作者vincent7977 (白水放)
標題[試題] 99下 胡星陽 行為財務 期中考
時間Mon Apr 18 10:33:56 2011
考試時限(分鐘):09:10-12:10 (180mins)
試題 :
Your answers can be either in Chinese or English.
1.According to prospect theory, which is preferred?
a.Prospect A or B?
A(0.80, $50, $0)
B(0.40, $100, $0)
b.Prospect C or D?
C(0.00002, $500,000, $0)
D(0.00001, $1,000,000, $0)
Are these choices consistent with expected utility theory? Why or why not?
2.Psychologists have found extensive evidence to support overconfidence of
human behaviors. Describe it and give some examples. What are the
implications of overconfidence on investment behavior?
3.Anchoring is typical of human behaviors. Describe it and give some examples.
What are the implications of anchoring on investment behavior?
4.Previous research finds a "post SEO effect." It means that over three years
after seasoned equity offerings, the stock performance of SEO-firms are
worse than a control group. Can you provide any rational or behavioral
reasons on investors to explain this phunomenon?
5.Continue Question 4. If you want to make profit and minimize your risk at
the same time from the "post SEO effect," what would you do? Please describe
in details.
6.Many experiments show that sometimes people overreact and sometimes they
underreact. Is there any reason that can explain these seemingly
contradictory behaviors? When is it more likely for people to overreact and
when is it more likely to underreact?
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