NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰經濟學原理二 課程性質︰必修兼通識A5 課程教師︰林明仁 開課學院:社科院 開課系所︰經濟系 考試日期(年月日)︰2011.04.22 考試時限(分鐘):120 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一、選擇題(美題皆須附上說明,否則不予計分)(44 points) 1.Assume that your roommate is very messy. According to campus policy, you have a right to live in an uncluttered apartment. Suppose she gets a $200 benefit from being messy but imposes a $100 cost on you. The Coase theorem would suggest that an efficient solution would be for your roommate to a.stop her messy habits or else move out. b.pay you at least $100 but less than $200 to live with the clutter. c.continue to be messy and force you too move out. d.demand payment of at least $100 but no more than $200 to clean up after herself. 2.Suppose that you want to put on a fireworks display in your hometown of 1000 people this July. The cost of the display is $6000, and each person values the display at $5. After a month, you gave only sold 50 tickets at $5 each. The result is that a.the local government should put on the display, but you should not. b.you should still put on the display, but the local government should not. c.neither you nor the local government should put on the display. d.either you or the local governmetn should put on the display. 3.Which of the following statements is not correct? a.An advantage of an in-kind transfer is that it prevents an alcoholic from spending a cash benefit on alcohol. b.An advantage of the Supplemental Security Income(SSI) program is that it benefits the sick and disabled. c.An advantage of a negative income tax program is that it encourages the poor to work in order to be eligible. d.An adventage of a minimum wage law is that it benefits some unskilled workers. 4.Jeffrey spends all of his income on warm-up suits and running shoes, and the price of a pair of shoes is four times the price of a warm-up suit. In order to maximize total utility, Jeffrey should a.buy four times as many warm-up suits as pairs of running shoes. b.buy four times as many pairs of running shoes as warm-up suits. c.buy both items until the marginal utility of a warm0up suit is equal to the marginal utility of a pair of running shoes. d.buy both items until the marginal utility of a pair of running shoes is four times the marginal utility of a warm-up suit. 5.Which of the dollowing is not an example of a moral harzard problem? a.As manager stays late one evening so that her employee can leave early to attend his child's music recital. b.A small child takes an extra cookie from the cookie jar when he thinks his mom isn't watching him closely. c.An employee plays solitaire on her computer at 4:30 p.m. on a Friday when her boss has left for the day. d.A customer whose new eyeglasses come with a "60-day insurance policy in case of breakage" leaves her glasses out where her new puppy can chew on them. 6.An American soldier stationed in California receives a paycheck from the federal government for $500, which she uses to purchase a $300 stereo made in Korea by a Korean firm and $200 worth of groceries produces in California. As a result, U.S. GDP increases by a.$200 b.$500 c.$700 d.$1000 7.Suppose a basket of goods and services has been selected to calculate the consumer price index. In 2005, the basket of goods cost $108.00; in 2006, it cost $135.00; and in 2007, it cost $168.75. Which of the following statements is correct? a.Using 2005 as the base year, the economy's inflation rate was higher than it was in 2006. b.If 2007 is the base year, then the CPI is 33.75 in 2006. c.If the CPI is 156.25 in 2007, then 2005 is the base year. d.Using 2005 as the base year, the economy's inflation rate was higher in 2007 than it was in 2006. 