作者shokanshorin (上官薔凜)
標題[試題] 98上 陳俊宏 普通生物學乙上 第二次期中考 Part1
時間Sun Jun 19 19:59:23 2011
I. 填充:(one points for each blank)
1. Upon double fertilization, ____________________ (part of a flower) develops
into a seed, and the ____________________ develops into a fruit enclosing
the seed(s) in angiosperms.
2. The following mechanisms evolved in angiosperms can reduce or even prevent
being dioecious species, ____________________, ____________________ and
3. Most crop plants acquire their nitrogen from soil mainly in the form of
10.(= = I don't know what happened here...)
Nodulation occurred in legume root requires specific chemical recognition
between root and rhizobium.(根瘤菌) In an effective nodule(根瘤),
Leghemoglobin(豆科血紅素) is formed and Rhizobium is transformed into
____________________ in where ____________________ (an enzyme) can carry
out N-fixation to convert nitrogen gas into ____________________ which is
incorporated into organic compounds to sustain host plants.
4. There are several substances serve as the secondary messengers in the signal
transduction pathways in response to the internal or external signals:
cADPR, cAMP, IP3, DAG, cGMP, ____________________ and ____________________.
5. Plant roots may absorb water from soil or lose water to soil. It means that
water movement across plasma membrane is passive and the direction of
movement is determined by (the driving force) ____________________.
6. Long-distance transport is from root to leaves, and the direction of phloem
flow is from ____________________ to ____________________.
7. The transport protein locates on plasma membrane of companion cells or sieve
tube elements and mediates the sugar loading is ____________________.
8. List the essential minerals for plant growth: C, H, O, N, K, Ca, Mg, P, __,
Si, Cl, Fe, B, __, Na, __, Cu, Ni, Mo.
9. Most mineral ions present in soil are absorbed on the surface of soil
particle. Plant roots are able to pump proton to soil in order to obtain
mineral nutrients. The process that makes minerals available is called
10. Among plant hormones, ____________________ is mainly synthesized in young
roots' and ____________________ is mainly produced in shoot tips, and then
distributed by ____________________. (the special transport process)
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※ 編輯: shokanshorin 來自: (06/19 19:59)
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