LINE per ESPN Fired hoops coach Mike Anderson seeks $45.6M from St. John's 被解雇的聖若望大學前教練提告前東家 求償四千五百六十萬美金 Former St. John's men's basketball coach Mike Anderson said he was fired with cause in March only so the school could avoid paying his buyout and use the money to hire Rick Pitino, per arbitration documents obtained by ESPN on Thursday. 前聖若望男籃總教練安德森認為他在三月中因故被解聘是因為聖若望大學不願意 支付合約提前終止違約金 而用那筆錢去挖角名教練皮提諾 Anderson is seeking $45.6 million from the university -- $11.4 million that was left on his contract and an additional $34.2 million for "punitive" damages -- according to the "notice of intention to arbitrate" filed last month by Anderson's lawyer, John Singer of Singer Deutsch. 安德森將尋求四千五百六十萬美金的賠償 包含 一千一百四十萬美金 在剩餘的合約中 和 三千四百二十美金的損失 金額是來自於安德森的委任律師 St. John's lured Pitino from Iona after firing Anderson on March 10. 位於紐約市傳統籃球名校聖若望大學今年三月十日成功高薪從艾歐那大學挖角皮提諾 According to the termination letter obtained by ESPN, Anderson was fired for "failure to create and support an environment that strongly encourages student-athletes who are in the men's basketball program to meet all university academic requirements," "failure to perform your duties and responsibilities in a manner that reflected positively on St. John's University ... in actions [that] brought serious discredit" to the school and "failure to appropriately supervise and communicate with your assistant coaches." 但根據ESPN的調查 聖若望大學解聘安德森的原因為 無法為學生運動員創造可以達到學業標準的訓練環境 以及 無法正確地監督並和助理教練有效溝通 Per documents obtained by ESPN, Anderson claims St. John's officials had tried to offer him a buyout for less than the $11.4 million remaining on his deal before the school accused him of "fictitious" problems within his program and fired him for cause. 在ESPN所獲得的文件中 聖若望大學曾經以低於一千一百四十萬美金的 價錢和安德森談合約買斷 而這是在發生聖若望大學 以[非事實] 的理由開除他之前所發生的 In a statement issued Thursday afternoon, St. John's University said it disputed "the wildly inaccurate claims" and that it would "vigorously defend those claims in arbitration." 在週四下午 聖大發出的聲明說 指控並不正確 而只是安德森的單方面的說詞 On the day he was fired, Anderson claims the school had already entered advanced talks with Pitino, who was officially hired March 20. 在他被開除的那天 安德森曾經表示學校和皮提諾已經進入細節的談約階段 Anderson said that he never changed and that he represented the school in a "first class manner" after he signed an extension in 2021 and until the day he was dismissed in March. In the documents, Anderson said St. John's instead focused "on marshaling and amalgamating enough assets" for an offer "to the legendary and scandal-mired NBA and college basketball coach Rick Pitino to join St. John's as the new head coach." 安德森教練說從他在延長合約那天開始 至被解聘的那一天 他一直最[積極] 的心態 來代表聖若望大學 而在文件中 安德森指控聖若望大學想集中一切資源 招聘極富爭議性又兼具傳奇性的教練 皮提諾 Terms of the deal between Pitino and St. John's were not announced, but sources told ESPN that it was for six years and reportedly is worth $20 million. 皮提諾的合約因為聖大是私立學校不用公布 但ESPN據消息來源指出可能是 至少六年 兩千萬美金的合約 (六年台幣約六億 一年一億台幣) "St. John's manufactured out of whole cloth its preposterous 'for cause' termination of Mr. Anderson's employment with the sole purpose of attempting to extricate the University from its $11.4 million ironclad contractual obligation to Mr. Anderson, specifically so that it could otherwise divert those funds to Pitino," the filing by Anderson's representative says. 該付給前教練安德森的合約買斷金 被用在皮提諾的合約中 In his four seasons at St. John's, Anderson had a 68-56 record and was 30-46 in the Big East. 安德森取代過去聖大的明星球員 Chris Mullins 執教四年 總成績是 六十八勝五十六敗 在大東聯盟是三十勝四十六敗 In the documents, Anderson, who had previously announced his intent to sue St. John's, said the school in February began making false accusations that he had been dealing with cognitive issues. During a "hostile" phone call, per Anderson's legal filing, Joseph Oliva, the general counsel for St. John's, told one of the former coach's representatives that Anderson "did not in any way resemble the coach from the prior four years" and seemed "about gone" mentally. 安德森指控說 學校以不實指控 說他心理健康問題 而這些討論是在一些激動的電話討論中進行 In his legal filing, Anderson also rebutted the school's claim that his team had struggled academically, citing his program's Big East academic excellence award in 2020 for the highest cumulative GPA in the conference -- the first in program history. He said his team's GPA slipped after COVID but never to a degree that would jeopardize his program's APR (academic progress rate). 他同時反駁學校的指控說學生運動的成績非常不好 在 2020 年 聖若望籃球隊的學業成績為大東聯盟的最高分 也是學校史上第一次 疫情雖然降低之後的GPA 但是並不影響整體學業進步指數 The arbitration documents filed by Anderson also accuse the school of hypocrisy by firing him for cause but hiring Pitino, who had been "enmeshed in one highly publicized, sensational scandal after another over the years." Louisville fired Pitino for cause in 2017, citing an investigation into the program allegedly hiring escorts for parties to help recruit players that resulted in the school vacating its 2013 national title and an FBI investigation surrounding former recruit Brian Bowen II. 他覺得聘用皮提諾作為新教練 讓學校已[學術成績未達標]理由開除他 顯得更加偽善 皮提諾在17 年被路易維爾大學開除時 已經有第三方的報告指出他任內籃球隊的的招募新生過程中有聘請不當的[人員] Note: 用奇怪理由換總教練 今天 NCAA 也一篇 但其實整篇看起來比較像是 Mike Anderson 委任律師的開場白 而且開除時機也是在球季末 加上紐約市和 New Rochelle 的地理因素 St Johns 找 Pitino 的決策對於有關注 NCAA 球迷來說應該不會太意外 紐約市作為籃球歷史中的重要城市 加上大東聯盟過去的榮景 聖若望大學會這樣作其實蠻合理 畢竟在下季 這個聯盟可是有 Sean Miller, Ed Cooley 的喬治城, Dan Hurley 衛冕冠軍康州大 誰會想要在高曝光度的聯盟中變成 losing team 而且除了 Pitino 過去的黑歷史外 其他事情還待證 隨手翻~ 有在學生或職員歡迎補充 --

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1F:推 dreamkd: Mike Anderson也算名教頭了 可惜跟辣個男人比的話… 05/12 18:54
2F:推 edgelee: 要不要也順便說說Bob Huggins最近的風波啊 05/12 19:11
3F:推 dreamkd: Bob Huggins就是禍從口出的範例 05/12 19:43
4F:→ icecreamdog: 有看到 Huggins 反同言論被罰款~ 05/12 21:17

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