作者wanquan (X-Y軸的世界)
標題[試題] 98下 無線多媒體系統研究 吳曉光 期中考1
時間Thu Jun 9 19:08:17 2011
考試日期(年月日)︰ 2010.04.02
考試時限(分鐘): 180
是否需發放獎勵金: 是
試題 :
1. Mobile radio Propagation
THe mobile radio channel places fundamental limitations on the performance of wireless
communication systems. The transmission path between the transmitter and the receiver
can vary from simple line-of-sight to one that is severely obstructed by buildings,
mountains, and foliage. Modeling the radio channel has historically been one of the most
difficult parts of mobile radio system design, and is typically done in a statistical
fashion, based on measurements made specifically for an intended communication ssystem or
spectrum allocation.
(A) Usually the giher carrier frequency (such as 1800 MHz) or the lower carrier
frequency (900MHz) will experience larger path loss?
(B) What is the path loss exponent n? Usually what determine the value of n?
(C) List the factors to determine the link budget (SNR)
(D) Describe the two main factors to cause the small-scale fading.
(E) Explain the ways (at least two schemes) to combat small-fading.
(F) Explain the following three interference sources in the celllar system
(G) Explain the large area interference problem for IEEE 802.11
(H) Explain how the intelligent antenna technique can improve the system capacity or
2. (CSMA, MACA, CSMA/CA Protocols)
In recent years, a wide variety of mobile computing devices has emerged, including
portables, palmtops, and personal digital assistants. Providing adequate network
connectivity for these devices will require a new generation of wireless LAN technology.
(A) Describe how CSMA protocol may cause and experience "hidden terminal" and "exposed
terminal " problems?
(B) Explain the conditions for "collision,""caption",and "interference"?
(C) Karn proposed MACA (RTS/CTS/Data without carrier sense) as an alternative to
traditional CSMA scheme. Explain why MACA might solve problem (A).
(D) Can you explain the problem for MACA scheme?
(E) Is CSMA/CA an appropriate access protocol for Geo-Satellite system? Explain your
(F) Can CSMA/CA avoid hidden terminal problem completely? Explain.
(G) Given the following case for 802.11 CSMA/CA: A two cell configuration where both
pads are in range of their respective base stations and also in range of each other.
The base stations are sending data to their respective pads. Explain the reason that S2
stream might be blocked by S1 stream. Do you have solutions to address this problem?
3 Bluetooth
Spread spectrum multiple access users signals which have a transmission bandwidth that is
several orders of magnitude greater than the minimum required RF bandwidth. There are two
main types of spread spectrum mutiple access techniques: frequency hopping spread
sprectrum (FH-SS) and direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS)
(A) Bluetooth adopts FH-SS or DS-SS?
(B) Explain how Bluetooth devices avoid collision with other Bluetooth devices (in the
same personal area network and in the different personal area networks).
(C) Can you explain how Bluetooth devices support (offer) real time traffic (such as Audio)
and non-real time traffic (such as Data) services?
(D) Explain why Bluetotth systems require master stations? (What major functions master
station will offer?)
(E) What are the advantages of Bluetooth over IR(infrared) for short range wireless
(F) Describe how IEEE 802.11 supports voice and data communications as well.
(G) Can you explain how Bluetooth adopts a frequency hopping TDD scheme for each channel?
(A) SIFS (short inter frame space) is used to separate transmission belonging to a dialog
(such as RTS-CTS, fragent-ACK). Usually the value will be determined by what factor?
(B) Can you explain the interference problem in 802.11? Do you have any solution to
account for this problem?
(C) Can you explain the capture problem in 802.1? Do you have any solution to address this
(D) Usually power saving could be a accomplished by reducing the transmitting power and
properly coordinatin the active periods and stand-by period. Could you describe how 802.11
performs power saving mode in infrastructure mode?
(E) In a shared-channel multi-cell envinronment, can you provide two scenarios that two
neighboring base stations might conclude wrongly that their clients might be either
turned off or in a very congested area?
(A) If a total of 33 Mhz of bandwidth is allocated total particular FDD cellular telephone
system which uses two 25 Khz simplex channels to provide full duplex voice and control
channels, compute the number of channels available per cell if a system users
(1) 3-cell reuse (2) 7-CELL reuse (3) 12-cell reuse.
(B) if a signalto interference raio of 15 db is required for satisfactory foreward channel
performance of a cellular system, what is the frequency reuse factor(D/R) and cluster
size (N) that should be used for maximum capacity if the path loss exponent is (a) n= 4
(b) n=3? Assume that there are 6-cochannels cells in the first tier, and all of them are
at the same distance from the mobile. Use suitable approximations (Candidate Cluster sizes
could be 3,7,12,13)
(C) How many users can be supported for 0.5% blocking probability for the following number
of trunked channels in a blocked calls cleared systems (A)2, (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 20 (e) 100
Assume each user generate 0.1 Erlangs of traffic.
葉子的離開, 是因為風的追求, 還是樹的不挽留
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