MusicMood 板


sweetbox cinderella
Cinderella are you really that happy? 仙杜瑞拉,你真的那麼快樂嗎? Cinderella are you really that lucky? 仙杜瑞拉,你真的那麼幸運嗎? I wanna know is your life like you dream? 我想知道你的人生就像你所做的夢一樣嗎? Here I am, trying to find my way, 我在這裡,試著找尋我的歸宿 I've kissed so many frogs but I never found a prince. 我已經吻過許多的青蛙,但我從未找到王子 I think they lied, I was promised much more than this, 我覺得他們撒了謊,我許過的承諾比這還要多 where's my happy ever after ? 哪裡會是我永恆的快樂呢? Cinderella is the queen of a kingdom, 仙杜瑞拉是王國裡的皇后 Cinderella got the dreams she was dreaming, 仙杜瑞拉達成了他的夢想 I wanna know where is my happy end? 我想知道何處才是我的快樂結局 Cinderella got a prince and a kingdom, 仙杜瑞拉得到了一位王子和王國 Cinderella got the dreams she was dreaming, 仙杜瑞拉達成了他的夢想 I wanna know where is my fairy-tale? 我想知道我的童話故事究竟在哪裡呢? Something's wrong 'cause all my glass shoes break, 有一些錯誤導致我所有的玻璃鞋都已經破掉 and no once ever helped this damsel in distress, 卻從來沒有人來幫助遇險的少女 to hell it is, I'm not gonna waste more time, 管它的,我不想再浪費更多時間了 I won't wait to find prince charming! 我不會急著尋找迷人的王子 Cinderella is the queen of a kingdom, 仙杜瑞拉是王國裡的皇后 Cinderella is the queen of a kingdom, 仙杜瑞拉是王國裡的皇后 Cinderella got the dreams she was dreaming, 仙杜瑞拉達成了他的夢想 I wanna know where is my happy end? 我想知道何處才是我的快樂結局 Cinderella got a prince and a kingdom, 仙杜瑞拉得到了一位王子和王國 Cinderella got the dreams she was dreaming, 仙杜瑞拉達成了他的夢想 I wanna know where is my fairy-tale? 我想知道我的童話故事究竟在哪裡呢? Cinderella are you really that happy? 仙杜瑞拉,你真的那麼快樂嗎? Cinderella are you really that lucky? 仙杜瑞拉,你真的那麼幸運嗎? I wanna know is your life like you dream? 我 想知道你的人生就像你所做的夢一樣嗎? --

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