作者saycool (說酷!)
標題[試題] 99下 古慧雯 個體經濟學二 第二次小考
時間Mon May 30 19:21:02 2011
試題 :
1. Two roommates a and b consume rented movie (a public good) and bread (a pr-
ivate good). Let x denote the number of movies rented per week, and ya(a下
標) and yb(b下標) denote the amount of bread consumed by a and b. Their
utility functions are:
Ua = x^2ya , Ub = x^2yb
The price of the rented movie is $1 and the price of bread is $2. a and b
have a weekly income of $10 and $20, respectively.
(a) (1 point) Please show that the marginal rate of substitution of a,
│dya/dx│= 2ya/x.
(b) (3 points) What is the efficient consumption of rented movies per week?
2. (3 points) Suppose that every condition is the same as the previous problem
, except two things change: (1) b hates the noise when a movie is played in
the room and b's utility function is instead:
Ub = yb - 0.5x
(2) a has a weekly income of $12. If the rule of the dormitory requires a
to receive b's approval to play a movie, a has to compensate b to watch the
rented movie. If there is no transaction cost, how many movies do you
except a to rent per week?
3. A has $100 and if he becomes sick, he needs to spend $36 on medical treat-
ment. The probability for A to fall sick is 1/2. Let x denote A's wealth
when he is sick, and y denote A's wealth when he is healthy. A's preference
could be described by the following utility function:
u(x,y) = 0.5√x + 0.5√y
(a) (1 point) Please show that the marginal rate of substitution is:
∣dy/dx∣= √(y/x).
(b) (1 point) Does A have a convex preference? Why?
(c) (1 point) Is A risk-neutral, risk-loving, or risk-averse? Why?
(d) (2 points) What is A's willingness to pay to purchase a full medical
(e) (2 points) What is the insurance fee for a fair full insurance in A's
4. (3 points) The "no-fault revolution" swept the United States in the 1970s.
The new no-fault unilateral divorce laws allowed people to seek a divorce
without the consent of their spouse, while under the previous consent
divorce regime, both partners must agree to a divorce. How would this "no-
fault revolution" affect the divorce rate in the US? Explain your theore-
tical reasoning carefully.
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