MusicMood 板


知道你在追夢的路上遇到了很多挫折 但希望你不要放棄 或許這現實的社會常常逼著我們向它低頭 但撐過了就是你的 我會一直在背後支持你 加油!! _______________________________________ Cher-You Havent Seen the Last of Me 歌曲連結
Feeling broken Barely holding on But there's just something so strong Somewhere inside me And I am down but I'll get up again Don't count me out just yet 我傷透了心 幾乎無法站立 但心中仍有微弱聲音訴說著 深藏在心裡的真心話 雖然現在傷心難過,但我一定會全癒 別那麼快就判我出局 I've been brought down to my knees And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking But I can take it I'll be back Back on my feet This is far from over You haven't seen the last of me You haven't seen the last of me 我曾跪倒在地 我曾重重被擊倒 但我仍勇敢面對 我將重回我的舞台 找回我的一切 一切都還尚未結束 這就是最真實的我 這就是最真實的我 They can say that I won't stay around But I'm gonna stand my ground You're not gonna stop me You don't know me You don't know who I am Don't count me out so fast 管別人怎麼說 那都是流言蜚語 毫不影響我 我有我的調調 你對我一點影響都沒有 你毫不知道我的潛力和能耐為何 別太早就判定我失敗 There will be no fade out This is not the end I'm down now But I'll be standing tall again Times are hard but I was built tough I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of 大好未來正在前方等待 一切都還未結束 我已茁壯 我將重回顛峰 人生苦短 但我仍會全力以赴 我會告訴你我有多努力 No no I'm not going nowhere I'm staying right here Oh no You won't see me fade out I'm not taking my bow Can't stop me It's not the end You haven't seen the last of me Oh no You haven't seen the last of me You haven't seen the last of me 我信心十足 永不放棄 我心中無懼 認真無比 你阻止不了我 絲毫都無法阻止我 你還沒看過最後的我 是的 你還沒看過最後的我 你還沒看過最後的我 -- --

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