作者jipq6175 (LUMPY)
標題[試題] 99下 王立民 電磁學下 期中考
時間Fri Apr 29 09:52:06 2011
試題 :
電磁學平時考(Griffiths CH8~CH9.3) 滿分130
Formulas and constants:
ε0=8.852*10^-12 (C^2/Nm^2) μ0=4π*10^-7 (N/A^2) h=6.626*10^-34 Js
e=1.6*10^-19 C
<r>×<θ>=<ψ> ; <r>×<ψ>=-<θ>; (<θ>)z=-sinθ
∫ (sinθ)^3 dθ=4/3
1.We can use Maxwell stress tensor to calculate the force of magnetic
attraction between northern and southern hemispheres of uniformly charged
spinning spherical shell (of radius R, carrying a uniform surface charge
density σ, spinning at angular velocity ω). It is known that the boundary
surface consists of 2 parts -- a hemispherical cap and an equatorial
circular disk, where the spinning shell produces an inside magnetic field
Bin=(2/3)μ0σRω, and Bout=(μ0m)/(4πr^3)(2cosθ <r> + sinθ <θ>) with a
magnetic dipole moment m=(4π/3)σωR^4 <z>
(a)Proof (or explain) that the contribution from the outer portion of the
xy plane(r>R) can be in place of that from the hemispherical cap.(10%)
(b)Use the Maxwell stress tensor to calculate the force as described
previously by considering the contributions from the outer portion of the
xy plane(r>R) and the equatorial circular disk(r<R).(20%)
2.(a)Consider the same charged spinning spherical shell in Problem 1.
Compute the angular momentum stored in the electromagnetic fields.(10%)
(b)Suppose we can "ideally" discharge without any momentum loss or gain.
Find the "new" angular velocity for the spherical shell of mass M and
rotational inertia of rigid body I=(2/3)MR^2.(10%)
3.Picture the electron as a uniformly charged spherical shell as seen in
Problem 1.
(a)Calculate the angular momentum contained in the fields.(10%)
(b)Suppose that the electron's spin angular momentum is entirely due to
the field angular momentum in (a): Ltotal=(h bar)/2=h/4π.
Determine the speed of a point on the equator and discuss your result.
Is it reasonable or not?(10%)
(c)We know that Dirac proposed an idea that electric and magnetic charge
(a magnetic monopole) must be quantized: (μ0 qe qm)/4π=n*0.5(h bar),
for n =1,2,3... Following this idea, calculate the discrete magnetic
monopole charge in unit of A.m, where A:ampere.(10%)
4.The intensity of a plane EM wave propagating in vacuum is 1300W/m^2.
(a)Find the momentum flux density and energy density of this EM wave.(10%)
(b)If this wave strikes a perfect reflector, what pressure does it exert?10%
5.(a)Try to derive the Fresnel's equations for the case of polarization
perpendicular to the plane of incidence.(10%)
(b)Show that there is no Brewster's angle for any n1 and n2 (index of
refrection) with typical case μ1≒μ2.(10%)
(c)For peculiar case, n1=1, n2=1.5, μ1=μ0, μ2=2μ0, determine the
Brewster's angle.(10%)
[Hint: Wave functions:
~ ~ → →
EI=E0I exp[i(kI.r -ωt)] <y>
~ ~ → →
BI=(1/v1) E0I exp[i(kI.r -ωt)] (-cosθ1 <x> - sinθ1 <z>)
~ ~ → →
ER=E0R exp[i(kR.r -ωt)] <y>
~ ~ → →
BR=(1/v1) E0R exp[i(kR.r -ωt)] (cosθ1 <x> + sinθ1 <z>)
~ ~ → →
ET=E0T exp[i(kT.r -ωt)] <y>
~ ~ → →
BT=(1/v2) E0T exp[i(kT.r -ωt)] (-cosθ2 <x> + sinθ2 <z>)
Boundary conditions :
(i) ε1*E1(┴)=ε2*E2(┴)
(ii) B1(┴)=B2(┴)
(iii) E1(∥)=E2(∥)
(iv) (1/μ1)B1(∥)=(1/μ2)B2(∥)
and use the definitions: α=(cosθ2)/(cosθ1); β=(μ1v1)/(μ2v2).
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※ 編輯: jipq6175 來自: (04/29 09:52)