作者louischuang (C.L.)
標題[試題] 99下 蘇宏達 國際關係史 期中考
時間Wed Apr 20 13:27:03 2011
試題 :
Please answer questions in English. Those whose mother tongue is not Mandarin
Chinese can answer them in English or Chinese.
I. Please answer shortly the following questions.(10%)
1. Please give family names of five political or diplomatic figures that
contributed to rise of the Cold War in Europe between 1945 and 1948. (10%)
2. Please enlist five challenge to the containment policy imposed by the US
in the immediate aftermath of the rise of Cold War in late 1940s. (10%)
3. Please give names of the founding countries of the G8 in the mid 1970s.
4. Please indicate any three crises respectively in Europe, Asia nad Middle
East in the 1950s that had threatened the containment policy of the US.
5. Please name four military alliance constituted by the US in the 1940s and
1950s that were integral parts of its global containment against the
ex-USSR. (8%)
6. Please indicate three conflicting issues between the EU and People's
Republic of China since 2005. (6%)
II. Please analyze and answer the following questions. (50%)
1. Containment as a stratergy was nothing new in International History. In the
19th century, Metternich and Bismarck once established containment policies
to isolate the revolutionary or revenge France. Please indicate five
characteristics that ditinguished the containment policy imposed by the US
after WWII from the precedent containment in Europe. (15%)
2. De Gaulle and Brandt both initiated detente with East Europe countries and
the ex-Soviet Union in the second half of 1960s and early 1970s. Please
explain why Brandt's detente policy was far more successful than his French
counterpart. (10%)
3. In the 1950s and 1960s, crises and military conflicts broke out
successively in Korean Penisula, Taiwan Strait and Vietnam. Please firstly
mention American policies in the context of global containment in these
crises (12%) and then explain why US adopted very different policies in
these three crises. (13%)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 susustar :Done 04/20 21:32
※ 編輯: louischuang 來自: (04/20 22:01)
2F:推 RACINGHEART :這麼長居然背得起來 04/21 00:23