NCCU05_LawHa 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NCCU05_LawFl 看板] 作者: emily760504 (UglyEmily) 看板: NCCU05_LawFl 標題: [法律] 【候選餐廳資訊】六福皇宮 時間: Mon Apr 20 14:52:14 2009 六福皇宮 設施:Wii Fit、卡拉OK、背景音樂、無線麥克風。 提供服務:額外甜點(提拉米蘇、起士或水果口為八吋蛋糕)、免費停車券、三小時 非酒精飲料暢飲、每人加價150元可享台啤暢飲。 地址:台北市南京東路三段133號。 (捷運南京東路站+步行十分鐘路程) 價位:每人890元+一成服務費。 A菜單 精緻冷盤Cold selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 精選綜合壽司 Selection of sushi with pickled ginger 香料烤花枝盤 Herbs roasted squid plate 香橙鴨胸 Smoked duck breast with orange 麻辣鮮螺鮑 Chili sea snail salad 中式沙拉涼筍 Chinese bamboo shoot salad 沙拉吧Salad buffet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 田園生菜沙拉 Seasonal green salad 泰式海鮮貝沙拉 Thai shell fish salad 歐式洋芋沙拉 Potato salad with bacon 香草蘑菇沙拉 Assorted mushroom salad 各式醬汁及佐料 Dressing and condiments 湯品Soup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 湖南辣腸燉鮮腩湯 Braised pork spare ribs soup with Chinese hot sausage 切肉檯Carving ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 燒烤火腿佐蘋果醬 Honey glaze ham with apple sauce 熱食Hot slection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 義大利千層麵 Lasagna with meat sauce 泰式香辣燒烤雞肉 Thai roasted chicken with spicy sauce 義式香料烤時疏 Roasted seasonal vegetable with Italian herbs 蒜香聖路易排 Deep-fried pork spareribs with garlic 宜蘭西魯肉 Braised pork with Chinese cabbage 鮮露蒸魚件 Steamed fish filet with scallion sauce 金瓜炒米粉 Stir-fried rice noodle with pumpkin 甜品Dessert -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 季節水果 Seasonal fruit platter 綠豆沙冰糕 Sweet green bean paste cake 雪白椰汁糕 Sweet coconut milk cake 鮮芒果慕斯杯 Mango mousse cup 金鑽香蕉巧克力蛋糕 Banana rich chocolate 精選法國糕點 Selection of French pastries 精美餅乾集 Homemade cookies 現煮香濃咖啡或茶 Freshly brewed coffee or tea B菜單 精緻冷盤Cold selection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 綜合壽司盤 Selection of sushi with pickled ginger 蕃茄釀燻雞 Smoked chicken sliced with tomato salsa 中式涼拌雪螺 Chinese snow snail 京味白玉絲 Cabbage salad with peanut 和風山藥螺鮑角 Sea snail and yam with Japanese dressing 沙拉吧Salad buffet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 田園生菜沙拉 Seasonal lettuces 香芥西芹火腿沙拉 Celery & ham salad with walnut and mustard 泰式青木瓜沙拉 Thai green papaya salad 青豆蝦仁洋芋沙拉 Shrimp with greed peasand potato salad 各式醬汁及佐料 Dressing and condiments 湯品Soup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 印度洋芋雞肉湯 India potato and chicken soup 切肉檯Carving -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 燒烤火腿佐蘋果醬 Honey glaze ham with apple sauce 熱食Hot canapés -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 蕃茄海鮮筆尖麵 Seafood penne with tomato sauce 燒烤印度雞腿卡巴 Roasted Indian chicken leg kebab 香蒜燻腸烤椰菜 Roasted cauliflower and broccoli with salami and garlic 鹽烤冰香魚 Salty roasted ayu fish 獅子頭燒烏參 Braised sea cucumber with meat ball in brown sauce 金果開陽白菜 Sautéed Chinese cabbage with ginkgo 鹹魚雞粒炒飯 Fired rice with salty fish and diced chicken 甜品Dessert -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 季節水果 Seasonal fruit platter 相思紅豆糕 Sweet green cake 綠豆沙冰糕 Sweet green bean paste cake 精選法式糕點 Selection of fresh pastries 紐約芝士蛋糕 Baked cheese cake 草莓奶油泡芙 Choux pastry with cream with strawberry 精美餅乾集 Home made cookies 現煮香濃咖啡或茶 Freshly brewed coffee or tea 費用:每人890元(另加一成服務費) -- --

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