USC to hire Eric Musselman as coach: Trojans will poach Arkansas boss in shock move to replace Andy Enfield CBS Matt Norlander 的報導 USC is set to hire Arkansas men's head basketball coach Eric Musselman to the same position, sources confirm to CBS Sports. Musselman interviewed for the job Wednesday with Trojans athletic director Jennifer Cohen. 特洛伊人(南加大)體育總監出來證實 挖角阿肯色大學總教練Eric Musselman成功 @@ 蠻驚訝的 畢竟Musselman 記得剛簽長約 也在阿肯色大學蠻成功的 The Trojans poaching Musselman from Arkansas is a sport-shaking move. Once upon a time, the idea of a coach leaving the hoops hotbed of Arkansas for USC was borderline unthinkable, but these are different times. Circumstances matter a lot as well. Musselman was heavily swayed by the location, in addition to a fresh start after a rocky 2023-24 season that ended with a whimper. The opportunity presented itself once Andy Enfield decided to leave USC after 11 seasons to start anew at SMU. 原南加大總教練 Andy Enfield 去南美以美大學 Musselman, 59, spent the past five seasons in Fayetteville, Arkansas, guiding the Razorbacks to Elite Eight runs in 2021 and 2022 as well as a Sweet 16 appearance in 2023. When Arkansas made the second weekend of the NCAA Tournament in 2021, it marked the first time in 25 years the Hogs had earned a Sweet 16 berth. He had restored something meaningful there. But, this past season was the low point; despite being ranked in the preseason, Musselman's team severely underachieved and wound up 16-17, his only sub-.500 run with the program. 五十九歲的Musselman 在阿肯色待了五年 五年三次打入季後賽(瘋三)是相當亮眼的成績, 21 22 兩次 八強、23 年甜蜜十六 21 年當刺背野豬隊打入瘋三是該隊25來的第一次 但今年的戰績卻是新低點 今年阿肯色大學刺背野豬隊只打出 16-17 低於五成勝率的球季 Over the past five years, Musselman went 111-59 and had four seasons between 20-28 wins. His career mark in Division I is 221-93; Musselman spent four seasons at Nevada before taking the Arkansas job in 2019. 阿肯色之前 莫瑟曼是內華達狼隊的總教練 NCAA 甲組總成績是211勝 93 敗 Musselman's name had been loosely attached to other openings in the past two years, but his time a move came to fruition. He's a journeyman coach. Musselman has coached in the NBA (Golden State from 2002-04, Sacramento in 2006-07), the G League, overseas, semi-pro ball and spent many years as an NBA and D-I assistant. He's held more than a dozen jobs in more than three decades of coaching. Moving from one spot to another is what he's done his entire career. Musselman's longest time at one location was in the Continental Basketball Association when he coached the Rapid City Thrillers from 1991-97 before turning 30. Arkansas was the second-longest tenure in his career. Musselman 也有執教過NBA球隊的經歷 心得: 最終四強前的大消息…不過學生籃球員現在也有薪水(贊助獎學金)了,教練的跳槽、長約比較沒有那麼政治不正確 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone --

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1F:推 Myosotis: 蠻喜歡的一個教練 04/05 03:32
2F:→ icecreamdog: 南加大明年加入大十聯盟 也是場場硬仗 04/05 03:37
3F:推 Myosotis: 04/05 03:49
4F:→ Myosotis: USC官宣了 Arkansas的損失 04/05 03:51
5F:→ icecreamdog: 南加大這次搶人搶得很好 04/05 03:51
6F:→ Myosotis: 去年麥當勞 Baye Fall 也要轉學 這季很少有機會看到他 04/05 03:51
7F:→ Myosotis: 好奇這種有約在身的可以直接挖腳/跳槽嗎 04/05 03:52
8F:→ Myosotis: 不用買斷/付違約金/補償母隊 之類的嗎 04/05 03:52
9F:→ icecreamdog: 非常同意 南加大校友基數大 又在好萊塢不缺舞台 就缺 04/05 03:52
10F:→ icecreamdog: 的可以獨當一面的主帥 大十新聯盟明年也值得期待 04/05 03:52
11F:→ Myosotis: 以前NBA是有交易教練過 賽爾提克和快艇交易 04/05 03:53
12F:推 dreamkd: 當國多明尼加 委內瑞拉的HC 04/05 03:54
13F:→ Myosotis: 當時GAP解體 Doc Rivers把自己賣給快艇 BOS拿二輪補償 04/05 03:54
14F:→ icecreamdog: 長約條款一定有buyout 的 而且人要走硬留更沒意思 04/05 03:56
15F:推 love1500274: Bronny 484 轉學? 04/05 09:39
16F:→ icecreamdog: 看推特風向還很亂…但既然原本教練走了 04/05 10:23
17F:→ icecreamdog: 轉學機率大增 選秀也有可能 04/05 10:23
18F:推 kkl522608: 推推 感謝資訊 04/05 20:03

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