NDHU-phy98 板


以下是請里拉餐廳他們mail給我的菜單 到時會不會一樣我也不知道囉 ------------------------------分隔線------------------------------------------ Promisedland spain buffet menu 海鮮吧 Salted water shrimp 草蝦 Mussel淡菜 Shashimi selections生魚片吧 Red snapper鯛魚 Marlin旗魚 Tuna 鮪魚 西班牙開胃冷盤(十二種) Spanish style grilled vegetables 西班牙式烤蔬菜 Sardines fish salad with young beans 檸香沙丁魚沙拉 Seafood salad with lemon dressing 西式海鮮沙拉 Celery and oranges salad 紅酒醋西柳沙拉 Cod fish salad with orange 鱈魚柳丁沙拉 Chicory with blue cheese 苦白菜乳酪沙拉 Pickled tuna salad with bell pepper 甜椒鮪魚沙拉 Squid with summer salad 夏日明太子沙拉 Smoked salmon 煙燻鮭魚盤 Chefs specil of the day 主廚今日沙拉 Salad bar/沙拉吧 Caesar salad 進口凱薩沙拉 Assorted mixed salad 本地什錦沙拉 Alfalfa 苜蓿芽 cucumber 小黃瓜 sweet corn 玉米粒 carrots 紅蘿蔔 Tomatoes 小蕃茄 red cabbage 紫高麗菜 bean sprout 豌豆苗 house leek 石蓮花 Hot dish/熱食區(九種) Braised steer beef with herbs 西班牙燴鬥牛 Lamb cutlets with fried garlic and vegetables 蒜粒香煎羊排 Sun fish stewed with mussels and potatos 西班牙燴曼波魚 Sauteed fish chinned with garlic and dried chili 西式辣味魚下巴 Braise in soy sauce pig feet 紅燒豬腳 Chicken breasts with orange 橙汁烤雞排 Mushroom with snails 花蓮螺肉抄野菇 Paella with fish and seafood 西班牙海鮮飯 Cabbage braised of balearic islands style 西班牙傳統燴時蔬 Chefs special of the day 今日主廚熱食 Daily soup/每日例湯(二種) Chickpea and spinach soup 波菜雞豆濃湯 Sunfish with leek and potato soup 西班牙魚龍骨湯 Galician soup with ham knuckle 鄉村式蔬菜湯 A selection of breads/精緻麵包吧 (1)ensaimada bread 沙拉麵包 (2). Semolina bread 義式小麥麵包 (3). Whole wheat bread 全麥麵包 (4). Black wheat bread 黑麥麵包 (5). Raisins bread 葡萄乾麵包 (6). French bread 圓法國麵包 (7)walnut popover 核桃酥 A selection of 3 kinds pizza/精緻比薩 Coca with spinach and raisins 菠菜葡萄比薩 Coca with summer vegetables 蕃茄蔬菜比薩 Coca with sardines 沙丁魚紅椒比薩 Craving station特選爐烤 Roasted ham with orange cinnamon and assorted fruit sauce / mushroom sauce 爐烤維吉尼亞火腿附 綜合水果醬汁 / 蘑菇醬汁 Roasted beef of moorish style 西班牙式烤鬥牛 A selection of spain dessert from the display/精選自製西班牙式甜點 Galician almond tart 杏仁塔 Rice pudding 米布丁 Deep fried custard slices 香酥炸奶凍 Caramel custard 西班牙烤布丁 Bilbao puff pastry rolls 檸檬奶酥 Apple tarl 西班牙蘋塔 Almond boats 杏仁船 Saint teresas,egg yolk confection 香橙蛋糕 Small tarl with raspberries and fruity raspberry jam 紅莓塔 Tartlet with egg custard and raisins soaked in run 蘭姆葡蔔塔 Jelly roll sponge with different fillings 西班牙捲 Sponge cake layered with butter cream filling 格斯蛋糕 A selection of seasonal fresh fruits from the display新鮮水果 Pineapple鳳梨grape葡萄watermelon西瓜 honey den哈密瓜 Apple蘋果dragon fruit火龍果 banana香蕉 Juice bar果汁吧 Iced water開水orange juice柳橙汁grape juice萄葡汁 Black tea紅茶 jasmine tea 香片 oolong tea烏龍茶 Blended flavored fruit tea 花果茶fresh coffee 研磨咖啡 以上菜色以每季及當天唯主 --

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1F:推 comesut10 :謝謝芭比~~~ 05/28 05:25
2F:推 aibahikari :謝謝笆比^^ 05/28 09:03

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