作者newacc (XD)
標題[試題] 99下 楊鏡堂 流體力學 期中考
時間Sat Sep 17 21:23:32 2011
試題 :
The First Midterm Examination of Fluid Mechanics
1.(10 points)
(a) What is the physical meaning of the Newton's Law of Viscosity?
(8 points)
(b) How do the viscosity and the kinematic viscosity of fluid,
respectively, vary with the fluid temperature? (7 points)
2.(10 points)
The reservoir shown in the figure contains two immiscible liquids
of specific weights γA and γB , respectively, one above the other.
γA > γB . Which graph depicts the correct distribution of gage
pressure along a vertical line through the liquids? Why?
│ Liquid B │ ├→ ├→ ├→ ├→
│ │ ├─→ ├ → ├─→ ├ →
├──────┤ ├───→ ├─→ ├──→ ├─→
│ Liquid A │ ├─── → ├──→ ├── → ├─ →
│ │ ├────→ ├───→ ├───→ ├──→
└──────┘ └──── →└────→ └─── → └── →
3.(10 points)
A water bug is suspended on the surface of a pond by surface tension
(water does not wet the legs). The bug has six legs, and each leg is
in contact with the water over a length of 5mm. Please derive a
correlation th show what the maximum mass the bug is, if it is to
avoid from sinking?
_╱ ╲_
5mm 5mm
4.(10 points) 2.102 (pp. 90)
An inverted test tube partially filled with air floats in a plastic
water-filled soft drink bottle as shown in the attached figure. The
amount of air in the tube has been adjusted so that it just floats.
The bottle cap is securely fastened. A slight squeezing of the plastic
bottle will cause the test tube to sink to the bottom of the bottle.
Explain this phenomenon.
││││←Plastic bottle
Test tube─┼┤││
Water┼→ │
5.(15 points)
A crude accelerometer is made from a liquid-filled U-tube as shown.
Derive an expression for the acceleration a, in terms of liquid level
difference h, tube geometry, and fluid properties.
┌┐ ┌┐
││ ↓ →││← d
├┤─── ││
Liquid ││ h ││
density,ρ ││ ││
y ││ ───├┤
↑ ││ ↑ ││ →
└→x ││ │├─→ a
│←─ L ─→│
6.(15 points)
A Pitot-static probe connected to a water manometer is used to measure
the velocity of air. If the deflection (the vertical distance between
the fluid levels in the two arms) is 10 cm, determine the air velocity.
Take the density of air to be 1.20 kg/m^3.
│ │
│ ┌─────┐ │
└┬┬┘ │ │
││ │ │
┌┤├┐┌──┐ │ │
│││└┤ │ │ │
│││┌┤ │ │ │
││││└┐ │ │ │
Pitot-static ││││ │ │ │ │
probe ──→││││ ├─┤┬│ │
Air ││││ │ │││ │10cm
→ ╭─ ──────┘│││ │ │┴├─┤
→ └─────────┘││ │ ╰─╯ │
→ ┌──────────┘│ │ │←Manometer
→ ╰─ ─────────┘ ╰─────╯
7.(15 points)
A 2-m-diameter open cylinder tank contains water and has a hemispherical
bottom. Determine the magnitude, line of action, and direction of the
force of the water on the curved bottom.
8.(15 points)
Water flows into the sink as shown at a rate of 7.0L/min. If the drain is
closed, the water will eventually flow through the overflow drain holes
rather than over the edge of the sink. How many 1-cm-diameter drain holes
are needed to ensure that the water does not overflow the sink? Neglect
viscous effect.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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