NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰無機化學一 課程性質︰必修 課程教師︰鄭淑芬 開課學院:理學院 開課系所︰化學系 考試日期(年月日)︰101/01/11 考試時限(分鐘):160 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : Multiple choise questions:(1 points per choice, -0.5 per mistake) 1. Select the correct statement: (a) A nanomaterial has a critical dimension on a scale of 1 to 100 nm; its properties are similar to those of the molecular and bulk solid states. (b) Fabrication of nanomaterials include top-down and bottom-up approaches. (c) In a quantum well, a thin layer of small-band-gap material is sandwitched between two large-band-gap materials. (d) In a superlattice, more than weo materials alternate with a periodicity. (in cludes two) 2. Using sodium polyacrylate as templating agent and varying the temperature, pH, and reagent concentrations to tune the nanoarchitecture of BaSO4 is an example of: (a) sol-gel synthesis (b) morphosynthesis (c) intercalation (d) MOCVD 3. What kind of chemical forces may involve in "self-assembly"? (a) hydrogen bond (b) ionic bond (c) dipole-dipole interaction (d) covalent bond 4. Polymer nanocomposites are composed of: (a) inorganic nanoparticles dispersed in a polymeric matrix (b) polymerized inorganic nanoparticles (c) polymerized organic nanoparticles (d) polymer nanoparticles dispersed in a inorganic matrix 5. Select the correct statement in concern of "semiconductor materials": (a) semiconductor nanopaticles show different colors from the bluk semiconductor (b) the characteristic length for "Quantum confinement" is the exciton Bohr radius (c) surface plasma is observed when the particle size is small than the Bohr radius (d) the energies of the band gaps for a QD nanocrystal are more widely separated than the bulk material 6.CVD is commonly used to: (a) analyze the surface structure of electronic materials (b) analyze the composition of electronic materials (c) deposit electronic materials on substrates (d) physically deposit thin film on substrates 7. Classify the oxides to be glass forming: (a) BeO (b) TiO2 (c) La2O3 (d) GeO2 8. Molecular inorganic magnetic materials: (a) usually contain Co(III) (b) usually contain Mn(II) (c) possess individual molecules or molecular assemblages tha contain d-metal atoms with unparied electrons (d) possess individual molecules or molecular assemblages tha contain d-metal atoms with paried electrons 9. Select the correct statement in concern of "pigments": (a) Titanium(IV) oxide(TiO2) is a white pigment because it absorbs all wavelength between 380 and 800 nm. (b) only d-d transitions give to color in inorganic compounds (c) intense color in inorganic solids can arise from charge transfer (d) Egyptian blue is copper aluminate spinel, and the color is due to d-d transition 10.Formulars for structures isomorphous with that of zeolites are: (a) BPO3 (b) ZnPO3 (c) AlPO4 (d) (ZnP2)O6 Problems: 11. (a) What is the main advantages of using neutron diffraction in comparison to X-ray diffraction to analyze a single crystal? (b) Calculate the wavelength associated with a neutron moving at 45.2 m/s. Is this wavelength suitable for diffraction studies? (m of neutron=1.675x10^-27 kg) (c) What the velocity of a neutron should be in order to give a wavelenth of 0.125 nm? (10%) 12. The UV photoelectron spectrum of NH3 is shown below (a) assign the bands to the corresponding molecular orbitals (b) explain why the band approxmately 11 eV shows such a long and sharply resolved progression. picture form textbook p.252, figure 8.48, and C3v character table is given. (10%) 13. The 31P NMR spectra of [RhMe(PMe3)4] at room temperature and -80°C are shown below. Knowing I(103Rh)=1/2 and I(31P)=1/2, explain the changes of the spectra. (10%) picture from textbook p.237, figure 8.23. 14. predict the form of the 19F-NMR and the 77Se-NMR spctra of SeF4. Knowing I(77Se)=1/2 and I(19F)=1/2 (10%) 15. Briefly explain the dollowing techniques wich using X-ray sources and describe the THEORIES and INFORMATIONS which can be obtained when applying these techniques to characterize a solid sample. (15%) (a) X-ray diffraction (XRD) and line broadening (b) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) (c) X-ray photoelectron spectrascopy (XPS) 16. Briefly explain the following termal analysis techniques and the informaiton which can give for structural analysis of a clay compound Al2Si2O5(OH)4 (10%) (a) thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) (b) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) -- constants given: conversion factor Plank's constant Boltzmann's constant speed of light mass of electron elementary charge vaccum permittivity --

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1F:推 firepeter :屁啦我正想PO QQ 01/11 13:20
2F:→ q510724 :樓上拍拍 01/11 13:34

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