原文 Associate Press / Fox News July 17, 22 Gonzaga, Michigan State set to play basketball on aircraft carrier This is the first aircraft carrier game since 2012 岡薩加大學和密西根州大今年將在航空母艦上對戰 這是自2012以來的第一場在航空母艦舉行的比賽 They’re going to try to play college basketball on an aircraft carrier again, and nautical veteran Tom Izzo and Michigan State will get a return trip to San Diego Bay to face Gonzaga on the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln on Veteran's Day. The game will be shown in prime time on Nov. 11 as part of ESPN’s Armed Forces Classic from the flat top moored at Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado, across the bay from downtown San Diego. The Abraham Lincoln is on deployment and is due back in port later this summer. 今年在退伍軍人紀念日 大學籃球再次於航空母艦上舉行比賽 由兩位名人堂教練 Tom Izzo 及 Mark Few 帶領的密西根州大和岡薩加大學 將於停泊於聖地牙哥軍港的林肯號航空母艦上對戰 ESPN 將於 十一月十一日於黃金時段轉播今年的武裝部隊經典賽 Izzo’s Spartans lost to No. 1 North Carolina 67-55 on the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson on Nov. 11, 2011, in the first college basketball game on an active carrier. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama watched from courtside. The Carl Vinson conducted Osama bin Laden’s burial at sea after he was killed by Navy SEALs in a raid ordered by Obama six months earlier. 在2011 年 密西根州大在卡爾文森號輸給當時排名全國第一的北卡 羅萊納大學 該比賽為在現役中的航空母艦所舉行的第一場大學籃球比賽 歐巴馬總統及第一夫人蜜雪兒歐巴馬也在場邊觀戰 在該場球賽舉行的六個月前 卡爾文森號成功完成狙殺賓拉登的任務 This will be the first aircraft carrier game since 2012, when only two of four games scheduled that fall were played, including one in San Diego that had to be pushed back two days because of rain rather than moving it indoors. While the 2011 Carrier Classic was played in a spectacular setting, it ended less than an hour before rain drenched the court, just one of the hazards organizers face in staging carrier hoops games. Organizers said there would be a backup court on the hangar deck as a contingency, but that court was never set up. Izzo welcomed the chance to play in another carrier game. 在 2012 年由於天氣的因素 只有兩場比賽完成 同樣的 2011 年 比賽也受到天氣影響 比賽只進行不到一個小時 就因為下雨而取消 當時主辦單位有承諾有雨備場地 但是該場地從來沒有準備好 密西根州大總教練 Tom Izzo 很期待今年的出賽機會 "The experience we had in 2011 when we played North Carolina on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson was one of the most humbling experiences of my career," Izzo said in a statement. "Obviously, we wanted to win and any game against a program like that is very special, but to me, the game was about so much more than just a win or a loss. "This opportunity to play on an aircraft carrier in front of men and women who serve in the military and are willing to put their lives on the line is an experience that is going to mean something to the young men who will play in the game for a long, long time," Izzo added. "I said it last time and I’ ll say it again, we’re going to play one of the best teams in the country and we’re going to be hosted by the No. 1 team in the world." 伊佐說 在2011年和北卡在卡爾文森號的比賽是他執教生涯中 最值得感恩及謙虛的經驗 我們很顯然地想要贏任何一場必賽 但是那場比賽已經是超越單純的勝與敗 可以在願意將生命獻給國家的部隊弟兄姊妹前出賽 相信那場比賽的經驗也會給我的年輕球員帶來很有意義及長遠的影響 我上次說了 我可以再說一遍 我們願意交手全國最好的球隊 不論是客場或主場 Gonzaga coach Mark Few echoed Izzo’s thoughts. "This is a special opportunity for our program to support those who fight for our country in our own small way. We’re excited to face an incredible program in Michigan State and a great colleague in Coach Izzo. I’m sure this will be a great memory for all of us," the Zags coach said in a statement. 岡薩加大學總教練馬克福 也同意伊佐的看法而表示 這對我們的學校的籃球學程來說是個特別的機會 可以表達我們對於軍旅人員的一點微小支持 The aircraft carrier craze went away after 2012, when Mother Nature played some serious lockdown defense, at least on the East Coast. In a scheduled Carrier Classic doubleheader aboard the decommissioned USS Yorktown in Charleston, South Carolina, on Nov. 9, 2012, Notre Dame beat Ohio State in a women’s game that started in the afternoon. But a men’s game between Ohio State and Marquette scheduled for the evening never started because of condensation on the court. That same night, a game against Georgetown and Florida aboard the active-duty USS Bataan in Gainesville, Florida, was called off after the first half because of condensation. 天氣始終扮演著重要因素 2011 年俄亥俄州大和馬奎特大學的比賽 喬治城大學和佛羅里達大學的比賽都因為比賽潮濕而取消 In San Diego, a game between Syracuse and San Diego State scheduled for the evening of Nov. 9 aboard the flight deck of the USS Midway Museum on the San Diego side of the bay was pushed back two days because of rain. When it was played in brilliant sunshine on the afternoon of Nov. 11, a brisk wind blowing across the bay contributed to the host Aztecs making just 1 of 18 3-point shots in a 62-49 loss to the taller Orange and its zone defense. 同年在聖地牙哥 雪城大學交手聖地牙哥州大也因為下雨而延後 到了黃昏比賽開始時卻颳起大風 讓聖地牙哥大學三分球投十八中一 輸給有身材優勢 和以區域聯防聞名的雪城橘子人 Clint Overby, vice president of ESPN Events, said all parties will consider contingencies in case of bad weather or world events that would make the aircraft carrier unavailable. 主辦單位EPSN表示會仔細評估天氣的因素 He said returning to an aircraft carrier game was "just an option that presented itself. There was no grand plan with it. It was something that was made available in terms of a discussion and we explored it and found it to be viable. More importantly, we found teams who wanted to engage in that experience and were very understanding of the logistical challenges that could be presented. "There has always been an intrigue from coaches and participating institutions to provide a thank you back to the men and women of the military," Overby said. "The number of teams that have lined up to play in these events, whether they be overseas or even domestically, that’s been, in our minds, very well-received by the intercollegiate basketball community. So, we’re excited about that." 柯林特 歐菲比 ESPN 活動副總裁表示 航母系列賽的回歸是當然的 沒有特別安排 我們只要詢問場地和願意出賽的隊伍 更重要的是 我們發現曾經參加的球隊都非常能理解 後勤和行政的困難度 比賽過後都感謝主辦單位的邀請 一直以來 航母系列賽很多球隊排隊等著想參加 作為主辦單位我們感到非常高興 ------------------------------------ 隨手翻 歡迎補充 ! 雖然是兩個月前的消息了 但還是蠻期待這系列賽的回歸 --

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