NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰大一英文 課程性質︰共同必修 課程教師︰陶漢威 開課學院:管理學院 開課系所︰管理學院 考試日期(年月日)︰100/6/22 考試時限(分鐘):50min 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 1. "I preger your face as it is now. Ravage." “Ravage” means 1)destroyed 2)conceived 3)embellished 4)ameliorated 2. "We indulged in the luxury of declining to eat." “Decline” means to 1)weaken 2)reinforce 3)refuse 4)wreathe 3. "I’ve been told it was because being poor made us brood.” “Brood” means to be 1)satisfied 2)depressed 3)furious 4)avid 4. "The Byronic hero relies on his absolute self against all institutional and moral trammels on the display of individuality.” “Trammel” means 1)code 2)restraint 3)encouragement 4)inspiration 5. "Duras’ works are at once subversive of and complicit with an oppressive status quo.” “Complicit” means 1)associated with 2)detached from 3)having nothing to do with 4)originating from 6. "Following the previous question, “girdle” means 1)zone 2)venue 3)site 4)garment 7. "I want to kill him to save my younger brother from that black veil over the night, the law which was decreed and represented by the elder brother.” “veil” means something that 1)reveals 2)conceals 4)transcends 5)descends 8. Following the previous question, “Decreed” means 1)stated officially 2)written casually 3)created artistically 4)discussed heatedly 9.“The crucial ambiguity of the image lies in the man’s fedora.” “Fedora ” means a 1)skirt 2)wig 3)cloak 4)hat 10. Following the previous question, “ambiguous”, the adjective from of “ ambiguity”, means 1)absolute 2)eloquent 3)ambivalent 4)evident 11. "The engine of the ferry is the only sound, a rickety old machine with burned-out rods.” “Rickety” means 1)giant 2)noisy 3)feeble 4)damaged 12. "Annabella Milbanke was naïve, unworldly, intellectual, and not a little priggish.” “Priggish” means 1)extraordinarily beautiful 2)exceptionally kind 3)affectedly nice 3)extremely honest 13. "The not knowing how to say it, which baffles elucidation most of the times, is perhaps what might be the closest to the meaning of life.” “Baffle ” means to 1)encourage 2)frustrate 3)cultivate 4)undermine 14. Following the previous question, “Elucidation” means 1)description 2)depiction 3)explanation 4)exemplification 15. "What reigns there is nevertheless the montage of fragmentary memories and fortuitous reflections evokes by images.” “Reign” means to 1)rule 2)submit 3)defeat 4)conquer 16. Following the previous question, “fortuitous” means “happening 1)regularly 2)predictably 3)by rule 4)by chance” 17. The Lover is a novel that shows the author’s ability to subvert the conventional modes of representation.” “Subvert” means 1)support 2)reject 3)imitate 4)overthrow 18. "She sides with the ‘oppressive status quo’ by applying its phallocentric values to examining the female experience conveyed by Duras.” “Phallocentric” means 1)altruist 2)humanitarian 3)egoist 4)Chauvinist 19. "Either addicted to brutality or resigned to fears, the male characters around the heroine of the novel appear small and weak.” “Brutality” means 1)benevolence 2)peace 3)violence 4)despotism 20. Following the previous question, “Resigned” means 1)indulged in 2)frightened by 3)at the mercy of 4)confronted with 21. Which of the following expressions is NOT suitable for describing a modernist text? 1)imagist 2)de-centered 3)logical 4)incoherent 22. Which of the following characteristics does NOT belong to modernism? 1)stream of consciousness 2)shift of viewpoints 3)meta-fiction 4)pastoral background 23. "And it’s to this, this failure to have been created, that the image owes its virtue: the virtue of representing, of being the creator of, an absolute.” In this passage cites from The Lover, the image refers suggestively to the image as 1) a painting 2)a photograph 3)a memory 4) plastic art 24. The feminists before the 1960s struggle mainly for 1)”Equal work, equal pay” 2) sexual liberation 3)women’s right to vote 4)the suppression of racism 25. In “A Study of the Narratology of The Lover, the author cites Kaivola’s critism on Dura’s works. According to Kaivola, they are both “subversive” and “repressive”. If they are ”repressive”, it is because of their 1)negative representation of female characters 2)negative representation of male characters 3)positive representation of female characters 4)positive representations of male characters --

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