NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰文學作品讀法下 課程性質︰系必修 課程教師︰李欣穎 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰外文系 考試日期(年月日)︰2011.04.25 考試時限(分鐘):180分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:yes (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : Terminology (27%) Please match the terms in the box with the definitions or examples on the other sheet. Fill the letter before the term (a, b, c, etc.) in the blank of the statements on the other sheet, and submit the sheet to the teacher to receive answer sheet for the essay questions. You can consult your textbook and dictionary for the second and third part of the exam only. a. proscenium stage b. amphitheater c. classical unities d. monologue e. props f. sets g. onomatopoeia h. free verse i. alliteration j. assonance k. rhyme l. visual rhyme m. iamb n. pentameter o. meter p. stanza q. stressed r. unstressed 1. The rules called ____ dictate that a play shouuld have one main plot which takes place within no more than 24 hours and in one single location. 2. ____ is the stage of ancient Greek plays, with a raise semicircle of seats for the audience, enclosing halfway around a circular area for the performance. 3. The "fourth wall" of the ____ (which is also the conventional modern stage) is an invisible wall between the actors and the audience. 4. ____ are the scenery, designs and decorations on a stage. 5. ____ are articles or objects used on stage. 6. An extended speech by one character is called ____. 7. ____ is poetry of varying line lengths, lacking traditional meter and rhyme. 8. ____ is a section of a poem, marked by an extra blank line (break) before and after it, that has a set pattern of meter and rhyme. 9. "Quack" (the cry of a duck) is an example of ____. 10. "Though" and "rough" is an example of ____. 11. "Black" and "brown" is an example of ____. 12. "Train" and "same" is an example of ____. 13. "Deep" and "sleep" is an example of ____. 14. When we discuss poetic patterns, "foot' is the same as "____." 15. a line of poetry with five stresses is called ____. 16. A long syllable is another way to call a(n) ____ syllable. 17. A falling meter is a meter ending with a(n) ____ syllable. 19. ____ is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. Essay Questions (60%) Please answer the following questions with a concise and coherent short essay. Please keep in mind the rules of good writing that you have learned in your Composition classes, and budget your time wisely. You may consult your textbook and your dictionary. 1. In "A Rose for Emily," the narrator recounts the life of Miss Emily Grierson as time passed her by. What mixed feelings does the narrative voice express towards the changes brought by the progress of time? How do these attitudes conflict with and/or support Miss Emily's own attitude? 2. As a detective drama, Trifles includes several characters who are trying to solve the mystery. What different methods, approaches and ways of reasoning do they use? What does the playwright think about these different ways of understanding the suspect and analyzing the case? 3. Samuel Beckett adopted some experimental ways to present his play Act Without Words I. Please indicate the main distinction in setting, characterization and style between this experimental work and traditional drama, and explicate their possible functions or effects. (You can find the explanation of setting, characterization, and style of drama on page 1071-1072.) Scansion (13%) Please describe the poetic form of the following poem using the terminology learned in the sections of your textbook, "The Sounds of Poetry" and "External Form." Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; a) The rhyme scheme of the poem is: b) There are ____ lines in the stanza. c) Using the proper terminology, we can describe the basic metrical pattern as: d) A "change-up" occurs in Line ____. Its pattern is: e) A caesura occurs in Line ____. f) Enjambments occur in Lines ____. --

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