作者EternalChaos (永遠的混沌)
標題[試題] 99下 蔡益坤 演算法 期中考
時間Wed Apr 20 17:22:34 2011
考試時限(分鐘):14:20 - 18:00
試題 :
This is a closed-book exam. Each problem accounts for 10 points, unless
otherwise marked.
1.Consider the following theorem regarding Gray codes, for which we have
sketched a proof by induction in class.
There exist a Gray code of length ┌log2 k┐(取上界) for any number
k ≧ 2 of objects. The Gray codes for the even values of k are closed
, and the Gray codes for the odd values of k are open.
Please complete the proof(giving sufficient details); in particular, try
to be precise about the length of a code in the proof. You should assume
and use the following facts in your proof:
(a) Given a closed Gray code for an even number k (≧2) of objects, we
can construct a closed Gray code with one additional bit for 2k
(b) Given a closed Gray code of length i for 2^i (i≧1) odjects, we can
construct an open Gray code of the same length for any odd k,
2^(i-1) < k < 2^i, of objects.
(c) Given an open Gray code for an odd number k ( ≧2 ) of objects, we
can construct a closed Gray code with one additional bit for 2k
2.Consider the following two-player game: given a positive integer N,
player A and player B take turns counting to N. In his turn, a player may
advance the count by 1 or 2. For example, player A may start by saying "1
,2", player B follows by saying "3", player A follows by saying "4", etc.
The player who eventually has to say the number N loses the game.
A game is determined if one of the two players always has a way to win
the game. Prove that the counting game as described is determined for any
positive integer N; the winner may differ for different given integers.
You must use induction in your proof.
(Hint: think about the remainder of the number N divided by 3.)
3.We sometimes would use a diagram like the following to distribute n gifts
(or assign n tasks) to n peoples. The main part of the diagram covered,
each person(without seeing the horizontal line segments) is asked to
choose one of the vertical lines. After everyone has made a choice, the
whole diagram is revealed. Following the line chosen by pi, go down along
the line and, whenever hitting an intersection, must make a turn( to the
left or right). The traced path will eventually reach a gift at the end
and the gifts is given to pi.
p3 p2 p1 p5 p4
│ │ │ │ │
├─┤ ├─┤ │
│ ├─┤ ├─┤
│ │ ├─┤ │
g1 g2 g3 g4 g5
Prove by induction that such a diagram( with arbitary numbers of vertical
and horizontal line segments)always produces a one-to-one mapping between
the people and the gifts( whose number equals that of the vertical lines).
4.For each of the following pairs of functions, determine whether
f(n) = O(g(n)) and/or f(n) = Ω(g(n)). Justify your answers.
f(n) g(n)
(a)(logn)^(logn) n/logn
(b)(2^n)*(n^3) 3^n
5.Solve the following recurrence relation using generating functions. This
is a very simple recurrence relation, but you must use generating
functions in your solution.
┌T(1) = 1
├T(2) = 2
└T(n) = 2T(n-1) - T(n-2), n ≧ 3
6.If f(x) is monotonically decreasing, then
n n
Σf(i) ≦f(1) +∫f(x)dx.
i=1 1
Show that this is indeed the case. (5 points)
7.Consider the Knapsack Problem: Given a set S of n items, where the i-th
item has an integer size S[i], and an integer K, find a subset of the
items whose sizes sum to exactly K or determine that no such subset exist.
We have discussed in class two approaches to implementing a solution that
we designed by induction: one uses dynamic programming (see the Appendix),
while the other uses recursive function calls.
Suppose there are 5 items, with size 2,3,4,5,6, and we are looking for a
subset whose sizes sum to 13. Assuming recursive function calls are used,
please give the two-dimension table P whose entries are filled with -,O,I,
or left blank when the algorithm terminates. Which entries of P[n,K] are
visited/computed more than once?
8.Consider a variant of the Knapsack Problem where we want the subset to be
as large as posible(i.e., to be with as many items as possible). How will
you afapt the algorithm (see the Appendix) that we have studied in class?
Your algorithm should collect at the end the items in one of the best
solutions if they exist. Please present your algorithm in an adequate
pseudo code and make assumptions wherever necessary(you may reuse the code
for the original Knapsack Problem). Give an analysis of its time
complexity. The more efficient your algorithm is, the more points you will
get for this problem.
9.Let x1, x2,...,xn be a set of integers, and let S = Σxi. Design an
algorithm to partition the set into two subsets of equal sum, or determine
that it is impossible to do so. When the partitioning is possible, your
algorithm should also give the two subsets of integers. The algorithm
should run in time O(nS).
10.In the towers of Hanoi puzzle, there are three pegs A, B, and C, with n
(generalizing the original eight) disks of different sizes satcked in
decreasing order on peg A. The objective is to transfer all the disks on
peg A to peg B, moving one disk at a time(from one peg to one of the other
two) and never having a larger disk stacked upon a smaller one.
(a) Give an algorithm to solve the puzzle. Compute the total number of
moves in the algorithm. (10 points)
(b) If there is an additional fourth peg D, it is possible to reduce the
number of moves. Please give a new algorithm that requires fewer moves
(5 points)
Below is an algorithm for determining whether a solution to the Knapsack
Problem exists .
Algorithm Knapsack (S,K);
P[0,0].exist := true;
for k := 1 to K do
P[0,k].exist := false;
for i := 1 to n do
for k := 0 to K do
P[i,k].exist := false;
if P[i-1,k].exist then
P[i,k].exist := true;
P[i,k].belong := false;
else if k - S[i] ≧ 0 then
if P[i-1,k-S[i]].exist then
P[i,k].exist := true;
P[i,k].belong := true;
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