NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰亞瑟王文學 課程性質︰系選修(文學與文化專題) 課程教師︰楊明蒼 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰外文系 考試日期(年月日)︰2011/11/14 考試時限(分鐘):150 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 1. Analyze in detail on eof the following and comment on the issues involved and thier significance: (A) "What the Devil are you doing, men?" he demanded. "Are you letting these effeminate creatures slip away unhurt? Not one must escape alive! Think of your own right hands, which have played their part in so many battles and subjected thirty kingdoms to my sovereignty! Remember your ancestors, whom the Romans, then at the height of their power, made tributaries. Remember your liberty, which these halflings, who haven't anything like your strength, plan to take away from you! Not one must escape alive! Not one must escape, I say!" (B) The knight saw a tower ahead of him more massive than any he had ever seen; there could be no finer tower. Leaning on a window ledge was King Bademagu. Careful and extact in all matters of honor and right, he wished to observe and practice loyalty above all. Leaning next to him was his son, who always did the very opposite as best as he could, for disloyalty pleased him. No cruelty, villainy, or treason ever worried or wearied him. From thier position they had seen the knight cross the bridge in heavy pain and agony. Anger and resentment caused Meleagant's color to change; he realized that he would now be challenged for the queen. Yet he was the knid of knight who feared no man, however strong or fierce. Were he not disloyal and evil, there would have been no finer knight. 2. (A) Compare and contrast the motif of exile in "The History of the Knights of the Britain" and "The Knight of the Cart". OR (B) "Androgyny, or the re-entry of the 'feminine' principle as a civilizing force into medieval literature, can be seen in the romance....Here women take some part, are themselves served,and...insofar as they are served become a metaphor for justice and right." Comment on the statement by by discussing the problem of female desire in "The Knight of the Cart". NOTE: Be analytical rather than descriptive; back up your argument with textual evidence and, when appropriate, with reference to other relevant materials covered in class. 註:考試為open book --

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