NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰普通物理學甲下 課程性質︰選修兼通識A7 課程教師︰傅昭銘 開課學院:電資學院 開課系所︰資工系 考試日期(年月日)︰100.6.15 考試時限(分鐘):120分鐘+一星期 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一:選擇題 1.Two slits, seperated by d = 0.45mm are illuminated with light of wavelength 560 nm. The pattern is viewed on a screen 2.5m from the slit. What is the phase difference φat a point 2mm from the central bright fringe? (a) 1.01 rad (b) 2.02 rad (c) 4.04 rad (d) 8.08 rad 2.According to the previous question whatis the intensity at a point 2mm from the central bright fringe?(Wa assume that (I0) is the intensity that would be produced by a single slit) (a) 0.25(I0) (b)0.50(I0) (c)0.75(I0) (d)(I0) 3.If the slit seperation is 0.8mm, and the screen is 2m from the slits. The spacing between the bright fringes of yellow light of wavelength 600nm is (a) 1.25mm (b)1.5mm (c)1.75mm (d)2.0mm 4.A converging lens of focal length is used as a magnifier. If an object is placed 4cm from the lens, what is the magnification? (a)3 (b)4 (c)5 (d)6 5.A slit of vertical height 10^(-4)m and horizontal width 3*10^(-4)m is a distance of 1m from screen as shown blow light of wavelength 4500 埃 is incident on the slit. At the screen, the pattern consists of a (a)vertical line of dots (b)grid of dots with equal horizontal and vertical spacing (c)grid of dots with vertical spacing 3 times larger than the horizontal spacing (d)grid of dots with vertical spacing 3 times smaller than the horizontal spacing 6.Whan you look at a single slit diffraction pattern produced on a screen by light of a single wavelength, you see a bright central maximum. If the width of the slit is increased, (a)the pattern shrinks in size (central maximum less wide; other maxima in closer to it) (b)the pattern shrinks in size (central maximum wide; other maximum farther from it) (c)it does not affect the size of the pattern (d)the width of the central maximum increases, but the other maxima do not change in position or width (e)the width of the central maximum decreases, but the other maxima do not change in position or width 7.A quantum particle (a)can be localized in space (b)can be represented by an infinitely long wave having a single frequency (c)can be represented by a wave packet (d)travels at the phase speed of the infinitely long wave having the highest frequency (e)has the highest probability of being present in those regions of space where its component waves interfere destractively 8.On the concept of "tunneling" (a)Classically, the concept of "tunneling" of a particle is impossible, because its velocity would be negative (b)Quantum tunneling occurs int he scanning tunneling microscope (c)A quantum particle can be represented by a wave packet (d)Both (b) and (c) 9.In an RLC series circuits (a)Vr(t) (the potential difference across a resistor) and Vl(t) (the potential difference across an inductor) lead the current i(l) by 90度; Vc(t) is in phase with i(t) (b)Vr(t) lags behind i(t) by 90度; Vl(t) is in phase with i(t); Vc(t) leads i(t) by 90度 (c)Vr(t) leads i(t) by 90度; Vl(t) lags behind i(t) 90度; Vc(t) is in phase with i(t) (d)Vr(t) is in phase with i(t); Vl(t) leads i(t) by 90度; Vc(t) lags behind i(t) 90度 10.Below are listed four sets of names. For each set indicate the contribution of each physicist. What of the following connection is "RIGHT"? (a)Huygens: for mulation of the corpuscular theory of light; Newton: for mulation of the wave theory of light (b)Young: expalanation of the diffraction of light; Fresnel: experimental study of the interference of light (c)Planck: hypothesis of loght quantum; Einstein: hypothesis of energy quantum (d)Bohr: use of quantum idea in atomic model; Schrodinger: for mulation of wave mechanics 二.簡答題 1.何謂費馬原理? 2.試利用費瑪原理推證折射定律 3.試敘述雷射原理 4.液晶的分類有哪三種? 5.請敘述平面液晶顯示器,偏光版的構造和基本工作原理,並說明液晶在其中所扮演的 角色 6.何謂位移電流 7.Explain the uncertainty principle. 三.計算或問答題 1.(a)何謂量子力學?請詳述其物理意義 (b)量子力學物理的緣由,你認為量子力學理論體系係由數學推導或實驗現象決定? 試說明你的理由。 (c)試繪出原子序Z = 5的原子形貌 2.在RC濾波實驗中,當交流訊號的頻率改變持,電容與電阻的電壓峰值亦會隨著頻率 產生變化,請問: (a)從上面敘述中可知,電容元件具有某種與頻率有關的性質,可以用哪一個物理量 來詮釋? (b)請說明(a)的理由及此性質與頻率的關係為何? 3.A particle of mass m is confined in an one-dimensional infinite square well potential with U(x) = 0 in 0 < X < L and U(x) = ∞,for x < 0 and x > L. Find the wave functions and the energies for the particle. (Please list all the solutions from ground state to second excited state at least) 四.Take Home 1.考試進行抽籤,分配章節。 2.依照抽籤所分章節進行Take Home作業 (1)依據章節名稱,上網尋找相關連之模擬/動畫,也可自行寫程式模擬。 (2)將上述之內容整理成五頁PowerPoint檔,檔案內容需對其有系統化及組織化地介紹 並且敘述其對於該章節物理概念在學習上的助益 3.會在ceiba上公佈細節 -- 選擇題打不出來的符號就直接用中文表示了@@ 考試後試題收了回去,這邊是我利用考試時間抄下來的題目 配分和一些細節的地方來不及寫,請多多見諒 --

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1F:推 CWCheng :哇!你都抄起來唷~~~強者。 06/24 16:16

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