NSYSU_math 板


香港理工大學的一位教授希望我轉貼以下訊息... 我想我先簡單的翻譯一下: 香港理工大學 徵 電子通訊工程 博士學位 時間:2012年6月以後 指導教授:Dr. Kainam Thomas Wong (黃啟南老師) 網頁:http://www.eie.polyu.edu.hk/~enktwong/ 研究主題:statistical signal processing 3年可畢業 領域:需要很多數學,尤其是機率論方面 研究經費:HK$10,000/month (約NT$39,000/month) 英文需求: 1. 托福紙筆測驗(TOEFL ITP)550分(含)以上, 2. 托福電腦化測驗(TOEFL-CBT)213分(含)以上, 3. 托福網路化測驗(TOEFL-iBT)79分(含)以上, 4. 雅思測驗(IELTS)6.0分(含)以上, 且須在2012年取得學士學位(最好是碩士學位),不需入學考 有興趣的同學 請將自己的成績檔及履歷 『以及分隔線後的內容』 (沒附內容他不會理你喔) 寄給黃老師:[email protected] 感謝大家收看,歡迎轉寄各大學看板。 ---------------------分 隔 線------------------------ NT$39,000/month stipend (and NO tuition fee) for study towards a Ph.D. in electronic and information engineering at 香港理工大學 (PolyU), starting in some time in June-December of 2012. Ph.D. research topic: "statistical signal processing" applied to wireless communications and acoustics. This field requires * lots of mathematics, especially probability. * no physics education beyond the freshman general education, * no prior engineering education. Ph.D. supervisor: Dr. Kainam Thomas Wong http://www.eie.polyu.edu.hk/~enktwong/ ..................................... Applicant's qualification: * MUST have one of the followings by about March/April 2012 (a) at least 6.0 in the IELTS, or (b) at least 550 in TOEFL paper-based test, or (c) at least 213 in TOEFL computer-based test, or (d) at least 79 in TOEFL internet-based test. * must have a bachelor degree (preferably a masters degree) by Summer 2012 * NO admissions examination needed. Mathematics / statistics students would be most welcome to apply. Mathematics / statistics students will NOT need to make up many engineering courses. However, the student may choose to make up some engineering courses, so that he/she can be an assistant professor in engineering departments after the Ph.D. >>> Interested applicants should email his/her * a scanned file of the academic mark/grade transcript * a brief CV (optional) to Dr. K. Thomas Wong at [email protected] Queries without a mark-transcript will not be answered. ..................................... The accepted applicant * can graduate in 36 months with a Ph.D. in electronics & information engineering (if the student enters PolyU with a mathematics masters degree or an engineering masters degree). * can start at PolyU on any day in June to December 2012. * receives about HK$10,000/month (NT$39,000/month on 2011-12/27) AFTER paying tuition. That is, HK$10,000 net stipend to the student, and no tuition. One can easily live by HK$5,000/month in Hong Kong, withOUT doing any cooking. ..................................... The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學 has these world rankings as of 12/2011: World Rank (世界大學學術排名 from the 上海交通大學): 102-150 國立臺灣大學 201-300 國立成功大學, >>>>>> 香港理工大學 <<<<<< 301-400 國立交通大學, 國立清華大學 401-500 國立中央大學, 長庚大學 World Rank (QS World University Rankings) 87 國立臺灣大學 177 >>>>>> 香港理工大學 <<<<<< 213 國立清華大學 285 國立成功大學 306 國立交通大學 401-450 國立中山大學, 國立中央大學, 國立臺灣科技大學 451-500 國立臺灣師範大學 601+ 國立中興大學, 天主教輔仁大學 According to the above, 香港理工大學 would rank #2 in Taiwan, after only 臺大. All university classes and official activities are conducted in English. However, I can speak heavily accented Mandarin. ..................................... Some Taiwanese professors with a Ph.D. from Hong Kong: Carrson C. FUNG Ph.D. from the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Assistant Professor, 國立交通大學 電子工程學系 http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~cfung/ Shu-Yu HSU Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, 國立中正大學 http://mathweb.ccu.edu.tw/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=T_syhsu Bit-shun TAM Ph.D. from the University of Hong Kong Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, 淡江大學 http://www.math.tku.edu.tw/info/index.php?PID=30 --

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