8.In 2008, TBS Corporation had total earnings of $500 million and TBS retained 30 percent of its earnings for future investments. If the price of a share of TBS stock is $70 and if 80 million shares of its stock were outstanding, then what is the price-earnings ratio? a.0.14 b.11.2 c.16.0 d.37.3 9.Imagine that someont offers you $1000 today or $X in 7 years. If the interest rate is 4.5 percent, then ou would prefer to take the $1000 today if and only if a.X<1045.00 b.X<1188.89 c.X<1266.67 d.X<1360.86 10.Suppose that some people are counted as unemployed when, to maintain unemployment compensation, they search for work only at places where they are unlikely to bbe hired. If these individuals were counted as out of the labor force instead of as unemployed, then a.both the unemployment rate and labor-force participation rate would be higher. b.both the unemployment rate and labor-force participation rate would be lower. c.the unemployment rate would be lower and the labor-force participation rate would be higher. d.the unemployment rate would be higher and the participation rate would be higher. 11.Suppose that eletricity producers create a negetive externality equal to $6 per unit. Further suppose that the government imposes a $8 per-unit tax on the producers. What is the relationship between the after-tax equlibrium quantity and the socially optimal quantity of electricity to be produced? a.They are equal. b.The after-tax equilibrium quantity is greater than the socially optimal quantity. c.The after-tax equilibrium quantity is less than the socially optimal quantity. d.There is not enough information to answer the question. 二、簡答題(Short Questions)(15 points) 請用經濟學評論以下的觀點。(請勿長篇大論。) 1.請說明在消費者的消費組合中,不可能所有商品皆為劣等財。 2.請說明"Arrow's Impossibility Theorem"。 小蘭前往旅行社挑選旅遊行程,在歐洲團跟日本團當中選了日本團,隨後瞥見還有美西團 可以選,所以退了日本團改參加歐洲團請問小蘭的選擇違反了Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 中的哪一個原則? 3.What's the "Efficient Markets Hypothesis"? 三、計算題(Calculations)(41 points) 1.(8 points)失業率 你是台灣主計處人力資源運用調查小組的成員。 請幫以下各類型人物歸類:A就業 B失業 C不屬於勞動力 a.沒選上台北市長,正在準備下一屆總統大選但目前無收入的蘇貞昌。 b.不屬於任何一家經紀公司,曾經想接通告但一直接不到廣告,最後放棄演藝生涯不得 不開始吃老本的女藝人。 c.大學畢業前,身兼數職每月收入頗豐的T大十三妹。 d.每天嚷嚷著要辭職不幹但依然持續爆肝的竹科工程師。 e.60歲白天在家帶孫子蛋打扮時髦的摩登阿嬤。 f.被雙親逼著找工作但只是虛應故事的紈褲子弟。 民國100年2月,我國就業人數為10,601,000人,失業人數為522,000人,非勞動力為 8,060,000人。請計算 g.失業率 h.勞動參與率 2.(13 points) Consumption bundles and Utility If Nina consumes products X and Y and spends $240 per time period. The unit prices for X and Y are $4 and $2, respectively. Nina's utility is given below: U(X,Y) = X^1/3 Y^2/3 a.(1 points)Please determine Nina's budget line. b.(4 points)What quantities of X and Y that maximized utility Nina will consume c.(2 points)Assume that the price of X to be Px, the price of Y is $2, please find the Nina's demand curve of X. d.(6 points)Please recalculate b. and c. if utility function changes to U(X,Y) = min(2X,Y). 3.(12 points) 國民所得 下列經濟活動是否影響國內生產毛額(GDP)與國民生產毛額(GNP)? a.馬小九購買犀利人妻台北小巨蛋影友會入場卷一張。 b.馬小九購買木村拓哉台大體育館演唱會入場卷一張。 c.經紀公司支付木村拓哉來台演唱酬勞1000萬元。 d.蘋果向鴻海集團購買iPhone晶片500萬元。 e.馬小九出售宏達電股票一張。得利20萬元。 f.馬小九購買義大利跑車一輛200萬元。 g.馬小九統一發票中獎4000元。 h.馬小九自行粉刷家中牆面。 i.馬小九出國觀光,花費10萬元,其中3萬元為日本航空機票。 j.馬小九於光華商場購買國產新電腦一台5萬元。 k.馬小九心買的電腦遭竊,大膽竊賊將電腦出售並開立發票3萬元。 4.(8 points) 政治經濟學 野田妹、千秋與法蘭克三人熱烈討論要去哪一家餐廳慶祝,亦下是三人的偏好: 野田妹 千秋真一 法蘭克 1st choice 義大利餐廳 法式料理 日本料理 2nd chioce 法式餐廳 日本料理 義大利餐廳 3rd chioce 日本料理 義大利餐廳 法式料理 a.(2 points) 若三人決議用Borda count來決定,請問最後會有什麼結果? b.(2 points)法蘭克題亦用多數決(majority rule)。他建議第一輪在「義大利餐廳」與 「法式料理」之間投票,勝出者與日本料理進行第二輪的投票,假設三人都能誠實反應 自己的偏好,請問最後的結果為何? c.(2 points)如果由野田妹題亦,他會如何安排投票順序? d.(2 points)此時,千秋與法蘭克說服野田妹遵循法蘭克的提議,在第一輪投票的時候, 野田妹不誠實地表達偏好,表示她比較喜歡「法式料理」,請問她這個行為的動機為何? --

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1F:推 miraclecity :已收至:) 04/23 01:06
2F:噓 ferronso :錯字一堆 04/17 22:17

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