NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰翻譯及習作下 課程性質︰系必修 課程教師︰廖朝陽 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰外文系 考試日期(年月日)︰2011/4/20 考試時限(分鐘):100分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : I. Choose the best translation (69%): 1. Don't shop there when you want a good price. ___ 你要的是好價錢,就別去那 裡買東西。 (A) 如果 (B) 當 (C) 雖然 (D) 一旦 2. He refused to change when he knew that she was angry with him. (A) 他知道 她生氣,就拒絕改變自己。 (B) 他也知道她生氣,卻還是不願改變自 (C) 他不願改 變自己,雖然知道她很生氣。 (D) 當時他知道她生氣,卻拒絕改變自己。 3. You had better apologize even when you have done nothing wrong. ___,你最 好還是道歉。(A) 即使在沒做錯時 (B) 如果你完全沒錯 (C) 正因為你沒錯 (D) 就 算沒做錯 4. There is much to love in the new package, and a few things to drive you nuts. 新的方案有許多貼心的設計,___ 一些煩死人的問題。(A) 卻也有 (B) 反倒有 (C) 而且有 (D) 也還是有 5. When you can happily do level two, you will be almost there. ___ 第二級可以 輕鬆做完,成功離你就不遠了。(A) 當 (B) 等到 (C) 既然 (D) 若說 6. We were about two miles from the bridge when disaster struck. ___ 離橋約兩 英里處,災難就發生了。(A) 我們還沒走到 (B) 我們的位置在 (C) 當時我們在 (D) 我們走到 7. He was hitting anything that came into sight. 不管看到什麼東西,他都會拿來 (A) 打打看。 (B) 痛打。 (C) 打擊。 (D) 敲打。 8. 她工作了十分鐘,忽然有人敲門。 She ___ for ten minutes, when there was a knock on the door. (A) had been working (B) worked (C) would have worked (D) had worked 9. 他沒有來,當然不可能讓你看到。You cannot see him ___ he is not here. (A) for (B) when (C) since (D) while 10. 一定是出事了,因為他並沒有打電話來。Something must have gone wrong, ___ he has failed to call. (A) for (B) because (C) since (D) when 11. 別的時間你可以做,但如果我們在吃東西就不行。You can do that at other times , but not ___ we are eating. (A) if (B) as (C) when (D) since 12. 你既然來了,我就跟你談。 ___ you are here, I will talk with you. (A) Since (B) For (C) Because (D) When 13. 他們什麼都看不順眼。 They saw trouble (A) in whatever they saw. (B) everywhere (C) when they saw everything (D) when it's everything. 14. 我既然沒有做錯事,為什麼要道歉? Why should I apologize ___ I have done nothing wrong? (A) since (B) as (C) when (D) for 15. 別的時間你可以做,但如果我們在吃東西就不行。You can do that at other times , but not ___ we are eating. (A) if (B) as (C) when (D) since 16. 四分之一的人口在挨餓,他們卻拒絕外國援助。They turned down foreign aid ___ half the population is starving. (A) and (B) when (C) for which (D) that 17. 該公司表示願意提供優厚的賠償。 The company ___ handsome compensations. (A) showed willingness to pay (B) offered (C) offered to provide (D) indicated thay will pay 18. 彼得因為跑得不夠快,總是趕不上洗澡。 Peter, ___ was slow on the run, always missed the showers. (A) he (B) when he (C) who (D) for he 19. 議員指責市長愛作秀,市長則辯稱並無惡意。 Council members accused the mayor of image manipulation, ___ the mayor denied ill intent. (A) when (B) for which (C) and (D) while 20. Around about that time I was doing I was seeing a lot of films. ___,我看 了很多電影。(A) 那時候 (B) 大約那時候 (C) 大約在同一段時間 (D) 大約同時 21. A new shortage of talent in leadership is threatening business growth. 近 來 ___, 可能影響到業務成長。(A) 大家不重視領導能力 (B) 好的領導人才難求 (C) 領導者缺乏創意 (D) 人員不具領導能力 22. The disenchanted public will defintely shift their opinion. 社會大眾___, 一定會改變態度。(A) 失去信心 (B) 理想幻滅 (C) 冷漠無情 (D) 神經麻痺 23. Whoever was in the room would let her in. ___ 讓她進入。(A) 不管是誰在裡面 ,都會 (B) 在裡面的人都會 (C) 裡面的人不論如何都會 (D) 裡面恰巧有人,就會 II. Referring principles learned in class, translate the following: (31%) 1. Batman took out armed guards by hiding in the shadows and appearing when they least suspect it. (8%) 2. When you are buying want to buy when the cycle's at it's lowest, and when you sell, you want to sell at the highest. (8%) 3. 資料收集完畢,會換算成每日平均值。 (6%) 4. 接受環境是必須優先處理的重大議題是一回事,採取實際行動來解決環境問題又是一 回事。 (9%) --

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