NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰無機化學一 課程性質︰必修 課程教師︰鄭淑芬 開課學院:理學院 開課系所︰化學系 考試日期(年月日)︰100/10/19 考試時限(分鐘):150 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 1. What is the maximum number of electrons that can have the following quantum numbers: (6%) (a) n=4 (b) n=5, l=1 (c) n=4, l=3 (d) n=2, l=2, ml=-1 (e) n=3, l=2, ml=2 (f) n=4, l=0, ml=-1, ms=1/2 2+ 2. Give the ground-state electron configurations of (a)Sc, (b)V , (c)Cr, 3+ 2+ (d)Fe , (e)Pb (10%) 3. When 50.4 nm radiation from a helium discharge lamp is directed on a sample of krypton, electrons are ejected with a velocity of 2.56x10^6 m/s. (a) What is the ionization energy of krypton(in eV)? (b) If the photon resulted fromn a transitoin from 5s to 4p orbitals of kyrpton has a wavelength of 462.7 nm, what is the ionization energy of electrons in 5s orbital of kyrpton? (6%) 4. (a) Draw pictures of the linear combinations of H 1s orbitals for a hypotheti- cal linear H molecule. 5 (b) From the consideration of number of nodes, arrange these molecular orbitals in order of increasing energy. (c) What is the bond order of each H-H bond in the linear H molecule? (12%) 5 5. (a) Show the molecular orbital energy diagram of the diatomic molecule C . 2 Also, indicate the bonding, antibinding and non-bonding orbitals(if any). (b) The bond dissociation energy of C (599kJ/mole) decreases slightly on + 2 - forming C (513kJ/mole) and increases greatly on forming C (818kJ/mole). 2 2 Why? (10%) 6. (a) The first ionization energy (IE) of H, C, O, and S atoms are 13.60, 11.26, 13.62 and 10.36 eV, respectively. Explain the variations in IE. (b) What are the effective nuclear charges for the valence electrons in (a) removed from these atoms? (c) Theelectron affinities (EA) of H, C, O, and S atoms are 0.746, 1.26, 1.46, and 2.07 eV, respectively. Explain the variations of EA. (d) What are the effective nuclear charges for these electrons in (c) experi- enced in these atoms? (e) Compare the difference in trend of EA from that of IE. (20%) 7. (a) Show the molecular orbital ebergy diagram of CO. Also indicate the bonding, antibonding and non-bonding orbitals (if any). (b) The UV photoelectron spectrum (UPS) of CO is shown below, and Table 1 lists the streching frequencies of C-O derived from the fine structures of UPS spectrum. Assign the lines in the spectrum, and correlate the bonding charactor of the molecular orbital. (pictures is in text book, figure 2.39) (c) Show the molecular orbital energy diagram of SO, and compare it with that of CO. (d) Predict the appearance of the UPS of the SO molecule with proper explan- ations. (20%) 8. Draw the structures and assign the point groups to the following compounds. Also, indicate of compound has optical isomer. (15%) (a) CBrClFI (b) SF4 (c) C6H12 (chiar form) (d) trans-[Cr(Cl)2(NH3)4]+ (e) [Co(NH2C2H4NH2)3]3+ 9. (a) Show a real molecule which belongs to C2v point group. (b) List all symmetry operations in C2v, and indicate the order of this group. (c) Taking the C2-axis as z-axis and using (x,y,z) as the basis, find the matrix representations of all the symmetry operations in C2v. Are these matrix representations reducible? (15%) --------------- Conversion factor: 1eV=1.6022x10^-19 J Plank's constant, h=6.626x10^-34 J.s=6.626x10^-27 erg.s Bolzmann's constant, k=1.38066x10^-23 J/K Speed of light, c=2.9979x10^8 m/s Mass of electron, me=9.109x10^-31 kg Elementary charge, e=1.602x10^-19 C --

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