作者EternalChaos (永遠的混沌)
標題[試題] 99下 蔡益坤 演算法 期末考
時間Wed Nov 16 22:42:17 2011
試題 :
This is a closed-book exam. Each problem accounts for 10 points,
unless otherwise marked.
1. For each of the following pairs of functions, determine whether
f(n) = O(g(n)) and/or f(n) = Ω(g(n)). Justify your answers.
f(n) g(n)
(a) (log n)^(log n) n / (log n)
(b) (n^3) ×(2^n) 3^n
Note: the suggested solution to this midterm exam problem is not quite
complete. Please try to do better.
2. Consider rearranging the following array into a max heap using the
bottom-up approach.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
│2 │8 │3 │5 │1 │14│6 │7 │11│4 │10│12│13│15│9 │
Please show the result (i.e., the contents of the array) after a new
element is added to the current collection of heaps (at the bottom) until
the entire array has become a heap.
3. Prove that the sum of the heights of all nodes in a complete binary tree
with n nodes is at most n-1. You may assume it is known that the sum of
the heights of all nodes in a full binary tree height h is 2^(h+1)-h-2.
(Note: a single-node tree has height 0.)
4. Compute the next table as in the KMP algorithm for string
B[1..11] = abaabababaa. Please show how next[7] and next[11] are computed
from using preceding entries in the table.
5. Given as input a connected undirected graph G, a spanning tree T of G,
and a vertex v, design an algorithm to determine whether T is a valid DFS
tree of G rooted at v. In other words, determine whether T can be the
output of DFS under some order of the edges starting with v. Please
present your algorithm in an adequate pseudo code and make assumptions
wherever necessary. Explain why the algorithm is correct and give an
analysis of its time complexity. The more efficient your algorithm is,
the points you get for this problem.
6. What is wrong with the following algorithm for computing the minimum-cost
spanning tree of a given weighted undirected graph (assumed to be
If the input is just a single-node graph, return the single node.
Otherwise, divide the graph into two subgraphs, recursively compute
their minimum-cost spanning trees, and then connect the two spanning
tree with an edge between the two subgraphs that has the minimum weight
7. Let G = (V,E) be a connected weighted undirected graph and T be a minimum
-cost spanning tree (MCST) of G. Suppose that the cost of one edge {u,v}
in G is increased; {u,v} may or may not belong to T. Design an algorithm
either to find a new MCST or to determine that T is still an MCST. The
more efficient your algorithm is, the more points you will be credited
for this problem. Explain why your algorithm is correct and analyze its
time complexity.
8. Let G = (V,E) be a directed graph, and let T be a DFS tree of G. Prove
that the intersection of the edges of T with the edges of any strongly
connected component of G form a subtree (rather than two or more separate
subtrees) of T.
9. Below is a solution to the single-source shortest path problem using the
dynamic programming approach, which we have discussed in class:
Denote by DL(u) the length of a shortest path from v (the source) to u
containing at most l edges; particularly, D(u)^(n-1) is the length of a
shortest path from v to u (with no restrictions).
length(v,u) if (v,u) belong to E
DL(u) = 0 if v = u
∞ otherwise
DL(u) = min{ D(L-1)(u), min {D(L-1)(u') + length(u',u)}},
(u',u belong to E)
Please explain why the solution allows edges with a negative weight (as
long as there is no cycle with a negative weight). How is this different
from Dijkstra's algorithm? Please explain.
10.The subgraph isomorphism problem is as follows.
Given two graphs G1 = (V1,E1) and G2 = (V2,E2), does G1 have a subgraph
that is isomorphic to G2? (Two graphs are isomorphic if there exists a
one-one correspondence between the two sets of vertices of the two
graphs that preserves adjancency, i.e., if there is an edge between two
vertices of the first graph, then there is also an edge between the two
corresponding vertices in the second graph, and vice versa.)
Prove that the subgraph isoporphism problem is NP-complete.
(Hint: the proof of NP-hardness is by reduction from the Hamiltonian
Cycle problem, we set G1 = (V1,E1) to be precisely the same as G and G2 =
(V2,E2) to be a ring of |V1| nodes for the input to the subgraph
isoporphism problems.)
The Hamiltonian cycle problem: give an undirected graph G, does G have a
Hamiltonian cycle? (A Hamiltonian cycle in a graph is a cycle that contains
each vertex, except the starting vertex of the cycle, exactly one.)
The Hamiltonian cycle problem is NP-complete.
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1F:→ ahau : 嗚嗚沒有答案 06/20 22:22