LINE CBB Players Adam, Robert Hinton Land Historic International Nike NIL Contract DORIC SAM SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 Ivy Leaguers Adam and Robert Hinton made history on Wednesday with a landmark NIL deal. 常春藤盟校學生賀丹、賀博在週三以一項NIKE指標性的形象贊助合約創造歷史。 Per Boardroom's Nick DePaula, Nike has signed the brothers to a first-of-its-kind international NIL deal that will see them appear in Nike brand campaigns throughout Asia. Robert, who is entering his freshman season at Harvard, and Adam, a junior at Cornell, are Los Angeles natives of Taiwanese-American descent. Nike 成功簽下兩兄弟在亞洲的姓名、肖像權利。 將會讓賀家兄弟的廣告、商業活動在亞洲投放 賀博今年會成為哈佛大學新鮮人 賀丹則是升上康乃爾大學大三 成長於洛杉磯的兩人都具有臺裔血統 Both Hinton Brothers play for the Chinese Taipei men's basketball team. Adam, 21, is a pre-med student at Cornell who aspires to pursue a career as a doctor. Robert, 18, is studying pre-law at Harvard. 兩人皆為台灣籃球代表隊出賽 二十一歲的賀丹在康乃爾是醫學預科的學生 未來想往醫師職涯發展 十八歲的賀博則是哈佛法律預科的學生 "There comes a point where a lot of middle school and high school students have to choose between basketball and academics," Adam told DePaula. "I would like to open eyes and minds to recognize that it is possible to do both." 兼顧籃球和學業是可行的 賀丹告訴NIKE執行董事德保拉 我想讓國中生知道兼顧學業和籃球是可能的 Adam Hinton has appeared in 25 career games off the bench for Cornell and is a 42.1 percent three-point shooter. Robert Hinton was a 4-star recruit and the No. 10 player in the state of California in the class of 2024, per 247Sports' composite. 賀丹已經為康乃爾大學出賽二十五場 三分球命中率有四成二一 賀博則是四星高中生 2024年加州高中籃球排名第十的學生運動員 Robert spoke about the influence his brother has had on his basketball career earlier this year, as they played together for two years at Harvard-Westlake High School before Adam's graduation. 賀博提到他哥哥對他的影響 兩人在高中同隊兩年 "He's my idol. He's my role model," Robert Hinton told Kai Arrington of Mass Live in January. "He's one of the hardest workers I've ever seen, and being the younger brother, always pushed me harder. Always sharing wisdom with me making sure I'm the best person and player." 哥哥是我的偶像 他是我看過最認真練球的人之一 作為他的弟弟 他一直和我分享場內外的智慧 讓我變成更好的人和球員 Now, the Hinton Brothers will be on opposite sides of the court as they compete for an Ivy League championship in the 2024-25 season. 在新的球季 他們會在常春藤聯盟的錦標賽及例行賽相互競爭 心得 康乃爾、哈佛、NIKE first-of-its-kind 國際 NIL 贊助合約 期待籃球開季 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPad --

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