消息來源 ESPN The NCAA has selected Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker as its next president, succeeding Mark Emmert. NCAA 選擇現任麻薩諸塞州州長 查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 作為下任總裁,接替 Martk Emmert Baker, a Republican who has been governor since January 2015 but will conclude his second term in January, will begin his new post March 1. He played power forward for Harvard's basketball team during the 1977-78 season, but has no previous collegiate administrative experience. He has spent most of his career in Massachusetts state government but spent a decade in health care administration. The 66-year old Baker holds degrees from both Harvard and Northwestern. 貝克,共和黨員自從2015開始擔任州長後至今將結束兩任任期。 會在明年三月開始他的新工作。他在1977-78年在哈佛大學就讀時是主打大前鋒的位置。 但他沒有大學體育的行政經驗。 之前他主要是在麻州的政府工作而後轉向麻州的健保部門 他有西北大學和哈佛大學的學位 In April, Emmert announced he would be stepping down. He has led the NCAA since November 2010 and in April 2021 had his contract extended through 2025. Emmert will remain in an advisory role until June. Baker said he believes he's joining the organization at a "pivotal" time for the NCAA, which is in the process of transforming the way it governs college sports because of political and legal challenges to its business model. 今年四月,Emmert 宣布他會退休。雖然這位在2010年上任的總裁還有合約到2025。 Emmert 在離開總裁的角色後還是會以顧問的身份在組織內工作。 貝克任文為他是在「關鍵」的時期加入NCAA ,畢竟 NCAA 的商業模式正受到 逐漸改變的政治經濟環境的影響。 "I think it's worth doing," Baker said in a news conference Thursday afternoon. "It's big and complicated, but so have been a lot of the things I've done in my life. Most of the time they were absolutely worth doing." 「我覺得這是值得做的」貝克在週四下午的記者會中說。 「這是個巨大且複雜的工作,但我人生中所做的多半也是。 很多時候他們是值得做的工作」 Linda Livingstone, chair of the NCAA's board of governors and Baylor University president, helped lead the search for a new president along with six others, including former Duke standout basketball player Grant Hill, now co-owner of the NBA's Atlanta Hawks. Livingstone said Baker stood out as a candidate because of his track record of building bipartisan consensus during a time when the NCAA is aiming to "engage and motivate" Congress to create federal legislation that will give the NCAA legal clearance to regulate how college athletes are compensated. 琳達。李文斯東,目前 NCAA 董事會的主席及貝勒大學的校長。協助領導 聘請新 NCAA 總裁的工作。聘請甄選小組中還包含杜克大學明星籃球校友、目前NBA 亞特蘭大老鷹的共同合夥人 Grant Hill。李文斯東認為貝克州長最終被聘請的原因是 他在國會中的人脈、以及可能有能力達成跨黨派的立法協議讓 NCAA 擁有法律上的保障 並管理學生運動員的薪資、福利。 "We are excited to welcome Governor Charlie Baker to the NCAA and eager for him to begin his work with our organization," Livingstone said in a statement. "Governor Baker has shown a remarkable ability to bridge divides and build bipartisan consensus, taking on complex challenges in innovative and effective ways. As a former student-athlete himself, husband to a former college gymnast, and father to two former college football players, Governor Baker is deeply committed to our student-athletes and enhancing their collegiate experience. These skills and perspective will be invaluable as we work with policymakers to build a sustainable model for the future of college athletics." 「我們很興奮能夠歡迎查理貝克州長到 NCAA 服務。」李文斯東校長在聲明書中稱。 「貝克州長已經展示他過人的能力可以讓不同意見的人取得共識,用複雜卻創新的方式。 作為一位前學生運動員、前體操運動員的丈夫、兩位大學橄欖球員的父親,貝克州長 已經相當了解學生運動員的大學競技、校園生活等等。這些技能和遠見對於我們作為 政策的決策者是相當難能可貴的,也希望他能為 NCAA、和學生運動員 打造出一個長遠的合作模式。」 Baker's background in politics and policy fueled his candidacy, as the NCAA has faced several high-profile legal challenges in recent years. In 2021, the NCAA began allowing athletes to profit off of their name, image and likeness, but the rules vary between states as there is no federal policy, despite a desire from athletic directors and major conference commissioners. In a release announcing Baker's hire, the NCAA noted "untenable patchwork of individual state laws" have limited its authority. 「近幾年 NCAA 面對幾個重要的法律挑戰, 貝克州長的政治和政策背景強化他的候選資格。 在2021年,NCAA 開始開放學生運動員利用子己的肖像權獲利。 但這項政策在各州間非常不同而且沒有統一的聯邦政策, 雖然各聯盟的主席和大學校的體育主任大聲疾呼。 NCAA 在聲明中同時提到了各州僵化的州法律將NCAA 的管轄權給限縮」 Baker told reporters Thursday that he was not ready to dive into details about some of the specific issues reshaping college sports, such as increased transfers between schools and the evolving ways in which NCAA athletes are allowed to make money. He said his goal will be, in part, to make changes while preserving the part of college sports that he believes is "one of the truly greatest human potential development organizations ever devised." 貝克在週四告訴記者他沒有準備要討論關於各項大學運動的細節。像是 增加轉學生名額和學生運動員的其他的賺錢的方式。但另一方面他又相信 大學運動聯盟是最好的運動員淺力發展組織。 Under Baker's predecessor, Emmert, the NCAA has started to make an effort to shift more power from its central national office in Indianapolis to individual divisions or conferences. Baker said he believes this a good fit for his experience, having spent much of his career working in "distributed decision-making models" of leadership. 在 Emmert 的主政時期, NCAA 已經開始努力將權力從印第安波利斯下放到各聯盟 及級別組織(D1, DII, DIII) Baker 認為這項政策符合他的經歷, 根據他自己過去在政界習慣的「混亂作決定的」領導模式 "It's about being a convener and a collaborator of a very large organization that has a lot of points of view and seeking to find those places where people can come together, can agree and can make a case ... about what the best way is to ensure we don't lose this jewel going forward." 當州長和領導巨大型組織常需要將不同意見的人整合,組織才會有動力成長 Baker, whose term as governor ends Jan. 5, said he plans to attend this year's NCAA convention in mid-January so he can begin building relationships and developing a better understanding of the organization he will soon lead. Baker 會在一月五日卸任州長後參加美國大學體育組織的年會 更深一層的認識NCAA 並展開他的新職涯 ESPN's Dan Murphy contributed to this report ESPN 記者 Dan Murphy 也有參與此報導 --

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