作者satisfy64ING (SATISFY)
標題[試題] 99-2 陳俊顯 分析化學二 期末考
時間Tue Jun 28 15:35:03 2011
課程名稱︰ 分析化學二
課程性質︰ 化學系必修
課程教師︰ 陳俊顯
開課學院: 理學院
開課系所︰ 化學系
考試日期(年月日)︰ 100.6.20
考試時限(分鐘): 120
是否需發放獎勵金: 是
試題 :
姓名(name):__________________ 學號(student ID):____________________
課號:203 21220, Spring 2011, Exam #3 (2011-06-20) 10:20 ~ 12:05
(滿分130 分:乘40%為期末總成績積分) page 2-1
助教會在收卷前5 分鐘(12:05)提醒各位。
I. (84%) Multiple Choice Questions (Select one answer and write it
on this sheet above the underlines.)
(3 points for a correct answer, –1 point for a wrong answer, mark △ if you think that there is no correct answer)
(單選,每題3 分,答錯倒扣1 分,若你認為選項中沒有正確答案,則打△)
___ 1. Which of the following does NOT lead to zone broadening
in chromatography?
a) Faster flow rates.
b) Slower flow rates.
c) Smaller column diameters.
___ 2. Decreasing the thickness of the stationary phase leads to:
a) decreased plate height, decreased retention time, and
decreased capacity for the analyte.
b) decreased plate height, decreased retention time, and
increased capacity for the analyte.
c) decreased plate height, increased retention time, and
decreased capacity for the analyte.
3–4. Chromatograms shown below are obtained from two
columns with equal length and at the same linear flow rate.
___ 3. Which of the following comparison between Columns A and
B is correct?
a) Column 1 has more theoretical plates.
b) Column 1 has a larger relative retention.
c) Column 1 has a larger capacity factor.
___ 4. Which of the following comparison between Solutes A and
B is correct?
a) Solute A has a larger capacity factor.
b) Solute A has a smaller partition coefficient.
c) Solute A has a smaller concentration in the sample.
___ 5. The column capacity factor k' can be easily adjusted by:
a) changing the eluent linear flow rate.
b) changing the solvent strength of the eluent.
c) changing the column pressure.
___ 6. Which of the following is an ideal value for the capacity
factor in chromatography?
a) 1. b) 5. c) 30.
___ 7. For the separation of two solute in a column whose length
and inner diameter are fixed, reducing the size of the
packing particles will
a) reduce the diffusion coefficient of solutes in the stationary phase.
b) improve the RS for the solutes.
c) increase the selectivity factor, R_s, for the solutes.
___ 8. Which of the following may lead to the possibility of both
increase and decrease the plate height of a column?
a) Increasing the weight of the stationary phase relative to the
packing weight.
b) Decreasing the column temperature.
c) Increasing the injection port temperature.
___ 9. Which of the following is the most common carrier gas for GC?
a) He. b) N2. c) H2.
___ 10. Split-injection often used in capillary GC because it has
a) a very sensitive detector.
b) a large selectivity factor.
c) a small capacity factor.
___ 11. An "on-column injection" is used
a) when a very small amount of analyte is present in the sample.
b) when the injection chamber is under splitless mode.
c) when the solute vaporization takes places at 50 oC or more
above the column temperature.
___ 12. Which of the following decreases the plate height of a GC column?
a) decreasing the weight of the stationary phase relative to the packing weight.
b) decreasing the rate of sample injection.
c) decreasing the volume flow rate.
___ 13. Which of the following detector is a mass-sensitive detector?
a) FID. b) TCD. c) ECD.
___ 14. Solutes containing halogens can best be studied in gas
chromatography with
a) FID. b) TCD. c) ECD.
___ 15. Which of the following detectors would provide greatest
sensitivity for the detection of CO2?
a) FID. b) TCD. c) ECD.
___ 16. The reason why HPLC has the "high performance" is because
a) it uses a high-pressure pump to drive the eluent.
b) it uses small particles which reduce the contribution of A and
C terms to the plate height.
c) there is only B term left in the van Deemter equation.
___ 17. Which of the following is usually used as a preparative step
that mainly to isolate a single compound from a complex mixture?
a) Ion chromatography.
b) Affinity chromatography.
c) Molecular exclusion chromatography.
