作者showshiaring (書籤貓)
標題[試題] 100上 黃貞穎 個體經濟學 期中考
時間Mon Nov 14 19:40:02 2011
試題 :
1. Consider the utility function:
u(x1,x2) = min {2x1+x2, x1+2x2}
(a) (10 points) Draw the indifference curve for u(x1,x2)=20.
Shade the area where u(x1,x2)≧20
(b) (10 points) Draw several indifference curves. Draw the income offer
curve for the following five cases separately:
P1/P2>2, P1/P2=2, 2>P1/P2>1/2, P1/P2=1/2, 1/2>P1/P2
where P1 is the price of X1 and P2 that of X2.
(c) (10 points) A consumer with this preference has income of 20. Suppose
P1=P2+1. Solve for his optimal consumption bundle. Explain,
in terms of the relationship between the MRS and the slope
of the budget line, whe the optimal consumption bundle you
find is optimal.
(d) (10 points) A consumer with this preference has income of 20. The price
of X2,P2, is 1. Draw his demand curve for X1.
2. You are given the following partial information about a consumer's
purchases. He consumes only two goods:
Year 1 Year 2
Quantity Price Quantity Price
Good 1 100 100 120 100
Good 2 100 100 ? 80
Over what range of quantities of good2 consumed in year 2 would you
(a) (10 points) That his behavior satisfies the weak axiom of revealed
(b) (7 points) That the consumer's consumption bundle in year 1 is revealed
preferred to that in year 2?
(c) (7 points) That the consumer's consumption bundle in year 2 is revealed
preferred to that in year 1?
3. Rachel only consumes two goods: books (b) and video games (v). Her
preference is lexicographic. That is, for any two consumption bundles of
books and video games (b1,v1), (b2,v2)m she weakly prefers (b1,v1) to
(b2,v2) if either b1>b2 or b1=b2 but v1≧v2. In all your diagrams, label
books on the x axis and label video games on the y axis.
(a) (8 points) Draw Rachel's indifference curve.
(b) (8 points) Show that Rachel's preference is homothetic.
(c) (10 points) Suppose the price of books is 1 and that of video games
is also 1. Derive Rachel's income offer curve and Engel
curve of video games.
(d) (10 points) Suppose Rachel's income is 100 and the price of video
games is 1. Derive Rachel's demand curve of books.
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