NCCU05_LawHa 板


開胃菜Dal Tavolo Degli Antipasti From the Antipasti Table 蘑菇生鮮牛肉 Carpaccio Di Manzo Con Funghi Beef Carpaccio with Mushroom and Sun-dried Tomatoes 義式菠菜蛋捲 Frittata Con pinaci E Cipolle Spinach and Onion Fritatta 義式火腿冷盤 Affettati Misti All'italiana Italian Sliced Cold Cuts 涼拌什錦菇 Funghi Assortiti All ` Olio e Limone Asssorted Marinated Fresh Mushrooms 糖醋烤甜椒 Peperoni Arrostiti, Agrodolce Roasted Bell Pepper Sweet and Sour 蕃茄起士 Pomodoro E Mozzarella Alla Caprese Tomato and Mozzarella with Basil and Olive Oil 紅茄海鮮沙拉 Insalata Alla Marinara Seafood and Shell Fish Salad with Capers, Tomatoes and Fresh Italian Parsley 鮮脆生菜 Assortimento Di Insalatine Novelle Di Campo Selection of Lettuce 配料Condiments 橄欖、麵包丁、起士粉、培根、酸豆 Olives, Croutons, Grated Parmesan Cheese, Bacon Chips, Capers 沙拉醬Dressings 義大利醬、甜辣醬、果醋汁、凱撒醬、奶油羅勒 Italian,Calypso, Balsamico、Caesar Dressing, Creamy Basil Dressing 湯Zuppe - Soup 托思卡尼蕃茄湯 Pappa coi Pomodori Freschi alla Toscana Tomato Soup Tuscan Style 佐各式餐包、麵包棒、香蒜麵包 Served with Selection of Bread Rolls, Grissini and Garlic Bread 熱食Dalla Cucina -Hot Dishes 紅茄鱈魚 Filetto Di Merluzzo Alla Pizzaiola Cod Fish in a Spicy Tomato, Caper and Olive Sauce 蕃茄蘑菇燴香雞 Pollo Alla Cacciatora Braised Chicken Cacciatore with Mushrooms and Tomatoes 甜椒香蒜豬肉 Filetto Di Maiale Incrostato Cn Salsa D` Aglio E Pepe Verde Herb Crusted Pork Tenderloin with Garlic and Green Pepper Corn Sauce 奶焗甜蝦義大利麵 Fusilli Pasta Con Gamberetti E peperoni Alla Panna Fusilli with Shrimps, Bell Pepper and Cream 烤菲力牛排佐上選紅酒汁附烤蔬菜 Roasted Tenderloin of Beef with Cabernet Sauvignon And Roasted Vegetables 季節蔬菜 Verdure Glassati Glazed Seasonal Vegetables 迷迭香烤洋芋 Patate Arrosto Roast Potatoes with Garlic and Rosemary 甜點Dolci - Desserts 水果百匯 Frutta Tropicale Tropical Fresh Fruit 起士檸檬酥點 Cannoli Lemon and Ricotta Filled Pastry 義式優格奶酪 Panna Cotta Ai Frutti Di Bosco Yoghurt Panna Cotta with Berries 提拉蜜酥 Tirami Su Italian Coffee Cheese Trifle 奶油檸檬派 Torta Di Meringhe Al Limone Lemon Meringue Pie 蜜餞巧克力蛋糕 Zuccotto Candied Fruit and Nuts in a Chocolate Dome Cake 洋梨塔 Crostata Di Pere Freshly Baked Pear Tart 香醇咖啡或紅茶 Freshly Brewed Coffee and Teas 莫凡比冰淇淋三種口味無限供應 --

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