18–20. Find the most suitable LC for each of the following cases.
Possible methods are
a) bonded reversed-phase chromatography
b) adsorption chromatography
c) bonded normal-phase chromatography
d) ion-exchange chromatography
e) molecular/size exclusion chromatography
f) affinity chromatography.
a 18. solute: formal weight < 2000, soluble in octane
c 19. solute: fw < 2000, soluble in dioxane, but not CHCl3
e 20. solute: fw > 2000, , soluble in THF, size 50 nm
___ 21. Based on Table 23-3, please predict the elution order from a
column containing (diphenyl)0.35(dimethyl)0.65polysiloxane.
Which of 1-butanol, hexane, and benzene will have the
shortest tR?
a) 1-Butanol. b) Hexane. c) Benzene.
___ 22. For a benzene/acetone gradient used in a normal-phase column,
a) the sample component that forms hydrogen bonding most
easily is eluted first.
b) the lowest molecular weight sample component is eluted first.
c) the % of benzene decreases as the column is eluted.
___ 23. Which of the following is NOT a common approach to
improve the stability of silica-based solid support?
a) The use of triethylamine additive in the eluent.
b) The use of bulky isobutyl groups at the siloxane headgroup.
c) The use of bidentate alkyl siloxanes.
___ 24. In the selection of a detector for a chromatographic method
utilizing gradient elution, reasonable choices would include:
a) ultraviolet detector, refractive index detector, or an
electrochemical detector.
b) ultraviolet detector, fluorescence detector, or mass
c) refractive index detector, electrochemical detector, and
conductivity detector.
___ 25. In the case of separation of K+ and Ca2+ from mixture of
KNO3 and CaSO4 by ion chromatography,
a) the separation column is a strong-base anion exchanger.
b) the suppressor column is a strong-base anion exchanger.
c) the separation column is a strong-acid anion exchanger.
___ 26. For the preparation of resins for ion chromatography, an
increase of the percentage of divinylbenzene
a) will increase the rigidity of the resins.
b) will decrease the ionic interactions between the resins and
the analytes.
c) can provide better protection to the solid support against
___ 27. In gel-permeation chromatography, there is a linear
relationship between:
a) molecular mass and log of the migration time.
b) molecular radius and log of the retention volume.
c) retention volume and log of the molecular mass.
___ 28. Which of the following pH 5.0 eluents (phosphate) would
give the longest migration time for alkaline ions in CZE?
a) 30 mM b) 0.50 M c) 0.80 M phosphate.
有關於II~IV 的評分:需要敘述的地方,描述必須完整,才能獲高分;
II. (23%)
(a) Write the full name of the following acronyms, and
(b) answer the question(s) following the acronym.
(i) (6%) SPME; Should all the analyte in an unknown be extracted
into the fiber in SPME? Why or why not?
(ii) (5%) HPLC; Why is high pressure needed in HPLC?
(5%) What is an "evaporative light-scattering detector"?
Why is the detector compatible with gradient elution?
(iii) (7%) HILIC; why is eluent strength increased by increasing
the fraction of water in the mobile phase?
III. (13%) Method Development for Reversed-Phase Separations.
(i) (3%) State one method for measuring tM in reversed-phase chromatography.
(ii) (3%) What does the "four solvents" mean?
(iii) (3%) How to use the nomographs?
(iv) (4%) How to optimize the solvent composition for the separation?
IV. (10%) Ion chromatography. Please quantitatively show how the suppressor improves
the signal of the K+ zones by using the table in the right.
(Eluent: HCl; c_pre,A: concentration for A species prior to suppressor;
c_after,A: concentration for A species after suppressor;
e.g. c_pre,H+, c_after,H+, c_pre,Na+, c_after,Na+, ... ...)
ion (S‧m2/mol)
H+ 350
Na+ 50
K+ 74
OH- 198
CO3 2- 138.6
HCO3- 44.5
Cl- 76
1F:推 abacada :必羞 >//////< 06/28 15:35
2F:推 firepeter :天哪= =這太強了吧= = 06/28 15:36
3F:推 q510724 :全打出來了嗎@@ 06/28 18:19
4F:推 firepeter :我好好奇原PO是誰 06/28 21:37
※ 編輯: satisfy64ING 來自: (06/28 23:00)