作者chia23yu ()
標題[試題]99下 蘇德潤 普化甲下期末考
時間Tue Jun 21 20:21:25 2011
試題 :
四題滿分100,一題25。附圖可參閱principles of physics, ninth edition
1.In Fig.33-71,two light rays pass from air throgh five layers of transparent
plastic and then back into air.The layers have parallel interfaces and unkonwn
thicknesses;their indexes of reflection are n1=1.7,n2=1.6,n3=1.5,n4=1.4,and
n5=1.6.Ray b is incident at angle θb = 30°.Relative to a normal at the last
interface,at what angle do (a) ray a and (b) ray b emerge? (Hint: Solving the
problem algebraically can save time.) Ifthe air at the left and right sides in
figure were,instead,glass with index of reflection 1.5,atwhat angle would (c)
ray a and (d) ray b emerge?
2.Figure 32-36a is a one-axis graph along which two of the allowed energy
values (levelsa) of an atom are plotted.When the atom is placed in a magnetic
field of 0.800T, the graph changes to that of Fig.32-36b because of the energy
associated with μorb ‧ B. (We neglect μs.) Level E1 is unchanged,but level
E2 splits into a (closely spaced) triplet of levels.What are the allowed
values of ml(spin magnetic quantum number) associated with (a)energy level
E1 and (b)energy level E2 ?(c)In joules what amount of energy is represented by the spacing between the
triplet levels?
3.A series RLC circuit,driven with εrms=120V at frequency f = 60.0 Hz,contains
a resistance R = 200 Ω,an indctance with inductive reactance XL = 80.0 Ω,
and a capacitance with capacitive reactance Xc = 150 Ω.
(a) What are the power factor cos(φ) and phase constant φ of the circuit?
(b) What is the average rate Pavg at which energy is dissipated in the
4.In Fig.28-43,a metal wire of mass m = 24.1 mg can slide with negligible
friction on two horizontal parallel rails seperated by distance d = 2.56 cm.
The track lies in a vertical uniform magnetic field of magnitude 73.5 mT.At
time t = 0,device G is connected to the rails,producing a constant current
i = 9.13 mA in the wire and rails (even as the wire moves).At t = 61.1ms,
what are the wire's (a) speed and (b) direction of motion (left or right)?
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※ 編輯: chia23yu 來自: (06/21 20:24)