NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰西洋歌劇史一 課程性質︰通識兼歐洲文化學程 課程教師︰王寶祥 博士 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰外文系 考試日期(年月日)︰2011/11/9 考試時限(分鐘): 25-30 分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金: 是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一、單選題(50%) 1. Who is not considered to be the founder of the Opera in their own country? (1) Monteverdi (2) Purcell (3) Lully (4) Caccini 2. Pick the correct statement: (1) Opera was invented as an attempt to imitate the Roman tragedy. (2) Opera was born in the Middle Ages. (3) Opera was patronized by the Medicis. (4) Opera began around the time of early Ming Dynasty in China. 3. Which is incorrect about Purcell's time? (1) Known as the Restoration era. (2) Dido and Aeneas was written for boy's school. (3) Dido is the Queen of Carthage. (4) Purcell also wrote semi-operas such as King Arthur. 4. Which major opera is generally acknowledged to first deal with historical subject? (1) Monteverdi's Orfeo (2) Monteverdi's Poppea (3) Cavalli's La Calisto (4) Handel's Guilio Cesare 5. Which historical figure appears in both Monteverdi's and Handel's operas? (1) Ulisse (2) Julius Caesar (3) Poppea (4) Orpheus 6. Who is the Stoic philosopher put to death by Emperor Nero? (1) Socrates (2) Galileo (3) Plato (4) Seneca 7. Select the wrong statement . (1) Vivaldi's chorus of Dorilla in Tempe was taken from his Four Seasons violin concerto. (2) Vivaldi was based in Napoli, Scarlatti in Venice. (3) Purcell worked for Charles II during Restoration era. (4) Opera literally means "work" in Italian. 8. Pick the correct description about Lully: (1) Born Italian (2) Collaborated with tragedy playwright Racine (3) Taught Louis XVI dancing (4) Died overeating 9. Who is Lully's regular librettist for tragedie lyrique? (1) Moliere (2) Quinault (3) Racine (4) Rinuccini 10. What is false about Handel? (1) A German-born composer writing Italian operas for English people (2) A contemporary of Bach (3) Often worked with the castrato Farinelli (4) Famous for Italian opera seria and English oratorios 11. (加五分題) Which novel written by Anne Rice concerns 18th century castrato singing in Italy? (1) Cry to Heaven (2) Voice from Heaven (3) My First Blood (4) Twilight in Serenissima 二、簡答題(50%) 1. What is a castrato? What's special about his voice? 2. What is recitativo secco? 3. Name two official occasions for the staging of opera in the 17th century, one for the nobles, the other for the general public. 4. In what city did opera originate? In what city was the first public opera house built? 5. Define and describe a da capo aria, and name a composer of such arias. --

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