 33.According to the lecture, which of the following disorder is caused by the deletion of ~17-20 genes on chromosome 7 which might result in unusual linguistic skills? A. Down syndrome B. Asperger's disorder C. William syndrome D. Fetal alcohol syndrome 34.Neuronal and hormonal communication both involve ________. A. all-or-none impulses B. specialized receptor molecule C. movement of materials through the bloodstream D. voluntary control 35.If a hormone-secreting cell is affected by the hormone that it synthesizes, the hormone is said to act in a(n) _______ fashion. A. autocrine B. exocrine C. paracrine D. endocrine 第二大題:Glossary(名詞解釋):16題,每題2.5分,共40分。 簡單扼要回答但務求詳盡(僅中翻英不給分)。 (2.5 points each, total 40 points) 1. dyslexia 2. Narcolepsy 3. phantom limb pain 4. Activational effect VS. organizational effect 5. Bruce effect 6. Huntington's Chorea 7. Hypofrontality hypothesis 8. Diathesis-stress hypothesis 9. FOXP2 gene 10. Nootropics 11. Decorticate rage 12. Engram 13. Neuroeconomics 14. Delayed non-matching-to-sample task 15. Parkinson's disease 16. Suprachiasmatic nucleus 第三大題:Essay(簡答申論題):4題,每題9分,共36分 (請書寫於答案紙上並自行標明題號,可簡單扼要回答但力求詳盡) (9 points each, total 36 points) 1. 請根據課本內容擇一說明睡眠或性行為(含雄性與雌性動物)的神經機制以及其所牽涉的 腦區。(注意:睡眠或性行為擇一即可) 2. 試述何謂Hebbian rule? LTP(long-term potentiation)的發現如何提供一個實驗證據 去說明Hebbian rule? 並請具體詳實地說明LTP形成之突觸前後相關離子與受體的改變 機制。 3. 請定義何謂失語症(aphasia)?請根據課本任舉其中三種aphasia,並詳細說明其主要的 症狀及腦部相對應受損的位置。 4. 在這學期的生心課程中我們從不同的層次(如下圖所示)去探討心理現象或行為的生物   機制及神經機轉,在課程中我們也介紹了許多神經功能與精神病患,請以你在課程中學 過的內容中任選一個你最感興趣或最瞭解的疾病或心理現象(注意:請勿選擇與問答題 前三題相同之疾病或現象,或是與前面三題答案雷同或重複),根據圖中所述的幾個層 次詳盡地描述目前我們對此一現象或疾病的瞭解,同時也請在各個層次中用課程中所教 授的所有可能之研究方法或技術中,具體地提出可能進行的實驗或操弄,用以進一步瞭 解與探討此一心理現象或疾病的可能成因或治療方法。 Social level → Organ level → Neural systems level & Brain region level ↓ Molecular level ← synaptic level ← cellular level ← Circuit level 試題結束 --

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