作者shokanshorin (上官薔凜)
標題[試題] 96上 陳俊宏 普通生物學乙上 第二次期中考 普通植物學
時間Sat Jul 23 17:17:12 2011
Ⅰ. Choose one alternative that best comopletes the statement or answers the
1. Which functional plant cells lack a nucleus?
A. xylem only. B. sieve cells only. C. companion cells only.
D. both companion and parenchyma cells.
E. both xylem and sieve-tube cells.
2. Which of the following is INCORRECTLY paired with its structure and
A. sclerenchyma - supporting cells with thick secondary walls.
B. periderm - protective coat of woody stems and roots.
C. pericycle - waterproof ring of cells surrounding the central stele
in leaves.
D. mesophyll - parenchyma cells functioning in photosynthesis in
E. ground meristem - primary meristem that produces the ground tissue system
3. All of the following cell types are correctly matched with their functions
A. mesophyll - photosynthesis.
B. guard cell - regulation of transpiration.
C. sieve-tube member - translocation.
D. vessel element - water transport.
E. companion cell - formation of secondary xylem and phloem.
4. Before differentation can begin during the processes of plant cell and
tissue culture, parenchyma cells from the source tissue must
A. differentiate into procambium.
B. undergo dedifferentiation.
C. increase the number of chromosomes in their nuclei.
D. enzymatically digest their primary cell walls.
E. establish a new polarity in their cytoplasm.
5. The polarity of a plant is established when
A. the zygote divides.
B. cotyledons form at the shoot end of the embryo.
C. the shoot-root axis is established in the embryo.
D. the primary root breaks through the seed coat.
E. the shoot first breaks throught the soil into the light as the seed
6. According to the ABC model of floral development, a showy ornamental flower
with multiple sepals and petals but no stamens or carpels would express
A. A genes only. B. B genes only. C. C genes only.
D. A and B genes only. E. A and C genes only.
7. Secondary growth NEVER occurs in
A. stems. B. roots. C. leaves. D. stems and leaves. E. roots and leaves.
8. ______ is to xylem as ______ is to phloem.
A. Sclerenchyma cell; parenchyma cell.
B. Apical meristem; vascular cambium.
C. Vessel element; sieve-tube member.
D. Cortex; pith.
E. Vascular cambium; cork cambium.
9. Active transport involves all of the following EXCEPT the
A. slow movement through the lipid bilayer of a membrane.
B. pumping of solutes across the membrane.
C. hydrolysis of ATP.
D. transport of solute against a concentration gradient.
E. a specific transport protein in the membrane.
10. Like many plant processes, transport of various materials in plants at the
cellular level requires all of the following EXCEPT
A. a proton gradient. B. ATP. C. specific membrane proteins.
D. active transport. E. xylem membranes.
11. Which of the following is TURE concerning the water potential of a plant
A. It is higher than that of air.
B. It is equal to 0.23 MPa.
C. It is equal to zero when the cell is in pure water and is turgid.
D. It becomes higher when K+ is actively moved into the cell.
E. It becomes lower after the update of water by osmosis.
12. All of the following describe an important component of the long-distance
transport processes in plants EXCEPT
A. cohesion-tension-transpiration. B. osmosis.
C. endodermis Casparian strip. D. active transport.
E. bulk flow from source to sink.
13. What is the main cause of guttation in plants?
A. root pressure. B. transpiration. C. pressure flow in phloem.
D. plant injury. E. condensation of atmospheric water.
14. Xylem vessels, found in angiosperms, have a much greater internal diameter
than tracheids, the only xylem conducting cells found in gymnosperms. The
tallest living trees, redwoods, are gymnosperms. Which of the following is
an advantage of tracheids over vessels for long-distance transport to great
A. Adhesive forces are proportionally greater in narrower cylinders than in
wider cylinders.
B. The smaller the diameter of the xylem, the more likely cavitation will
C. Cohesive forces are greater in narrow tubes than in wide tubes of the
same height.
