NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰普通化學乙 課程性質︰選修抵通識A7 課程教師︰簡淑華 開課學院:理學院(不清楚) 開課系所︰材料系 考試日期(年月日)︰100/4/26 考試時限(分鐘):120 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 1. Briefly explain or distinguish the following terms: [20%] (1)barometer and manometer (2)van der Waals forces and London dispersion forces (3)homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis (4)ideal gas and ideal solution (5)triple point and critical point (6)colloid and suspension (7)crystalline solid and amorphous solid (8)isotonic solution,hypotonic solution,and hypertonic solution (9)Arrhenius acid,Bronsted acid,Lewis acid,and conjugated acid (10)solvation and hydration 2. Arrange in order of increasing the specified properties:[8%] (1)boiling point: propane,n-butane,2-methyl propane(isobutane),n-pentane,acetone (2)boiling point: HF,HCl,HBr,HI (3)acid strength: HF,HCl,HBr,HI (4)acid strength: HClO3,HBrO3,HIO3 (5)freezing point of aqueous solution: 0.1m KCl,0.1m SrCl2,0.1m HCl ,0.1m acetic acid (6)Packing efficiency: simple cubic, BCC, FCC (7)holes in ionic lattices: cubic,octahedral, tetrahedral (8)solubility in water: O2,Br2,LiCl,CH3OH 3.For each the following physical quantities givethe order of magnitude and dimensions by citing common units:[6%] (1)ideal gas constant (2)Boltzmann constant (3)Avogadro's number (4)boiling point of liquid Helium (5)temperature of liquid nitrogen bath (6)temerature of dry ice in acetone 4.Metallic gold has an FCC cell with an edge of 407.8pm [6%] (a)How many gold atoms are in each unit cell? (b)Calcilate the density of gold (c)Determine the packing efficiency of the structure (d)Is it a cubic close-packed structure? (e)What is the coordination number? (Au=196.97amu) 5.In the X-ray diffraction of a crystal,CuK line with wavelength of 0.154nm was used,the reflection was obtained at an angle of 21.5 degrees. [4%] (a)Write the Bragg equation and use it to calculate the distance between the crystal planes. (b)Why UV light does not result in the appearance of diffraction pattern? 6.The rate constant of the gas-phase decomposition of N2O5 to NO2 and O2 at 70 degrees C is 6.82*10^-3 1/s [6%] (a)How do you judge it is the first-order reaction? (b)write the differential and the intergrated rate law for the first order reaction (c)Give a simple mathematics expression for the half-life of the first-order reaction (d)If we start with 0.500 mo;e of N2O5 in a 500-mL container,how long will it takefor the quantity of N2O5 to drop to 0.250 mole? 7.Answer the following questions:[50%] (1)Both water and methanol have anomalously high boiling points due to Hydrogen bonding, but boiling point of water is higher than that of methanol despite its lower molecular mass.Explain by drawing the structures of these two compounds, including any lone pairs, and indicatepotential hydrogen bonds. (2)What is capillary action? What two opposing forces are responsible for capillary action? How do these forces determine the shape of meniscus? (3)Draw the phase diagrams for H2O and CO2 and discuss the difference. (4)Write the Arrhenius equation and define all the terms. The rate of a process is found to be twice as fast at 300K as at 290K.Calculate the activation energy of the process. (5)Briefly comment on the effect of a catalyst on each of the following: (a)activation energy (b)reaction mechanism (c)enthalpy of reaction (d)rate of forward step (e)rate of reverse step (6)Predict whether the following solutions will be acidic,basic,or nearly neutral. (a)NH4Br (b)NaNO3 (c)KNO2 (d)FeCl3 (e)NH4F (Kb of NH3=1.8*10^-5 , Ka of HF=7.1*10^-4) (7)Diethyl either is volatile,highly flammable organic liquid that is often used as solvent. Its vapor pressure is 401 mmHg at 18 degrees C. Use Clausius-Clapeyron equation to calculate the vapor pressure at 27 degrees C. (delta Hvap for diethyl either is 26.0 KJ/mole) (8)Calculate the van't Hoff factor of Na3PO4 in a 0.40m aqueous solution whose boiling point is 100.78 degrees C. (9)Calculate the pH of (a)0.50M HF solution (b)0.50M HF solution (c)What is the percent hydrolysis in(b)? (10)Calculate the concentrations of all the species present at equilibrium in an aqueous solution with 0.12M of oxalic acid. (Ka1=6.5*10^-2 ,Ka2=6.1*10^-5) --

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