作者sheep0814 (小白)
標題[試題] 99下 蔣明晃 管理科學模式 第二次小考
時間Sun Apr 24 03:12:40 2011
課程名稱︰ 管理科學模式
課程性質︰ 必帶
課程教師︰ 蔣明晃
開課學院: 管理學院
開課系所︰ 工商管理學系
考試日期(年月日)︰ 2011/4/19
考試時限(分鐘): 60分鐘
是否需發放獎勵金: 是
試題 :
1. Wilkinson Auto Dealership is contemplating selling one or more of the
following types of automobiles - sedans, SUV's, and trucks. There is a
fixed license fee per year for doing business in each line, $100,000,
$250,000, and $50,000, respectively. The profit contribution exclusive to
the fixed cost is $250.00 per unit for sedans, $700.00 per unit for SUV's,
and $150.00 per unit for trucks. The company is planning the placement of
orders with the manufacturer for next year. Dealer preparation takes
2hrs/sedan, 3.0 hrs/SUV, and 1.5 hrs/truck. They have 4400 hrs of
preparation time next year. Sedans take 1 unit of space, SUV's take 1.5
units of space, and trucks take 1.1 units of space. 1200 units of space are
available. How many sedans, SUV's, and trucks should be ordered in order to
maximize total profit contribution less fixed costs incurred? Define the
decision variables, constraints, and the objective function for this
problem. (Allow the order quantities to be fractional). (26 points)
2. A cargo plane has two compartments for storing cargo, front and back. These
compartments have capacity limits on both weight and space, as summarized
│Compartment │Weight capacity (Pounds)│Space capacity (Cubic feet) │
│Front │ 16,000 │ 5,000 │
│Back │ 24,000 │ 7,000 │
They have five available cargos for an upcoming flight. The details are
given below:
│Cargo │Weight (Pounds) │Volume of the cargo (cu. ft.) │Profit ($)│
│A │ 10,000 │ 2500 │ 1000 │
│B │ 12,000 │ 4200 │ 1560 │
│C │ 15,000 │ 4500 │ 1350 │
│D │ 8,000 │ 2240 │ 720 │
│E │ 11,000 │ 3520 │ 1210 │
For maintaining balance, the total weight of the cargo loaded in the back
must be more than the total cargo loaded in the front. Each cargo must be
accepted in full and loaded entirely in front or back. The objective is to
determine which must be accepted and where it should go in the plane, so as
to maximize total profit. Formulate this as an integer linear program.
(32 points)
3. Ken and Larry, Inc., supplies its ice cream parlors with three flavors of
ice cream: chocolate, vanilla, and banana. Due to extremely hot weather and
a high demand for its products, the company has run short of its supply of
ingredients: milk, sugar, and cream. Hence, they will not be able to fill
all the orders received from their retail outlets, the ice cream parlors.
Due to these circumstances, the company has decided to choose the amount of
each flavor to produce that will maximize total profit, given the
constraints on supply of the basic ingredients.
The chocolate, vanilla, and banana flavors generate, respectively, $1.00,
$0.90, and $0.95 of profit per gallon sold. The company has only 200
gallons of milk, 150 pounds of sugar, and 60 gallons of cream left in its
inventory. The linear programming formulation for this problem is shown
below in algebraic form.
Let C = gallons of chocolate ice cream produced,
V = gallons of vanilla ice cream produced,
B = gallons of banana ice cream produced.
Maximize Profit = 1.00 C + 0.90 V + 0.95 B,
subject to
Milk: 0.45 C + 0.50 V + 0.40 B ≦ 200 gallons
Sugar: 0.50 C + 0.40 V + 0.40 B ≦ 150 pounds
Cream: 0.10 C + 0.15 V + 0.20 B ≦ 60 gallons
C≧0, V≧0, B≧0.
This problem was solved using the Excel Solver. The spreadsheet (already
solved) and the sensitivity report are shown below. [Note: The numbers in
the sensitivity report for the milk constraint are missing on purpose,
since you will be asked to fill in these numbers in part (f).]
Resource Usage Per Unit of Each Activity
│ Activity │ Resource
Resource │ Chocolate Vanilla Banana │Totals Available
Milk │ 0.45 0.5 0.4 │ 180 ≦ 200
Sugar │ 0.5 0.4 0.4 │ 150 ≦ 150
Cream │ 0.1 0.15 0.2 │ 60 ≦ 60
Unit Profit│ 1 0.9 0.95 │$341.25
Solution │ 0 300 75 │
Changing Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$8 Solution Chocolate 0 -0.0375 1 0.0375 1E+30
$C$8 Solution Vanilla 300 0 0.9 0.05 0.0125
$D$8 Solution Banana 75 0 0.95 0.021429 0.05
Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$E$4 Milk Totals
$E$5 Sugar Totals 150 1.875 150 10 30
$E$6 Cream Totals 60 1 60 15 3.75
For each of the following parts, answer the question as specifically and
completely as is possible without solving the problem again on the Excel
Solver. Note: Each part is independent (i.e., any change made to the model
in one part does not apply to any other parts). (42 points)
(a) What is the optimal solution and total profit?
(b) Suppose the profit per gallon of banana changes to $1.00. Will the
optimal solution change, and what can be said about the effect on total
(c) Suppose the profit per gallon of banana changes to $0.92. Will the
optimal solution change, and what can be said about the effect on total
(d) Suppose the company discovers that 3 gallons of cream have gone sour
and so must be thrown out. Will the optimal solution change, and what
can be said about the effect on total profit?
(e) Suppose the company has the opportunity to buy an additional 15 pounds
of sugar at a total cost of $15. Should they? Explain.
(f) Fill in all the sensitivity report information for the milk constraints
given just the optimal solution for the problem. Explain how you were
able to deduce each number.
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