D. Only A and C are correct. E. A, B, and C are correct.
15. The water lost during transpiration is an unfortunate side effect of the
plant's exchange of gases. However, the plant derives some benefit from
this water loss in the form of
A. evaporative cooling. B. mineral transport. C. increased turgor.
D. A and B only. E. A, B, and C.
16. Water flows into the source end of a sieve tube because
A. sucrose has diffused into the sieve tube, making it hypertonic.
B. sucrose has been acitvely transported into the sieve tube, making it
C. water pressure outside the sieve tube forces in water.
D. the companion cell of a sieve tube actively pumps in water.
E. sucrose has been dumped from the sieve tube by active transport.
17. Which one of the following transport protein play an important role in
apoplasitc phloem loading?
A. Rubisco. B. invertase. C. amylase. D. sucrose-H+ symporter.
E. sucrose-H+ anitporter.
18. Which structure or compartment is NOT part of the plant's apoplast?
A. the lumen of a xylem vessel.
B. the lumen of a sieve tube.
C. the cell wall of a mesophyll cell.
D. the cell wall of a transfer cell.
E. the cell wall of a root hair.
19. The bulk of a plant's dry weight is derived from
A. soil minerals. B. CO2. C. the hydrogen from H2O.
D. the oxygen from H2O. E. the uptake of organic nutrients from the soil.
20. Which of the following best describes the general role of micronutrients in
A. They are cofactors in enzymatic reactions.
B. They are necessary for essential regulatory functions.
C. They prevent chlorosis.
D. They are components of nucleic acids.
E. They are necessary for the formation of cell walls.
21. Most crop plants acquire their nitrogen mainly in the form of
A. NH3. B. N2. C. CN2H2. D. NO3-.
E. aminoacids absorbed from the soil.
22. Which of the following is a TRUE statement about nitrogen fixation in root
A. The plant contributes the nitrogenase enzyme.
B. The process is relatively inexpensive in terms of ATP costs.
C. Leghemoglobin helps maintain a low O2 concentration within the nodule.
D. The process tends to deplete nitrogen compounds in the soil.
E. The bacteria of a nodule are autotrophic.
23. The deficiency symptom of following mineral usually occurs in older part
of plant body.
A. Ca. B. Fe. C. Cu. D. Mg. E. S.
24. Soil pH may affect the availability of mineral nutrients, the proper pH
range for plant growth is
A. 4.0-5.0. B. 4.5-5.5. C. 5.5-6.5. D. 6.5-7.0. E. 7.0-7.5.
25. Which of the following is a primary difference between ectomycorrhizae and
A. Endomycorrhizae have thicker, shorter hyphae than ectomycorrhizae.
B. Endomycorrhizae, but notectomycorrhizae, form a dense sheath over the
surface of the root.
C. Fungal hyphae in ectomycorrhizae do not penetrate root cells, whereas
in ectmycorrhizae hyphae grow into invaginations of the root cell
D. Ectomycorrhizae are found in woody plant species; about 85% of plant
families from ectomycorrhizae.
E. There are no significant differences between ectomycorrhizae and
26. In a signal transduction pathway, the transduction stage amplifies the
original signal by
A. involving more than one receptor molecule to receive teh stimulus.
B. having each receptor molecule produce multiple secondary messengers.
C. having each secondary messenger activate numerous specific enzymes.
D. B and C only. E. A, B, and C.
27. Which of the following is NOT presently considered a major mechanism
whereby hormones control plant development?
A. affecting cell respiration via regulation of the citric acid cycle.
B. affecting cell division via the cell cycle.
C. affecting cell elongation through acid growth.
D. affecting cell differentiation through altered gene activity.
E. mediating short-term physiological responses to environmental stimuli.
28. Plant hormones can have different effects at different concentrations.
This explains how
A. some plants are long-day plants and others are short-day plants.
B. signal tranduction pathways in plants are different from those in
C. plant genes recognize pathogen genes.
D. auxin can stimulate cell elongation in apical meristems, yet will
inhibit the growth of axillary buds.
E. they really don't fit the definition of "hormone."
29. Ethylene, as an example of a plant hormone, may have multiple effects on a
plant, depending on all of the following EXCEPT the
A. site of action within the plant.
B. developmental stage of the plant.
C. concentration of ethylene.
D. altered chemical structure of ethylene from a gas to a liquid.
E. readiness of cell membrane receptors for the ethylene.
30. Auxin is responsible for all of the following plant growth responses EXCEPT
A. phototropism. B. formation of adventitious roots.
C. apical dominance. D. the detection fo phtoperiod.
E. cell elongation.
31. In plant tissue culture, ______ are usually used to stimulate bud formation
and _____ are used for root induction.
