NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰西洋文學概論二 課程性質︰必修 課程教師︰陳玲華 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰外文系 考試日期(年月日)︰2011/04/07 考試時限(分鐘):50 分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:yes (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : I. Identify the speaker of each quotation from Oedipus the King by citing a name from the list: Apollo, Jocasta, Oedipus, Tiresias, Creon, Messenger from Corinth, Messenger from the palace, Shepherd, Chorus, Priest. (21%) 1. Oh god, believe it, Oedipus, honor the solemn oath he swears to heaven. Do it for me, for the sake of all your people. 2. who is the man the voice of god denounces resounding out of the rocky gorge of Delphi? The horror too dark to tell, whose ruthless bloody hands have done the work? 3. Polybus was nothing to you, that's why, not in blood. ................. No more than I am. He and I are equals. 4. You there, have you lost all respect for human feelings? ......Never expose a thing of guilt and holy dread so great it appalls the earth, the rain from heaven, the light of day! Get him into the halls─ 5. if his hpoe of offspring hadn't met disaster─ but fate swooped at his head and cut him short. So I will fight for him as if he were my father, 6. I pitied the little baby, master, hoped he'd take him off to his own country, far away, but he saved him for this, this fate. 7. Oh Oedipus, king of the land, our greatest power! You see us before you now, men of all ages clinging to your altars. Here are the boys still too weak to fly from the nest, II. Identify the author of each text. (12%) 8. _______ Lysistrata 9. _______ Medea 10._______ The Oresteia 11._______ Antigone III. Choose the appropriate answer for each blank. (18%) 12. The remnants of ancient Greek theatrical structure at Epidaurus is included the cavea (the seating area), a round ____ (stage area) and the skene, a small building that served as a backdrop to the play's action. (a) altar floor (b) orchestra (c) playground (d) circle 13. In Oedipus at Colonus, Ismene arrives to report that ____ has declared that whichever city possesses the bones of Oedipus cannot be captured. (a) Theseus (b) Athena (c) Zeus (d) Delphi 14. It was from the choral performance at the annual city festival of ____ in the late sixth century B.C. that tragedy and comedy developed. (a) Athena (b) Apollo (c) Zeus (d) Dionysus 15. In Lysistrata, the Athenian women seize the ____, repository of the city's treasury, and leave the men without women or money to carry on the war. (a) Areopagus (b) Cithaeron (c) Acropolis (d) palace 16. As Aristotle emphasizes, the denouement of the plot should arise from the plot itself and not be brought about "from the ____," as it is in Medea. (a) machine (b) benefactor (c) king (d) heaven 17. Athena, who casts her vote for Orestes, represents the female as an ally of ____ order. (a) matriarchal (b) patriarchal (c) juridical IV. Answer ONE of the following essay questions. (49%) 1. Define the following terms in Poetics: catharsis, hamartia, recognition and reversal in a complex plot. 2. Discuss the choral songs and the function of chorus in Oedipus the King. 3. Recount the cause of the plague and the fulfillment of Apollo's oracle in Oedipus the King. --

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