A. auxins; gibberellins. B. auxins; cytokinins.
C. gibberellins; auxins. D. cytokinins; ethylene.
E. cytokinins; auxins.
32. Which hormone is most effective to cause leaf abscission?
A. auxins. B. gibberellins. C. cytokinins. D. abscisic acid.
E. ethylene.
33. Most scientists agree that global warming is underway; thus it is important
to know how plants respond to heat stress. Which of the following is an
immediate short-term response of plants to heat stress?
A. the production of heat-shock carbohydrates unique to each plant.
B. the production of heat-shock proteins like those of other organisms.
C. the opening of stomata to increase evaporational heat loss.
D. their evolution into more xerohytic plants.
E. all of the above.
34. Plants are affected by an array of pathogens. Which of the following is NOT
a plant defense against disease?
A. Cells near the point of infection destroying themselves to prevent the
spread of the infection.
B. Production of chemicals that kill pathogens.
C. Acquiring gene-for-gene recognition that allows specific proteins to
interact so that the plant can produce defenses against the pathogen.
D. A waxy cuticle that pathgens have trouble penetrating.
E. All of the above are plant defenses against disease.
35. The signal transduction pahtway that activates systemic acquired resistance
in plants is initially signaled by
A. antisense RNA. B. P_fr phytochrome. C. salicylic acid.
D. abscisic acid. E. red, but not far-red, light.
36. In autumn, the breakdown of chlorophyll reveals the ______ pigments of a
leaf and leaves turn ______.
A. carotenoid, yellow. B. xanthophylls, yellow.
C. anthocyanin, red. D. melanin, brown.
E. phycoerythrin, red.
37. Auxin triggers the acidificaiton of cell walls that results in rapid
growth, but also stimulates sustained, long-term cell elongation. What
best explains how auxin brings about this dual growth response?
A. Auxin binds to different receptors in different cells.
B. Different concentrations of auxin have different effects.
C. Auxin causes second messengers to activate both proton pumps and
certain genes.
D. The dual effects are due to two different auxins.
E. Other antagonistic hormones modify auxin's effects.
38. Which of following feature is NOT an expression of photomorphgenesis?
A. apical hook. B. green leaf. C. short stem. D. expanded leaf.
E. none of above.
39. Under which conditions would asexual plants have the greatest advantage
over sexual plants?
A. an environment that varies on a regular, predictable basis.
B. an environment with irregular fluctuations of conditions.
C. a relatively constant environment with infrequent disturbances.
D. a fire-maintained ecosystem.
E. an environment with many seed predators.
40. In modern agriculture, what does "terminator technology" refer to?
A. introduction of bacterial genes that release insect toxins into plants.
B. introduction of male sterility genes into plants to prevent selfing.
C. introduction of genes into a plant that prevent its seeds from
D. Bt genes produced in maize pollen.
E. selection of resistant clones following mutator treatment of seeds.
41. Pollen grain is to ______ as ______ is to female gametophyte.
A. male gametophyte; embryo disc. B. embryo sac; ovule.
C. ovule; sporophyte. D. anther; seed.
E. petal; speal.
42. Plant biotechnologists use protoplast fusion mainly to
A. culture plant cells in vitro.
B. asexual propagate desirable plant varieties.
C. introduce bacterial genes into a plant genome.
D. study the early events following fertilization.
E. produce new hybrid species.
43. The development of Bt crops continues to cause concern because
[Bt protein is a toxic protein produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (蘇力菌)
that can kill certain kinds of insects.]
A. Bt crops have been shown to be toxic to humans.
B. pollen from these crops is harmful to monarch butterfly larvae in the
C. if genes for Bt toxin "escape" to related weed species, the hybird weeds
would have harmful ecological effects.
D. Bacillus thuringiensis is a pathogen of humans.
E. Bt toxin reduces the nutritional quality of crops.
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